SiriusXm digital radio has satellites that
transmit 2320 to 2345 MHz (
info). On 11nov22 voltage sampling was tested while
sampling 5MHz about 2322 MHz. This included the siriusXm band.
- Telescope sitting at az=137.8, el=40.5 deg
- 1 mock spectrometer was used
- clock: 160MHz
- bw divisor 32 ( for the digital filter to generate a
5MHz output
- 8bit data storted (i,q)
- rms was set to 30 counts (should have been set to 20)
- rf rfcfr 2322 MHz.
- 10 seconds of data was taken: 1
Looking at the data
The plots show
the complex voltage data and the
computed spectral density (.ps) (
- Page 1: rms and mean values for each rec
- 64k samples were processed per rec (.0131 seconds of
- The mock rms was set to 30 cnts=1sigma before starting
the scan
- should have used 20 cnts/sigma for 8bit sampling
- Top 2 frames: voltage Rms vs time for polA and polB
- black=idig, red=q dig
- the rms was computed every 64k samples.
- Pola hyas rms's around 49 counts
- Initially the rms was set to 30counts, but it
probably did not use enough data to see the stronger
- polB has rms's around 30 counts
- There was very little rfi in polb
- Bottom 2 frames: mean voltage value
- Page 2: histograms of the voltages.
- voltage histograms were made using the 10 seconds of
- The y axis has been normalized to the average number of
counts per a/d bin.
- top: polA i,q digitizer
- bottom: polB i,q digitizer
- polA
- is a lot wider than polB because of the rfi.
- It has extra counts in the most negative channel. This
is probably from the dc offsets in the digitizers,.
- Page 3: spectral density.
- The spectral density was computed for each 64k samples
and then averages over the 10 seconds.
- .013 secs of data gives a resolution of about 32 hz.
- The dc value (averaged over the 10 secs of data) was
removed from each record before computing the spectra,.
- Black is polA,red is polB
- Top: full spectra
- The X axis is the rf sky frequency.
- there are two spikes close to Dc and .5 MHz below Dc
- middle:blowup around DC
- The x axis is now relative to the a/d DC.
- The spike is about 1Khz above DC
- It looks like the voltage was ac coupled (missing
power around DC). I thought the mocks were not ac
- Bottom:
- blowup .5 MHz below DC
- The spike is .5 MHz below DC, (not below the 1khz
- This must be an instrumental birdie.
- Page 4: Blowup of the rf freq scale.
- The xm signal is about 200 Khz wide (in this channel).
- There is very little leakage into polB.
- Our rcvr is circular. They must be transmitting
processing: x101/221118/
- click on link above
- right click on a file
- save link
- each datafile is about 400MBytes