cband instabilities 2011/2012
PolA of cband has had stability problems
2011-2012 . A dropout in polB of cband was reported on 14jul12.
- crosshead oscillations:
- PolA: The cross head oscillation caused a gain change of
about 1% in tsys.
- Wacking on the dewar caused large spikes in the rf output of
the dewar.
- This was fixed when the dewar was brought down to the lab
and worked on (may12)
- PolA stage 2 drain current:
- PolA stage2 drain current readings have had rms increases
during 2011 and much of 2012.
- Adjusting the biases caused stage 2 drain current rms
to increase.
- driving the stage 2 polA by the unused stage 3 caused the
rms to increase on the drain currents.
- RF total power variations occur when the stage2 drain
current rms increases.
- replacing polA amp 18 with amp19 got rid of the rms
increases in the drain current (although tsys went up).
- Putting amp 18 back caused the jumps in polA drain current
to reappear.
- PolB stage 2 drain current spikes.
- narrow spikes started to appear in polB stage 2 drain
current around 6jun12.
- vlbi reported dropouts 14jul12 on polB. there were a few
polB stage 2 drain current spikes during this time.
- It's not obvious whether the polB spikes are real or a
monitoring artifact.
26oct12:polA drain current jumps around
with amp#18
On 18oct12 cband was warmed up and opened (in
the dome). The new amp #18 was replaced with the older amp#19. A
bad elbow was found in the dewar.
The plots show the drain current
(polA,B) using amp#18 (25sep-18oct12) and amp#19 (pre 25sep and
after 18oct12) (.ps) (.pdf)
- top,2nd frames: drain current stage 1 polA and polB
- day number 290 was 16oct12.
- 3rd,bottom frames: drain current stage 2 polA and polB.
- The left of the break is amp 18 before the 18oct12 warmup
- the right of the break is amp 19 after the 18oct12 warmup.
- You can see that polA stage 2 drain current started jumping
around after amp 19 was put back in.
- It was not jumping around when amp 18 was installed.
The cable from the bias chassis to the dewar was
replaced on 29aug12 at 8:24 am. Cband is still using the bias
chassis from sbh.
A plot was made of the drain
currents before and after the cable change (.ps) (.pdf).
- cband drain currents.
- Dates:
- 240.4 : (27aug12)bias box was switched
- 242.4: (29aug12) bias cable replaced
- 248.3: (04sep12) bias voltages turned off for start of
430 dual beam run.
- Top Stage1 polA
- 2nd: Stage1 polB
- 3rd: Stage 2 PolA
- 4th: Stage 2 polB
- Looks like stage2 polA still has more glitches than the other
measurements even after the bias cable switch.
27aug12: cband switched to use sbh bias
To debug the polA instabilities, the bias box
for cband was replaced with the bias box from sbh on 27aug12.
The plot shows the cband bias
drain currents for 27,28aug12 (.ps) (.pdf)
- The switch occurred around 10AM on 27aug12. (marked with a
vertical dashed blue line).
- Black is stage 1, red
is stage 2, green is stage 2 powered by stage 3.
- Top frame: PolA drain current.
- Till 10am it was driven by stage 3 (green). After 10am it
was driven by stage 2 of the new bias box
- Bottom frame: polB drain currents
- switching to the new bias box did not stop the rms increases
for stage 2 polA drain current
- The polB values drain current values differ from the old
values by a few 10's of milliamps
- The next place to look for the stage 2 polA drain current
problem is:
- cable bias box to dewar
- In the dewar.
20aug12: polA total power changes with
stage2 drain current rms increase. (top)
The output of the cband receiver was monitored
for a few hours on 20aug12 to check its stability. The setup was:
- telescope sitting at: az=285,za=11
- data was recorded 9:30 to 12pm
- The receiver was set to 5000MHz.
- The interim correlator recorded the following:
- 25 MHz bw, 1024 channels, 1 second sampling
- this was duplicated in 4 separate interim correlator boards.
- The total power was then computed over the 25 MHz band.
- The dewar monitoring was recording the bias voltages. Cband's
values got recorded every 30 seconds.
plots show the results of the monitoring (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: the full 2.5 hour stretch of data.
- Top: total power vs time ( 1 second sampling).
- Black in polA, red is polB.
- The data has been normalized to the median value and then
1 has been subtracted. This makes the vertical scale units
Tsys. There are 4 copies of pol
A and polB from the 4 interim correlator boards. An offset
was added for display purposes..
- You can see the rms of the total power increase around 10
and 11 am (after a drop in value).
- Middle: drain voltages
- the different amp stages and pols are color coded. It
looked pretty stable.
- bottom: Drain currents
- The stages, pols are color coded.
- PolA stage 2 starts jumping around when the rf power
rms increases. This happens in both instances.
- Page 2,3: blowup of the rf power rms increase.
- Page 2: first event.
- Page 3: 2nd event
- again only polA is plotted.
- The rms of polA rf power increased. This occurred
after a drop in the value (don't know whether it is gain or
- The drain current for stage 2 starts to jump around during
this occurrence.
- It happened twice in two hours. It lasted for 15 to 20
- The dewar bias monitoring for july was plotted on 31jul12.
It showed polB jumping.
- If you look closely you will also see the rms on stage 2
drain current was also increasing and decreasing.
31jul12: plot dewar bias values for jul12.
Jumps in polB were reported on 14jul12 during
a vlbi run. The bias monitoring for jul12 was examined to see if
it was stable.
voltage and current monitoring of the dewar biases
from jul12 is plotted (.pdf):
- Black is polA, red is polB.
- When all stages jump up, the sband or 430 tx is usually on.
- Top: voltages for stage 1
- 2nd: voltages for stage 2
- 3rd : currents for stage 1
- bottom : currents for stage 2
- PolB( red) has narrow spikes in it while the other values do
not show any jumps.. This started around 6jun12.
- there were 2 jumps during the 14jul12 run that chris
- This may be real, or a problem with monitoring
- You can also see intermittent increases in the rms for polA
drain current stage 2 during the month.
- stage 2 polB drain current measurements show narrow spikes
while the other measurements are clean.
- This could be a monitoring problem, or it could be the
problem with polB.
- stage 2 polA drain current show an intermittent rms increase
in values.
- This has been going on for much of 2012.
31may12: check cband after reinstalled in
dome. (top)
the cband receiver was brought to the lab on
13may12, worked on , and then reinstalled 30may12. On 31may12
blank sky was tracked with the cband receiver to check the
stability. The setups was:
- The cband receiver was centered at 5000 Mhz.
- The mock spectrometer took a 172 Mhz band with 8K channels.
The data was sampled at 10 hz.
- Blank sky was tracked: 10:30:00,24:00:00. The azimuth went
from 240-222 deg, the za fromj 12.3 -> 7.8 deg. The data was
taken around 17:00 hours ast.
- About 25 minutes of data was taken.
Processing the data:
- The rms by channel was computed using the 14000 .1 second
- A robust linear fit to the rms was used to exclude frequency
channels that had rfi.
- the total power was then computed over the remain channels
The plots show the results of the
measurement (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: total power vs time:
- The vertical scale is +/- 1% of Tsys.
- The raw data (black) is samples at 10Hz.
- the colored lines (red,green) have been smoothed to 5
- Top: polA pwr vs time. You can see a jump around 1145
- 2nd: polB pwr vs time. polB does not jump when polA jumps.
- bottom: over plot the smoothed polA ,polB total power vs
- Page 2: total power vs time: blowup
around polA jump
- This shows the jump with .1 sec resolution.
- the pwer jumped .003Tsys in about 5 seconds.
- Page 3: spectral magnitude of total power.
- the transform of the total power was computed and then the
magnitude was plotted vs frequency.
- Top: 5 Hz
- Bottom: 1.5 Hz blowup.
- You know longer see the 1.2 hz cross head oscillation. It
was strong before the dewar was brought to the lab (see below.
- Page 4: cband bias values during measurement.
- I plotted the cband bias values (currents stage 1,2 and
voltages stage 1,2) during the measurement.
- Top,2nd bias currents
- 3rd,bottom: bias voltages
- The blue dashed line is when polA jumped. The bias values
remained stable.
- The cband dewar no longer has a gain variation at the cross
head frequency (as it did prior to being brought to the lab).
- There was a small jump in polA (.003Tsys) during the 25 minute
- It is a bit suspicious that polA was the one that had the
problem prior to being worked on.
- There were slow variations in both pols of about .005
Tsys during the measurements. This could be sidelobes (sun?) or
09may12: cross head oscillation
causes a gain change. (top)
Cband was seeing an rf oscillation of about 1%
synchronized to the cross head cycle (1.2hz). High time
resolution data was taken with the 25 hz cal running to see if
this was an increase of Tsys or a gain change.
The setup was:
- 25 hz hardware winking cal with high correlated cal (20
milliseconds on , 20 milliseconds off)
- mock spectrometers 7 x 170 Mhz bands covering 5 to 6 Ghz.
- 1024 channels, 1 millisecond dump time.
- Take 60 seconds of data.
Processing the data:
- For each 172 Mhz band compute the total power for polA, B for
each 1 millisecond. We ended up with a 1 ghz total power single
at 1 millisecond time sampling.
- data set 1: Scale the data to the average cal deflection for
the 60 seconds. This assumes the gain is constant.
- data set 2: Scale each 40 millisecond cal to its own cal
- Remove the cal by subtracting 1/2 the cal deflection from the
cal on, and adding 1/2 the cal deflection for the cal off.
- For dataSet 1 use the average cal deflection for the 60
- for dataSet 2 use the average cal deflection for each 40
millisecond calon,cal off.
The plots show the results of the
measurements (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1 total power vs time:
- Top: Total power vs time polA for each of the 7 172 Mhz
- The bands have been offset for display. The oscillation
seen is the 25 hz cal.
- Bottom: Average the 7 172 Mhz total power time series.
- Black is polA, red is polB.
- Page 2: Tsys vs time:
- use the averaged (over frequency) time series
- Black is polA, red is polB
- Top: Use the average cal deflection for the 60 seconds to
scale the data.
- This assumes the gain is constant.
- remove 1/2 the cal deflection from the cal on, add 1/2 the
cal deflection to the cal off.
- Smooth the data to 41 milliseconds.
- PolA (black) shows the cross head oscillation of 1.2 hz
(.83333 seconds).
- The amplitude is about 1% Tsys peak to peak.
- PolB (red ) does not show this oscillation
- Bottom: compute Tsys by scaling each 40 millisecond
conon,off separately.
- this assumes the gain is constant within the
40 millisecond calon,off.
- remove 1/2 the cal deflection from the cal on, add 1/2 the
cal deflection to the cal off.
- Do this separately for each 40 millisecond calon,off.
- The 1.2 Hz oscillation is no longer evident.
- Page 3. Fold the 60 second dataset to 3 cycles of the cross
- Top: Use data set 1 scaled to the average cal deflection.
- You see the .833 second cycle
- Bottom: Use data set 2 scaling each 40 millisecond calon,off
- You no longer see the cross head period.
- There is a glitch the cross head start.
- This is probably caused when a 40 millisecond cal cycle
crosses the cal cycle.
- The 1.2 Hz cross head cycle is seen in the rf output.
- The peak to peak variation is about 1% Tsys.
- The cross head cycle is not seen in the Tsys signal when each
40 millisecond cal deflection is scaled separately.
- This implies that the
change is a gain change, and not a Tsys increase.
processing: x101/120509/
08-12 may12: Dewar monitoring of Drain
voltages and Drain currents. (top)
A plot was made of the drain current and drain
voltage for 08may12-12may12 (.ps) (.pdf):
- Data is recorded every 30 seconds,.
- Black is polA, Green is polA stage 2 after switch to stage 3
circuitry, red is polB, dashed purple line is where the biases
were adjusted.
- daynumbers:
- 129 - 08may12
- 130 - 09may12
- Dewar biases adjusted near 130.48
- sband transmitter on 130.8-130.9
- 131 - 10may12
- bias chassis brought down to the lab. stage 2 monitoring
was switched to use the stage 3 circuitry in the bias
- 132 - 11may12
- 133 - 12may12
- Top: dewar drain voltage stage 1
- 2nd: dewar drain voltages stage 2
- 3rd : dewar drain current stage 1
- bottom dewar drain current stage2
- Adjusting the bias currents on 09may12 and then returning them
to their original values caused the current in stage 2 polA to
start jumping around
- It continued for the next day.
- When the stage 2 monitoring was changed to port 3 on
the bias card, the polA jumping around continued.
- This may be saying that the cband problem may be in the bias
cards rather than the dewar.
- I looked at the bias voltages and currents during the large
signal jumps of the x102 run on 08may12 (18:50-19:30). Nothing
unusual occurred.
processing: x101/120510/
cband page