11mar20: analyzing the surface errors.


last update: 29apr30


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The optics of the telescope expects a sphere of radius 265.176 meters (870 feet). After the 2002 dish adjustments, the best  fit sphere had a radius of 265.140 meters  (869.883 feet).

    The data from scan19 (more info). was used to investigate the current radial errors on the dish. The fits from scan19 showed that the x and y offsets ( east,north) of the center of the sphere did not vary much as we tried different radii. For this analysis we'll use the x,y offsets of the center that were found for the 3 parameter fit (fit for center, radius fixed at 265.176 meters). Not that the x,y,z offsets include the offset of the scanner from AO9 (the monument).

As a reference, the image shows the radial errors using a fixed radius of 265.176 meters (.png)

Gain loss as we vary the radius of curvature.

    The table below records some of the radius of curvature seen on the primary

radius of Curvature

Reference design for optics
2002 best fit sphere after alignment
2020 best fit sphere using 4 parameter fit
(center and radius)

    After the 2002 alignment the best fit radius was 3cm shorter than the design value. When using the 4 parameter fit in mar20, the best radius was 7 cm shorter than the design value.

    The plots shows how the radial error and gain loss varies as you change the radius of curvature (.ps) (.pdf)

    The 7cm  radial error  gets up to -2db at 10ghz. The measured gain loss at xband can be up to 8db, so this is only part of our problem

processing: x101/p50/200311/analyzerrs/lossradiusshort.pro

Current radial errors and radius of curvature

This section looks at how the distribution of errors across the dish depend on the radius of curvature.

The image shows the radial errors (Measured - fit) for the 3 parameter fit (.png)

    The table below shows how the errors change as we vary the radius. The plots were made by:
Offset from 265.176
Design radius
Radius after 2002 adjustments
best fit radius from 4 parameter fit.

processing: x101/p50/20311/analyzerrs/errsabovecliplev.pro

Gain loss from the surface errors.

    The gain loss was computed using the measured radial errors. The processing was:
The plots show the gain loss results for beams centered on a  5x5 grid with 200 foot spacing (.ps) (.pdf)

The image gives a rough idea of what the gain loss should be at 6cm across the dish (.png)

These errors only use the radial errors on the dish. Errors from collimation/positioning of the secondary and tertiary would add to these errors.

processing: x101/p50/200311/gainloss.pro

Gain improvement  by fixing the large errors.

    The large  errors  centered on the main cables are caused by tiedown blocks that have moved downhill, pulling too hard on the main cables.
The other large error is from the east-west cable that was broken and then repaired.
    An attempt was made to compute the gain improvement we would get  if we just fixed the large errors. The steps were:

The image shows the radial errors after clipping all points > 1.2 to nodata (.png)

The plots

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