Torques at various turret max velocities


     The turret uses a pid loop to move. After the pid loop computation, the velocity command is clipped to the maximum velocity.
The turret has a maximum velocity of about 18deg/sec. We normally run it with a maximum velocity set to 3 deg/sec (pnt tur maxvel 3).
Sband experiments will set the maximum velocity to 6deg/sec  for their short moves between the sband tx and rx positions.  Recently we've had
problems where the turret oscillates while it is moving.

    On 04nov19 data was taken with 4 different settings to see if the turret feedback showed anything unusual. The setting were:

    In the first 3 runs, the floor will go as fast as possible (while staying within the maxvel limitation). There  is not much feedback on the velocity since it is being clipped at the maxvel. For the final test, the 1deg/sec rate is within the maxvel rating so the pid loop will  be able to feed back the error into the velocity.

The tests were done with the dome at 11deg za. This has a floor tilt of 1 deg (the floor is level at za=10deg).
For most tests the turret was moved from 26 to 340 degrees (alfa to 327 rcvr).
The maxvel=1deg/sec run only had a CW rotation ( i ran out of time).

The plots are:

The 3 pages of each plot have:



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