Fat dipole rfi test, azswings
Ganesh brought down a pair of fat dipoles to
test the rfi. He was interested in the power levels that the ao40
amps would have to handle.
- the dipoles/backplane assembly were mounted on a beam under
the rotary floor. The turret position used was 180 degrees
- the dipoles were connected to a set of amps whose gain ranged
from 25 to 45 db over the freq range).
- The output of the amps was connected to the anritsu spectrum
- the analyzer was on the turret floor and controlled
- The anritsu spectrum analyzer was used to acquire the data
(one polarization at a time).
- 300KHz rbw, 15 sec peak hold, preamp off, ref lev -30
then -20 dbm, 165MHz span
- we stepped through 300 to 2600 MHz in about 230 seconds.
there were about 19 passes through this range for each pol.
- had trouble with 480 MHz tv station pointed at utuado.
- When the azimuth pointed in that direction, the peak would
occasionally go above the reference level
- This caused the spectrum analyzer to output an err msg,
rather than the data. By increasing the ref level, we
finally got data in that direction.
- we did azimuth spins 270 to 630 with the dome at 18 degrees.
The plots show the results of
the azimuth spins (.ps) (.pdf):
- page1
- top spectrum analyzer power from the output of the
- Black is polA, red is polB. these were not taken
- about 19 passes over the freq range are over plotted
covering the 360 deg az swing for polA and polB
- bottom:
- s21 (gain) of amps vs frequency measured by ganesh in the
- Page2: remove the amp gain from the spectrum analyzer data
- top
- i interpolated the gain to each frequency channel and then
removed it.
- This should be the power at the output of the dipoles.
- the rbw is 300 KHz
- (i need to plot the noise floor of the spectrum analyzer
for this rbw.
- Bottom: take peak value from polA,polB all az swings for
this spectra
- This is a worse case spectra (since the peaks at each freq
don't all occur at the same azimuth position.
- the integrated power is -41 dbm.
page up