430 transmitter


191217: monitor the modAnode for 5 hours
191211: monitor the modAnode as well as the fiber optic beam and tail clipper pulses.
191204: monitor the modAnode after replacing the dp11 switch tube.
191203: monitor the modAnode signal for 7 hours.
191125: monitor the modAnode signal for 4.5 hours using the sps timing generator.
191118: monitor the modAnode signal for 3 hours using the local timing generator
191002: clp, tpsd rf pulse response, 430power meter.
18jan18: usrp: downstairs blanking turns on late.
01oct15: tx pulse 440 and 1000 usecs rf pulses.
04apr12: can we replace the 430tx with a ring of amiser panels?
27mar12: modAnode not staying all the way off after beam off.
16jan12: waveguide measurements
19oct10: scope trace of protect turnoff
07oct10: 430 transmit pulse sequence timing
07aug10: 1 MHz chirp transmitter pulse output
03aug10: measure klystron output of 1 MHz chirped signal using scope
Hagens 430tx operations and maintenance manual

apr12: Ionizing  radiation measured in 430 transmitter room  (.pdf)

mar17: directory holding 430tx power meter files

17dec19: monitor modAnode signal for 5 hours (top)

    The 11dec19 430 tx test continued to show a problem with the modAnode pulse. After the 11dec19 test, carlos found a problem with one of the
transistors on the fiber optic board in the tank. He replaced the transistor. On 17dec19 the 430tx test was repeated.
 The setup was:

The data was processed in blocks of 100 ipps (1.6 seconds).
An average, max hold, and min hold was computed for each time sample of the 100 ipps.

A movie was made using the 10915  1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting avg,min,max value of the 3 monitored  pulses (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting individual ipps during the failures (.ps) (.pdf)



11dec19: monitor modAnode signal for 4.5 hours (top)

    The 04dec19 the 430 tx test continued to show a problem with the modAnode pulse. On the morning of 11dec19, we repeated the 430tx test while adding
monitoring of the fiber optic beam, tail clipper pulse from the board  in the transmitter room on the wall. The setup was:

The data was processed in blocks of 100 ipps (1.6 seconds).
An average, max hold, and min hold was computed for each time sample of the 100 ipps.

A movie was made using the 10237  1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting avg,min,max value of the 3 monitored  pulses (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting individual ipps during the failures (.ps) (.pdf)



04dec19: monitor modAnode signal for 5.5 hours (top)

    The 03dec19 430 tx test continued to show a problem with the modAnode pulse. On the morning of 04dec19, the dp11 switch tube was replaced and
the test was rerun. The setup was:

The data was processed in blocks of 100 ipps (1.6 seconds).
An average, max hold, and minhold was computed for each time sample of the 100 ipps.

A movie was made using the 13425  1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting avg,min,max value of modAnode pulse (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting individual ipps during the failures (.ps) (.pdf)



03dec19: monitor modAnode signal for 6 hours (top)

    The 25Nov19 monitor test of the tx 430 mod anode was repeated on 03dec19 from 10:21 to 17:24 The  setup was:

The data was processed in blocks of 100 ipps (1.6 seconds).
An average, max hold, and minhold was computed for each time sample of the 100 ipps.

Notes on the data acquisition:

A movie was made using the 13425  1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting avg,min,max value of modAnode pulse (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting individual ipps during the failures (.ps) (.pdf)



25Nov19: monitor modAnode signal for 4+hours (top)

    The 18Nov19 monitor test of the tx 430 mod anode was repeated on 25Nov11 from 10:15 to 14:30. The new setup was:

The data was processed in blocks of 100 ipps (1.6 seconds).
An average, max hold, and minhold was computed for each time sample of the 100 ipps.

A movie was made using the 9616  1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting avg,min,max value of modAnode pulse (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting individual ipps during the failures (.ps) (.pdf)



18Nov19: monitor modAnode signal for 3+ hours (top)

    Problems with the 430tx transmitter were fixed during the beginning of November. On 18Nov19 the modAnode signal from the 430MHz Tx was monitored for about 3 hours. The setup was:

Processing the data:

    Data was processed in 100 ipp blocks (1.6 sec). The were 6806 block (10890 seconds). For each block

A movie was made using the 6806 1.6 sec blocks of data (.avi) (.mov)

Plotting the glitch at 14:43:16 and the 430tx oscillator performance (.ps) (.pdf)


processing: x101/191118/430txtest.pro

02oct19: clp and tpsd rf pulse response, 430 power meter. (top)

    Project t3365 was using  the 430 tx with:

Plotting the rf pulse response

    The plots show the transmitter response to the rf pulse (.ps) (.pdf)

Plotting the dome 430 power meter.

    A 430 MHz power meter in the dome measures the 430 power  before going out the horn

    The plot shows the power meter values during the time of the rf pulses above (.ps) (.pdf)


processing: x101/191002/430pwrmeter.pro, 430baud.pro

18jan18:Usrp, downstairs blanking turns on late.

    Experiment T3150 ran a clp experiment with a 6ms ipp and a 346 usec rf pulse. The downstairs thumb wheel blanking was set to 160 usecs.

    Data was taken with the gregorian dome into the usrp sampling system (no ch ).

    The usrp sampled a combination of the rf signal  (coming from the 430 receiver upstairs.. about 3.5 usecs transit time) and the tx samples (coming from the waveguide probes in the tx room .. negligible delay).


     The receiver signal is blanked (upstairs in the dome ) and down stairs in the receiver room.

Problems with the data.

    The usrp data for t3150 was analyzed for
Looking at the 17,18th data, the blanking region at the start of the txIpp was about 10usecs shorter than normal.

The plots show a single tx pulse for 17 and 18 jan18 (.ps) (.pdf):

What is happening:

On 22jan18 we checked the test blanking output signal that went to dana's blanker.

processing: x101/180119/430txblnk.pro

01oct15: 440 and 1000 usec rf pulse:

    Data taken on 01oct15 was used to examine two different rf pulses:
Both of these pulses were modulated by the coded long pulse random pn code.
The plots show the different rf pulses (.ps) (.pdf)


processing: x101/151001/chktxdroop.pro

27mar12 Mod anode not staying completely off after beam off.

    The mod anode was not staying completely off after the rf pulse turned off. The mod anode output of the transmitter console is plotted below for various HV settings. These measurements were taken with a single klystron (klyA) installed.'

19oct10: scope trace of protect turnoff. (top)

    On 19oct10 we did a test to look at how quickly the 430 ch  receiver could be turned on after the rf pulse of the transmitter goes off. The setup was:


ACK at hagens box, IF SIGNAL, RF pulse at hagens box, protectCmd leaving hagens box
protect turn off

07oct10: 430 transmit pulse sequence timing (top)

The picture below shows the 430 transmiter transmit sequence. a (.pdf version) is also available)

tx transmit

07aug10: 1 MHz chirp transmitter pulse output. (top)

    T2568 was a meteor experiment that used a 1 MHz chirped transmiter pulse. The setup was:
The plots show the sampled data (.ps) (.pdf):

processing: 101001/atmri.pro

03aug10: measure klystron output of 1 MHz chirped signal using scope (top)

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