Data was taken from AO9 (center
of the dish) on day3 (24may18) starting around 11:15 . A 4 GHz
bandwidth scan was done. The scan included the dish, ground
screen, hills behind ground screen, below the dish (through the
panel holes), and a few shots of the platform.
An uncalibrated data set was
left for AO to play with. 11 .las files were provided:
The scanner coordinate system was:
- centered at ao9 (the center of the dish).
- It was about .5 meters above the bottom of the dish
- xyz coordinates
- y was about 31 degrees west of north
- x was about 31 degrees north of east
- +z was vertical up
- r,theta,phi(el)
- r was distance in meters from the scanner
- theta(az) was about the +z axis. CCW was positive
- phi(el) was measured from z=0. positive was up
The first set of plots
the scan pattern (.ps) (
- Page 1: entire scan
- The range, azimuth, and elevation come from the scanner
- the azimuth 0 was about 31 degrees west of north.
- top: range vs time for the 2900 second scan
- The data was smoothed to .333 seconds
- The sample rate was 36108 smp/sec
- To get this i used an az rate of 1deg/sec and then
fit for az vs sample.
- each step in range is a different elevation scan
- the green vertical line is the edge of the dish (using
max elevation= 17.53 degrees)
- The dips in range are from the hf dipole antennas in
the dish blocking the scanner view.
- middle: azimuth angle vs time
- There were 9 azimuth scans (the last 2 are off the
- The blue line is the area blown up on the 2nd page
- bottom: the elevation angle vs time
- The black line uses the raw scanner values
- the red line offsets the scanner z value by .5 meters.
This is close to the offset of the scanner base from the
- The averaging has smoothed the 4 degree nodding of the
- Page 2: 360 deg azimuth strip with elevation around 9
- there are 12e6 points in a strip. I plotted every 1000th
point to keep the file size reasonable.
- Top: range vs azimuth angle
- the vertical smearing is from the 4 degree elevation
- The range dropouts are where the scanner hits the 5
and 8 MHz hf dipoles. They stick up from the bottom of
the dish.
- 2nd frame: azimuth vs sample
- The red line is a linear fit to the azimuth vs sample
- Page 3 is a blowup around the blue dashed line
- 3rd frame: azimuth - linear fit vs azimuth
- You can see the deviation of the azimuth pattern from
a linear swing.
- There are sections that line up with where we hit the
hf dipoles. Not sure why they should have offsets or
different slopes?
- bottom frame: elevation angle vs azimuth
- You see the 4deg elevation nodding.
- Page 3: .5 second blowup, full resolution (see blue line
on page 2)
- top: range vs time
- the 63 to 98 meter nodding comes from the elevation
moving 4 degrees by the scanner mirror.
- middle: azimuth vs time
- the azimuth is increasing.
- On top of that, there is a sawtooth that increases and
decreases with the elevation nodding.
- It's not obvious why increasing the elevation (and
range) should change the azimuth rate.. It may be from
the laser offset from the center of azimuth rotation.
- bottom: elevation vs time
- there is a 4 degree up down motion (done by a mirror
in the scanner).
- It takes about 30 milliseconds to move the 4 degrees.
Scan Pattern summary:
- 9 azimuth scans of 360 degrees. The last two were off the
- data points output at 36108 points/second
- the azimuth rotation was 1 deg/second
- the elevation was nodded by 4 degrees at 30ms/4deg
- the elevation step between az strips was about 3.5
- Questions:
- why does the azimuth fit show jumps after each hf dipole
processing: x101/blackmore/ao9_4g/
Filtering out points not on the
A number of recorded points did not come
from reflections off the dish. They include:
- The last 2 azimuth strips were the ground screen and
- the hf dipoles block areas of the dish
- the laser would occasionally see through the holes in the
limiting in x,y,z and elevation:
A first attempt at limiting the points
was to limit the x,y,z , and elevation of the data points:
- AO9 is at the center of the dish. the scanner was about .5
meters above the bottom of the dish.
- the dish is 305 meters across (at the top) so the max x,y
values should be 305/2 =152.5 meters
- I limited the x,y values to abs(x) abs(y) < 150
- The radius of curvature of the dish is 265.176 meters.
- the zenith angle to the edge of the dish is 35.1 degrees.
- this gives a maximum z elevation of 48.17 meters
- zmax=Radius*(1 - cos(zaMaxtel)
- this also constrains the maximum elevation to be 17.63
- maxEl=atan((zmax - ao9ToDish)/xymax)
- plotting z vs x, the curvature of the plot bottoms out
around -.7 meters.
- there were 105e6 points recorded.
- after constraining x,y,z, and elevation, there remained
78.3 million points.
Median filtering:
We expect the x,y,z values to change
slowly as we scan across the dish. Exceptions to this will
occur if:
- we hit something above the dish
- the laser goes through one of the holes in a panel.
To remove sharp jumps:
- A median filter of length 15 was used (15 samples is about
.06 degrees in elevation nodding)
- the filtered data was subtracted from the sample data
- any points above or below a threshold were removed.
- This was done for x,y,z, radius, azimuth, and elevation
The plots show
an example of the median filtering (.ps) (.pdf)
- 20,000 points are displayed (starting around 1295 seconds
into the dataset)
- Page 1: x,y
- top: x scanning
- 2nd: x scan - median(x,15)
- the red lines show the clipping level = .1 meters
- 3rd: y scan
- bottom: y - median(y,15).
- clip level set at .1 meters
- Page 2: z scan
- top: z scan
- 2nd: z - median(z,15).
- the red lines show the clipping level = .01 meters
- Page 3: radius, azimuth
- frame1,2: range and range - median(range,15)
- the red lines show the clipping level = .1 meters
- frame3,4: azimuth and azimuth - median(azimuth,15)
- clipping level set at .02 degrees
- Page 4: elevation
- frame 1,2 : elevation and elevation - median(elevation
- clipping level set at .02 degrees.
Filtering results
- 78.3 million points before filtering
- 76.2 million points after filtering
processing: x101/blackmore/ao9_4g/,
Plotting range vs elevation
A histogram was made of the measured
elevation values (using .01 degree bin size). The reverse index
output of the
histogram provided a list of all of the points in each bin.
The plot shows
the histogram of elevation and range
vs elevation (.ps) (
- Page 1: histogram of elevation
- The red trace is the raw scanner data.
- The elevation goes below 0deg since the .5 meter z
offset is not included.
- The black trace corrects for the .5 meters z offset of
the scanner.
- the blue lines show the overlap of the azimuth strips.
- Page 2: Plotting range vs elevation
- The expected range vs elevation from the center of the
dish is:
- R0=265.176 meters
- expectedRange= R0 * sin(2*elevation)/cos(elevation)
- black shows the distance averaged over each
elevation bin
- red uses the median
value from each elevation bin
- green is the
expected radius.
- Top frame: without the .5 meter z offset.
- distances at low elevation are most affected by this
- bottom frame: with the .5 meter z offset correction
- the median values follows the expected value pretty
- Page 3: Expected Range - measured range
- the green line is the average difference for each az
- the red center line is the median difference for each az
- the lowest and upper az strip probably still have a
bunch of outliers
- the mean doesn't follow the median.
- For an azimuth strip, the difference is a function of
the elevation nodding for each strip
- for the 4 degree elevation nodding
- start of 4 degree nod: measured value too low
- end of 4 degree nod : measured value too high.
summary range vs elevation:
- the error in the measured range changes as a function of
the 4 degree nodding in elevation
- At the bottom of the nod, the distance measured is too
- at the top of the nod, the distance measured is to long.
processing: x101/blackmore/ao9_4g/
fitting the center and radius of
The primary reflector is supposed to have
a radius of 870 feet (265.176 meter). A09 should be at the x,y
center of the reflector. The base of A09 is about .5 meters
above the bottom of the dish. The scanner was mounted on
A non-linear least squares fit was done to
the filtered data points to find the center and radius of the
sphere. The fitting function was:
- 4 parameters were fit for:
- C[0] : x offset for center
- C[1] : y offset for center
- C[2]: z offset for center
- C[3]: radius of sphere
- The fitting function was:
- 0= C[3] - sqrt( (x -c[0])^2 + (y-c[1])^2 + (z - c[2])^2)
Two types of fits were done:
- fit for all 4 parameters.
- Iterate 3 times, each time throwing out points with
error greater than .2 meters from the fit radius.
- Fit for the center of the sphere.
- Force the radius to be 265.176 meters.
- Do the same iteration as above.
Results of the fit
Results from Fitting for Sphere
Scanner Z offset
from dish
Fit all 4
.0006 |
.0006 |
.0023 |
Fit 3
parameters. radius fixed at 265.176m
- There is a large x,y offset from AO9 for the center
of the sphere: x= 1.2 and y=1.4 meters
- This is present with and without the fit for the radius.
- The scanner x,y system is rotated about 31 degrees CW
looking down the z axis
- The 1.2,1.4 offset ends up pointing 10deg east of
- This is probably from the southern part of the dish
having a longer radius than normal.
- The x,y 1 sigma errors are less then 1mm.
- When including the radius in the fit
- the fit radius is about 3 meters less than the expected
- the z and radius 1 sigma errors are 2mm.
- the final fit included about 70 million pnts
- The data-fit rms is about 7cm
- With the fixed radius fit
- the z 1 sigma error is less than 1 mm.
- the data-fit rms is 10 cm
- The final iteration included about 40million points
- looking at the points used, almost all of the points
from the last az strip (max elevation) have been excluded.
- The scanner offset from the bottom of the dish
- fitting all params: .52 meters
- with fixed Radius: .36 meters
- looking at the offset from the base of ao9 to the bottom
of the dish looks greater than .5 meters.
To do:
- Generate and fit a spherical data set.
- change the radius of part of the sphere to see if we can
come up with similar fit parameters.
- 7 azimuth strips were done covering the dish. Each
separated by about 3.5 degrees
- subtracting a linear fit to the azimuth values on an
azstrip shows jumps in the residuals when passing by an HF
- Excluding points outside of the x,y,z range of the dish
reduced the number of points from 105million to 78 million
- using a median filter and clipping the residuals at .2
meters reduces the points 78million to 76million.
- Plotting the expected range - measured range showed:
- the 4 deg elevation nodding gives non linear range
- the range is too short at the start (min
elevation) and too long at the end of the nodding
(+4 deg)
- fitting for the center and radius of the spherical
dish showed:
- a 1.2 meter x and 1.4 meter y offset of the center.
After correcting for the scanner azimuth offset, this
points about 10 degrees east of north. This is
probably caused by the southern part of the dish being too
- When including the radius in the fit, the best radius
was about 3meters less than the expected value.