R2696 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter


06aug12- test data 

16may12 - run on the moon

14may12 - test run.


       r2696 is doing  bi static sband measurements with AO transmitting and the LRO satellite receiving the echo from the moon. The experiment setup is:

14may12: test run

    We did a test run on 14may12. The telescope  was at a za of 19.69 since the moon had already set. The transmitter output was about 200 K Watts.

Plots were made of the recorded Tx data (.ps) (.pdf):

Summary  14may12:

processing: x101/120514/lrotest.pro

16may12: Run with lro satellite.

    On 16may12 we did a run with the lro satellite receiving the echo off of the moon. Data was taken with the ri (as described in the intro).

Processing the sampled chirp:

Plotting the data:

Summary/Todo: 16may12:

processing: x101/120516/lro.pro

06aug12 test run

    We did a test where lro generator was sampled by the ri (the sband transmitter was off). The setup was:
