sband high (3-4 GHz receiver)
GHz. It has a quadridge OMT (native linear polarization) and a
ying/kildal horn. The receiver was installed on the telescope
performance measurements
of Tsys.
Calibration measurements
09jul20: sbh back online. had to replace both lna' original sbh
amp from 2000 and an old sbn amp.
25apr20: sbh warmed up to be brought down to lab for work
31dec19: felix reports:SBH is showing a low ID on stage #1 of PolA
LNA. At this point it could be a bad bias card or just bad data
being sent
02dec19: felix reports: After the last thermal cycle SBH's PolA has
become erratic. It seems there is no control over the transistor
gate in stage #1
09mar04: Measured cal values (new diodes installed 13feb04) using
sky and absorber
13feb04: shi receiver moved down .8 inches into focus, new cal
diodes installed.
09may03: measured cal values using sky and absorber.
22mar02: receiver installed on telescope
calibration used to measure 1az term of platform.
02jul09: Tsys vs
freq and cal values over entire band.
Feb04-Jun04: sbh GAIN CURVES.
Feb04-Jun04: System
performance of data used for gain curves.
may03-sep03: sbh GAIN CURVES.
may03-sep03: System
performance of data used for gain curves.
calibration runs. Performance: gain,tsys,sefd,pnterr,etc..
23mar02: cal and Tsys
versus frequency.
the sbh receiver.
All measurements by date:
20jul20 check sbh after rf and bias cable
fixed. polA had extra bandpass ripples
The rf cable from the dewar to the blue
cabinet and the bad polA bias cable were repaired. On 20jul20
blank sky was tracked for about 2 hours
(from za=19 at rise to about za=11.. the dec was about 15.25
deg). Scans were taken with 300 1sec spectra each
followed by a 10 sec cal on,off.
The mock spectrometer was configured as:
- 7 172 mhz bands covering 3000 to 4000 Mhz.
- 1 second dumps
A total of 22 5 minutes ons were taken (3 extra ons at the end
had a different configuration). During the 2 hours of observation
there was a period of heavy rain.
The first set of plots show the spectra (.ps) (.pdf)
- page 1: average spectra for 110 minutes of observing.
- Each 5 min on was scaled to Kelvins using the cals
- no bandpass correction was done.
- Red is polA
- Green is polB
- Top: band centered at 3290 Mhz
- Bottom: band centered at 3340 MHz
- You can see the high frequency oscillation in the polA
bandpass in both frequency bands.
- Page 2: a 5 minute average spectra centered at 3340 Mhz (after
the rain finished)
- top: average spectra
- You can see the ripples in a 5 minute average
- Middle: the autocorrelation (fft of the spectra)
- The x axis is lag delay
- If there was a bad match somewhere in the signal path you
would see a spike at that delay
- PolA acf has extra power spread out over 2.5 usecs.. so
it is not a problem with a few bad matches.
- Bottom: acf plotted vs round trip distance.
- the x axis is the round trip distance for a reflection
(assume vel=c/2 or 150 Meter/usec).
- If a reflection was in a cable, then the distance's would
be about 30% shorter (vel=.7*c/2)
- Page 3: total power for the 3340 Mhz band.
- The total power for each 1 second spectra was computed for
the 3340 Mhz band.
- The total power was normalized to the median value over the
2 hours (.. tsys).
- This used the raw spectra without the cal corrections
- So gain changes every 5 minutes would not be corrected by
using the cal
- Top: total power vs hour of day
- The large bump around 14.9 hours was the heavy rainfall.
- PolA and polB started to diverge around 15.5 hours
- Middle: total power vs za.
- the observation started around 19.5 degrees, came down to
3 degrees and then back out to about 11 deg
- the declination tracked was around 15.25 deg.
- Bottom: blowup of total power vs time after the rain.
- you can see the change in polA around 15.5 hours.
- the noise in polA is much larger than polB.
The second set of plots partially
removes the bandpass of the spectra (.ps) (.pdf)
- At arecibo you would normally do position switching to remove
the bandpass and any standing waves.
- Since we only had 5 minute ons, I removed the bandpass using
adjacent spectra; spcBpc[i]=spc[i]/spc[i+1] where i is one
of the 22 average spectra.
- This will remove the stable IF bandpass shape, but will not
remove any standing waves from noise scattered into the
- Page 1: over plots the bandpass corrected spectra.
- After dividing the avg spectra by the next 5 minute
average, i removed a linear baseline.
- Only spectra after the rain were used (starting at 15.38
- the spectra are offset for display purposes
- You can see that the noise in polAn (red) is a lot
larger than the noise in polB (green)
- Page 2: rms of bandpass corrected spectra
- the rms was computed across each normalized spectra
- 5% of the bandpass on each side was excluded from the
- Top rms vs hour of day
- red is polA , green is polB
- the blue line is the expected rms using the channel width
(172mhz/8192, 300 second average, and the division for the
bandpass correction).
- The expected value is .0056 Tsys.
- PolB is .001 and polB is twice that. We didn't reach
the expected value because the bandpass correction was not
an exact off position.
- Bottom: ratio rmsPolA/rmsPolB
- the polA rms is about twice that of polB
- PolA spectra have much larger ripples across their
bandpass than polB
- the acf's show that the ripples are not from a few bad
reflections in the signal path
- the rms noise across the polA band pass is a factor of 2 worse
than that of polB
- The .343 hz spikes in the total power spectra have gone
- What to do
- We might try switching things to see where the ripples go
- switch output of dewar to make sure it is in the dewar
- try using a different bias card on polA to see if the bias
card has problems
- We are scheduled to replace the lna's in a few
weeks.. so maybe we live with this for awhile.
processing: x101/200720/
12jul20 oscillation in polA
--> 15jul20.. found 2 problems
- blue cable between postamps and if/lo chassis had a
loose connection
- bad bias cable connection polA .. connector needs to be
repaired. This is the major problem for polA.
The sbn receiver was reinstalled in the
dome on 9jul20. The 2 sbh lna's had to be replaced. One was an
older sbh amp. the other was an old sbn amp.
using the mock spectrometer. Position switching was done with 3
min on and 3 min off.
Spectra were sampled at 2ms and stored. The total power was then
computed for 10Mhz bands (after removing rfi).
href="">the abs(fft) of the total power
data for a 3min off scan (.ps) (.pdf)
- The 10Mhz totalpower band was centered at 3205 MHz.
- Black is polA, red is polB
- The freq resolution is about 5 MilliHz
- top frame: 0 to 70Hz
- you can see the comb below 10Hz.
- polA has stronger 60Hz than polB
- Bottom frame: 0 to 10 hz
- the green lines flag every .343 hz
- The comb is mainly in polA.
processing: x101/200712/
Feb04 to Jun04 fit GAIN
CURVES to calib data. (top...)
gain curve plot
Gain curves were fit to the sband high
calibration gain data using 13Feb04 through
30jun04. The start of this epoch was after the als were
replaced and the dewar was lower .8 inches to bring it into focus.
The plots show the gain data (black) and the fits (red) for 3300,
3500, 3700, and 3825 Mhz. These gain equations were installed on
03Jul04 and back data to be valid starting on 13feb04.
- Fig 1 shows the az,za distribution for the data. The fit used
a linear fit in za up to za=14. Above 14 degrees terms in
(za-14)^2 and (za-14)^3 were included. The fit also
included 1az, 2az, and 3az sin, cos terms.
- Fig 2 plots the gain data and the fit to za. The fit
equation is plotted with the sigma for the fit (in K/Jy).
- Fig 3 plots the fit residuals (data-fit) vs za.
return the sbh gain for data after 12feb04 from these
equations. The coefficients can be found in the ascii file
data/gain.datR8 (this is provided in the AO idl
distribution for correlator routines). You can also find a copy of
it at AO in /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/data/gain.datR8.
processing: x101/sbh/mar04/
feb04 thru jun04 :
System performance of data used to compute gain curves. (top...)
13feb04 (new cals, horn lowered) thru 30jun04 were used to measure
system performance. This data was then used to compute the gain
curves used after 12feb04.
The first set of plots show
the system performance with all frequencies overplotted. The
sources are identified
by symbol and the frequencies by color.
- Fig 1 shows the distributions on the dish of the measurements.
- Fig 2 has the Gain in Kelvins/Jansky. This relies on the cals
and the source flux. Ths next plot is Tsys vs za in
Kelvins followed by the SEFD (System Equivalent Flux
density) in Janskies / Tsys. At the bottom is the average beam
width in arc seconds.
- Fig 3 plots the coma parameter, first sidelobe height below
the peak, the main beam efficiency, followed by the main beam +
1st sidelobe beam efficiency.
- Fig 4 has the pointing errors in az,za.
The second set of plots has the
plotted separately for each frequency. The colors and symbols
are used to differentiate the sources. The figures are:
- Fig 1 3300 Mhz Gain,Tsys . 282 points
- Fig 2 3300 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
- Fig 3 3500 Mhz Gain,Tsys 282 points.
- Fig 4 3500 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies.
- Fig 5 3700 Mhz Gain,Tsys 282 points.
- Fig 6 3700 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
- Fig 7 3825 Mhz Gain,Tsys 201 points.
- Fig 8 3825 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
processing: x101/sbh/mar04/
May03 to Sep03 fit GAIN
CURVES to calib data. (top...)
gain curve plot
Gain curves were fit to the sband high
gain data from 15may03 through 30sep03. The start of this
epoch was after the shimmin g of the elevation rails in feb03. The
end date was chosen so that the cal had not drifted too much (see
warning below). The plots show the gain data (black) and the fits
(red) for 3300, 3500, 3700, and 3900 Mhz. These gain equations
were installed on 10mar04.
- Fig 1 shows the az,za distribution for the data. The fit used
a linear fit in za up to za=14. Above 14 degrees terms in
(za-14)^2 and (za-14)^3 were included. The fit also
included 1az, 2az, and 3az sin, cos terms.
- Fig 2 plots the gain data and the fit to za. The fit
equation is plotted with the sigma for the fit (in K/Jy).
- Fig 3 plots the fit residuals (data-fit) vs za.
Warning: The sbh cal was drifting in time (see tsys
plots). During this period it was relatively stable. Use
these curves outside this region with care. The cals were replaced
in feb04.
The routine gainget() or corhgainget() will
now return the sbh gain for data after 01mar03 from these
equations. The coefficients can be found in the ascii file
data/gain.datR8 (this is provided in the AO idl
distribution for correlator routines). You can also find a copy of
it at AO in /home/phil/idl/data/gain.datR8.
processing: x101/sbh/mar03/
may03 thru feb04 :
System performance of data used to compute gain curves. (top...)
15may03 (after shimming) thru 30sep03 were used to measure the
system performance. This data was then used to compute the gain
curves used after 01mar03.
The first set of plots show
the system performance with all frequencies overplotted. The
sources are identified
by symbol and the frequencies by color.
- Fig 1 shows the distributions on the dish of the measurements.
- Fig 2 has the Gain in Kelvins/Jansky. This relies on the cals
and the source flux. Ths next plot is Tsys vs za in
Kelvins followed by the SEFD (System Equivalent Flux
density) in Janskies / Tsys. At the bottom is the average beam
width in arc seconds.
- Fig 3 plots the coma parameter, first sidelobe height below
the peak, the main beam efficiency, followed by the main beam +
1st sidelobe beam efficiency.
- Fig 4 has the pointing errors in az,za.
The second set of plots has the
plotted separately for each frequency. The colors and symbols
are used to differentiate the sources. The figures are:
- Fig 1 3300 Mhz Gain,Tsys . 295 points
- Fig 2 3300 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
- Fig 3 3500 Mhz Gain,Tsys 294 points.
- Fig 4 3500 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies.
- Fig 5 3700 Mhz Gain,Tsys 293 points.
- Fig 6 3700 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
- Fig 7 3900 Mhz Gain,Tsys 294 points.
- Fig 8 3900 Mhz sidelobes,beam efficiencies
processing: x101/sbh/mar03/
calibration runs. (top...)
(B0038+328,B0316+162:CTA21,B0518+165:3C138) during the day and on
11apr02 (B1328+254,B1535+139) using the standard heiles
scans. Data was taken at 3300, 3500, 3700, and 3900 Mhz
(Note: the cal values at 3900 Mhz were extrapolated from measured
cal values at 3700 Mhz). The plots show the
system performance.
- Figure 1 show the gain in K/Jy, Tsys in K, SEFD in Jy/Tsys,
and the average beam width. Sources are plotted with different
symbols. Color is used separate the 4 frequencies.
- Figure 2 plots the coma parameter, first sidelobe height
relative to the peak in db's, main beam efficiency, and the main
beam plus first sidelobe beam efficiency.
- Figure 3 plots the pointing error in za (versus za,az),
pointing error in az (versus za, az), and the total pointing
error (sqrt(azerr^2+zaerr^2) versus za, and az. At top is
plotted the mean and rms for the zaerr, azerr, and total error.
processing: x101/sbh/apr02/
23mar02: cal and
tsys versus frequency. (top...)
were done across the frequency range 3 GHz to 3.7 GHz using the high
correlated cal. 3.7 to 4 GHz was not covered because we do not yet
have cal values for this range. When the cals were measured on the
hill with the horn pointing at the sky, the 3.7 to 4 GHz range was
contaminated by the satellite tv band (looking straight up, the beam
is +/- 60 degrees ). On the telescope the narrow beam limits how
often we see a satellite.
The plots show cal
value versus frequency and the system temperature versus frequency.
It looks a bit strange that the shape of the high and low cal differ
by so much for some of the cals (since they differ by a 10db
processing: x101/020322/