Temperature sensors
dome on rotary floor. (top)
- The rotary floor temperature sensor is between the two if/lo
- It is read every 10 seconds using the hp34401 (left iflo
- Software
- The program to read the data runs on the da computer: monTemp.
- the mcp window on the da computer can query the temp with the
tcl proc montemp().
- The source code is in ~phil/vw/datatk/mon/monTemp.c
- The data is written to /share/obs4/temp.dat.
- The data output format is:
- 4 byte int dddsssss *daynumber of year
and second of day
- 4 byte float (temperature in deg C)
- At the end of each year, the temperature data is moved to
- Offline programs:
- ~phil/vw/datatk/mon/dumpTemp.c will dump a file to ascii
- ~phil/ve/datatk/mon/tempSel.c .. select a range of days from
the file
- idl: gen/tempread.pro, gen/tempplot.pro read and
plot temperatures.
- The temperature in the dome is plotted each day and can be
found on the web site http://www.naic.edu/~phil, --> Gregorian
receiver room temps.
- There is a switch in front of the hp34401 that switches the
hp34401 input between the temperature sensor and one of the tilt
- The switch is controlled by one of the bits in the hp3488.
- The Tcl routine montilt will switch the input to the tilt
sensor and kill the program monTemp (see helpdt montilt). montilt must
be run in the tcl window on the da computer.
- When you are done with the tilt sensor measurements you must
restart the monTemp program (rsh da monTempStart).
Platform temperature sensor (top)
- The temperature sensor is located near the wind meter.
- It is read by the laser ranging software once every 2 minutes and
is stored in the laser ranging datafiles.
- The platform temperature is plotted daily and can be found on:
http://www.naic.edu/~phil --> platform temperature.
Temperature sensor in vertex shelter (top)
- Installed in vertex shelter jan08
- ip address
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