AO40/ALPACA phased array feed

june 2015

ALPACA: Advanced  Lband Phase Array Camera for Arecibo

150522: rfi test, azswings with fat dipoles
160215: parallactic rotation times for +/- 15 deg rotator
190222:  power levels in lbw while doing az swings. Measure dynamic range ao40 needs.
190305:  high time resolution power levels in lbw. Check how high the radar power gets.
190422: alpaca operational parameters, i/o rates.
190506: alpaca survey/dataproducts meeting. the rfi environment.


Development documents

    These should be read from newest to oldest since things  have changed with time

190618- ALPACA PDR#2 Overall system capabilities, rf sampling,and data storage (.pdf)  jeffs 24 pages
190502- ALPACA-CRYO PAF Dipole coupling reduction III hex layout (.pdf) (german cortes) updates II
190129- ALPACA-CRYO PAF Dipole coupling reduction II hex layout (.pdf) (german cortes)
160222 - proposal for alpaca to nsf (edited)(.pdf) 
151130 - Conceptual Design and cost Estimate for a phased array feed for AO (Jeffs) (.pdf)   54 pages

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