H3211 anthea's hf exp 26jul17


10 second resolution:
range vs time plot for the peak freq channel (at 10 seconds time resolution) (.png)
range vs time for the peak  freq channel was plotted for each of the 8 min hf on sections (.ps) (.pdf):

.1 second resolution:
the 8 minute turn on at 19.78 hours  using .1 second time resolution (.png)
a movie of spectra vs range for the time period 19.7817 thru 19.8174 hrs utc (.avi) (.mov)
the ranges 216.5 thru 221.0 km are over plotted for the 8 minute on (.ps)  (.pdf)
 range vs time for 23 seconds around the turn on at 19.78 Hours (.ps) (.pdf)

link to movies:
10 second resolution, all range frequencies
10 second resolution, blowing up height, freq, around the enhanced plasma line
10 second resolution, blowup of e region enhancement at 434.5 MHz
.1 second resolution, of the 8 min hf on containing the maximum enhancement.

link to hf setup, description:


   h3211 took data on 26jul17 from 14:00 to 16:45 (ast) using the hf facility and  the 430 tx.

Processing the data:

    The data processing was done twice: once with a 10 second integration, and later part of the data set was processed at .1 second integration time. The steps for each set was:

Range vs time for peak enhanced freq channel for entire run.

The first plot shows the range vs time plot for the peak freq channel (at 10 seconds time resolution) (.png)

Blowups of the 8 min hf on sections (10 sec resolution).

    The range vs time for the peak  freq channel was plotted for each of the 8 min hf on sections (.ps) (.pdf):

.1 second time resolution image of the 8 min hf on at 19.78 hrs

    an image was made of the 8 minute turn on at 19.78 hours  using .1 second time resolution (.png)

.1 sec res, spectra vs range  movie

Over plotting the peak freq channel vs range and time for 8 minutes

Using the peak freq channel, the ranges 216.5 thru 221.0 km were over plotted for the 8 minute on (.ps)  (.pdf)

Over plotting the peak freq chan vs range for the 1st 23 seconds

    the peak freq channel is plotted range vs time for 23 seconds around the turn on at 19.78 Hours (.ps) (.pdf)

processing: x101/170726/anthea.pro