07jul21 track sun for 1 hour



   On 07jul21 the sun was tracked with the 12meter telescope for 1 hour using the xband receiver.

    The setup was:

We were looking for micro bursts on the sun.

Processing the data

Plotting total power  vs time

    The first plots show the total power vs time at 1 second resolution (.ps) (.pdf)

    The next plot shows the total power vs time around the jump at 2ms resolution (.ps) (.pdf)

Looking at the total power dropouts

    The first set has a blowup of the total power vs time showing dropouts (.ps) (.pdf)

Spectrum of the total power dropouts

    The plots show the spectrum of the total power during the dropouts (.ps) (.pdf)


processing: x101/210707/p12msunfs.pro

12meter page