Hardware .

22june 2001

     Hardware that is has been and is being  developed. Calibration and in lab tests are included.
  1. ac power strip (programmable)
  2. aeron cpu
  3. air conditioners
  4. alfa iflo
  5. alfa dewar monitor
  6. alfa motor contoller
  7. alfa shutter
  8. AO19 phased array feed
  9. AO40 phased array feed
  10. az, gr, ch vertex drive systems
  11. arduino microcontrollers
  12. arecibo 2.0
  13. BYU phased array feed
  14. blackmore fmcw lidar for distance measurements
  15. bosch glm80 laser measuring tool (.pdf)
  16. cable car
  17. cabling
  18. calibration dipole manual (.pdf)
  19. callisto solar observing
  20. cals in gregorian dome
  21. clocks. ao timing
  22. datataking boot sequence.
  23. dewar monitoring
  24. dds synthesizers
  25. disc drives
  26. echotek atm digital receiver
  27. fiber optics
  28. galfa spectrometer
  29. generator (cummings diesels)
  30. gpib over ethernet
  31. grounding
  32. iflo system
  33. interim correlator
  34. ionosonde (cadi)
  35. jpl backend
  36. kollmorgen amp,pwrsupply,motors (for vertex, tiedowns, rotary floor)
  37. LabJack (12m monitor and control)
  38. laser ranging with the distomats
  39. p50 laserscanner.
  40. lidar
  41. lbfb (lband wide rf filter bank)
  42. mini gregorian
  43. motorola single board computers (for vxWorks)
  44. nvidia gpus
  45. ntp
  46. oscillations (mechanical)
  47. oscilloscopes
  48. pfs:radar Portable Fast Sampler
  49. pn code generators
  50. pdev (jeff mocks new spectrometer).
  51. pentek 78861 a/d board
  52. platform motion (vs tdTenstion,temp,az/za, and oscillations)
  53. power meter 430tx monitoring
  54. puppi (pulsar processor)
  55. rabbit bl2100 sbc
  56. radar blankers
  57. radar calibration (via satellites).
  58. rdev datataking box (pdev box for aero,planetary radar).
  59. rf radiation monitor (at visitor center)
  60. rfi hilltop monitoring system
  61. ri Radar Interface a/d system
  62. rogowski coil
  63. rtg Radar Timing Generator
  64. shutters/ receiver protection
  65. sband transmiter
  66. site power
  67. synthesizers
  68. telescope(305 meter)
  69. telescope (12 meter)
  70. temperature sensors
  71. tertiary
  72. test receivers
  73. tiedowns
  74. theodolites
  75. tilt sensors (in dome)
  76. transmitter 430 Mhz
  77. transmitter 46.8 Mhz
  78. transmitter HF
  79. turret
  80. udc (up/down converter for 12 meter)
  81. usrp
  82. wapps
  83. weather station
  84. windmeter

Third party hardware

  1. kronhite lowpass filter manuals:
  2. 327 KL tuneable filter specs (inband )   (outofband)
  3. Spectrum analyzers
  4. areca raid 1220 disc controller manual (.pdf)  (used on mock spectrometer).
  5. Power meters:
  6. Corcom ac power line filters.
  7. UPS's
  8. PowerLogic PM800 line PowerMeter (we have pm870 with the disturbance logging 800k, pm8ecc ethernet, ionEnterprise v6.0 software).
  9. Synthesizers:
  10. Lakeshore temperature monitor
  11. radiation monitors:
  12. Hp34970 DataAcquitions/switch unit  for rcvr monitoring.
  13. Keysight 33500 signal generators:

Hardware no longer in use.

  1. lband narrow filter bank