sband narrow calibration
The sband narrow receiver covers
2320-2440 MHz. It is a native circular receiver. A 35
MHz filter centered at 2380MHz was installed 08feb18 to cut out some
strong rfi (2350-2360 .. with some leakage up to 2370).
performance measurements
of Tsys
calibration measurements
by date
cal values
- 02mar20 sbn back up. polB lna is bad . will have to live with
high tsys till we get a replacement
- 17feb20 sbn down to lab to check polB amp
- 27nov19: ports omt switched so oc comes out on chan A
downstairs (see figure)
- 26apr19 : polB starts to rise. 04 aug19 jumped more. continued
deteriorating till 17feb20 when it was found that amp was bad.
need a replacement.
- 01may18 New gain curve
installed (after maria).
- 09feb18: 15 db pad between rf filter chassis and postamp
chassis removed.
- 08feb18: 120MHz rf filter replaced with 35MHz rf filter.
- xxjul14:polB amp (in the dewar) sband hi, was replaced by a
new chalmers amp.This is polA on the outside.
- 01aug13: first stage of amps (both pols) burned up..
- had an sband experiment. ao19 was installed. many receivers
taken down. When trying to bypass the shutters for the missing
receivers, they reversed open and closed. So the tx
transmitted with the shutters open.
- polA in the dewar was replaced with the spare sbn chalmers
- polB in the dewar was replaced one of the sbh amps
- The cables from amp to dewar output are
- polAAmp (sbn spare) is polB outside
- polBAmp (sbhi amp) is polA outside.
- 13jan13: updated pointing offsets (after focus move).
- 26nov12: sbn moved up 1.2 inches along focus. (date may have
been 28)
- 20nov12:
cal values fir new sbn receiver installed
- 09nov12: circulator postamp chassis was reversed.
- 28oct12: new sbn receiver installed. sbTx horn also replaced.
- 15mar06: sbn
values remeasured at 2380 and 2280. Installed 10apr06,
backdated to 14oct03.
- 14oct03 turnstile stubs switched. Also reversed rf
cables so polA is still polA downstairs. This is to put the
"better" amplifier for the OC echo for the radar experiments.
01may18: post maria gain curve installed
calibration runs after painting shutdown to check pointing, system
calibration runs made after the m8-4 cable repair
calibration results: jun12-dec12. updated pointing offset.
06dec12: compare
old,new (out of focus), new (in focus) calibration runs.
calibration runs comparing the old and new receiver(out ofocus).
cal values for new sbn receiver installed
calibration runs after alfa installed.
mar03: sband gain calibration
mar03 to feb04. (gain curves.)
mar03: system
performance for the data set used to make the gain curve.
gain calibration. (gain curves.)
and gain changes from tertiary motor installation.
pointing and gain on 3C138 (24may01)
gain during and after reflector surface adjusted
narrow calibration(gain curves)
Measurement by date
20may20: system performance
for venus run declination.
diagram of sbn cabling (.pdf)
01may18: compare pre/post maria gain
01may18: post maria gain curve installed
12feb18: 35 MHz RF filter
installed, sbn bandpass.
08may17: sband shutter not
opening correctly.
calibration runs after painting shutdown to check pointing, system
19aug14: reinstalling the
chalmers amplifiers.
12mar14: calibration runs made after
the m8-4 cable repair
calibration results: jun12-dec12. updated pointing offset.
compare old,new (out of focus), new (in focus) calibration runs.
calibration runs comparing the old and new receiver.
cal values fir new sbn receiver installed
14feb12: tsys
contributions for various receiver configurations.
10aug12: new sbandnarrow polarizer plots (septumS22.jpg)
calibration runs after alfa installed.
appears at 2380 MHz.
performance of the new sband Tx horn.
cal values remeasured.
01jul05: sbn warmup during sband radar
13oct04 1.2 Hz total power ripple.
sband gain calibration mar03 to feb04. (gain curves.)
system performance for the data set used to make the gain curve.
polarization ratio shows that TsysA,B difference is real. (dec02)
gain calibration. (gain curves.)
and gain changes from tertiary motor installation.
pointing and gain on 3C138 (24may01)
gain during and after reflector surface adjusted
narrow calibration(gain curves)
Gain curve after maria using nov17
- mar18 data set.
The telescope performance was degraded after
the passage of hurricane maria (more
x102 calibration data 01nov18 through mar18 was used to generate a
new gain curve (the previous gain curve was done in feb04). The
01nov17 through 12nov17 data was also used to generate the new
pointing model after maria. The pointing could have been off a
little, but the gain measurement should be ok (since we do spider
scans of +/- 3 beams).
The plots show the data and
gain fit (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: measured gain
- top gain vs za
- bottom: gain vs az
- Page 2: az,za plot of gain
- The length of each arrow is proportional to the gain
- the rotation angle is also proportional to the gain:
- 0deg = 8 K/Jy
- 90deg = 6 K/Jy
- 180 deg= 4 K/Jy
- The east side of the dish shows lower gain.
- spider scans with no tiedown tension, or with the platform
out of focus were excluded.
- The blue source: J1042+120 (at dec of 12 degrees) is an
- This source, and 3 other outlying scans were also excluded
from the fit.
- Page 3: the gain fit vs za
- The red * are the input data
- the black + are the computed fit values
- The lines at the bottom show the coefficients for the fit:
- gain= C0 + C1*za + C2*(za-14)^2 + C3*(za-14)^3 +
- C4*cos(az) +
C5*sin(az) + c6*cos(2*az) + c7*sin(2*az) +
- C8*cos(3*az) +
- The coef: c2,c3 are only used for za >= 14 deg.
- The fit rms is .41 K/Jy.
- Part of this is the model not fitting the data
- Another portion is the fluxes for most sources also
have errors (say 5% or more).
- Page 4: gain fit residuals vs za and az
- The residuals are computed as : (measuredGain -
- top: fit residuals vs za
- bottom: fit residuals vs az
- Each source is plotted in a different color/symbol.
- The larger residuals at low za is common. The azimuth must
swing pretty fast when doing a spider scan at low za's.
- Page 5: arrow plot of fit residuals.
- In this case, the arrows are constant length (since the
residual can go to zero and wouldn't show up..)
- The angle from north gives the size of the residual
angle From
North (deg)
Data -
fit = data
+90 CW
fit < data
+180 CW
fit < data
-90 CCW
-1 K/Jy
fit > data
-180 CCW
-2 K/Jy
fit > data
- So Clockwise has fitValue less than the MeasuedValue
- Counter Clockwise has fit greater than data.
- The green trace for B0824+294 on the lower right is CCW so
the fit is overestimating the measured values.
The gain curves were installed in the idl
locations on 01may18 (#gain)
- The idl routine
gainget(az,za,freq,rcvrnum,gainval,date=date) will compute
the gain as a function of az and za
- For sbn the rcvr number=12
- the frequency was only measured at 2380 MHz (narrow and
- If no date is given, then the most recent curve is used
- the date format is date=[year,dayNumberOfYear]
Compare pre and post maria
gain curves:
The gain curves for before and after maria
were computed and then over plotted.
- the gain was computed at za = 2 to 19 deg in 1 deg steps
- this was done for azimuth angles: 0,60,120,180,240,300 degrees
The plots show the pre/post gain
curves (.ps) (.pdf)
- The black trace is the gain curve before maria
- the red trace is the gain curve after maria
- the vertical blue lines separate the gain vs za 2..19 for each
set of azimuths.
- All of the post maria za strips are lower than the pre maria.
- within the post maria za strips,
- the eastern part of the dish has lower gain.. az=60,10,180
processing: x101/sbn/may18/
Mar03 to Feb04
fit GAIN CURVES to calib data. (top)
gain curve plot
A gain curve was fit to the sbn gain data
taken between 01mar03 and 29feb04.This data is described below.The
the gain data (black) and the fits (red) for 2380 MHz.This
gain equation was installed on 09mar04.
- Fig 1 shows the az,za distribution for the data. The fit uses
a linear fit out to a za of 14 degrees. Above 14 degrees it
includes a za^2 and za^3 term. It also has 1az, 2az, and 3az
sin, cos terms.
- Fig 2 top plots the gain data and the fit to za. The fit
equation is plotted with the sigma for the fit (in K/Jy). T
- Fig 2 bottom plots the fit residuals (data-fit) vs za.
The routine gainget() or corhgainget() will now
return the sbn gain for data taken after 01mar03 using this
equation. The coefficients can be found in the ascii file
data/gain.datR12 (this is provided in the AO
distribution for correlator routines). You can also find a
copy of it at AO in /home/phil/idl/data/gain.datR12.
processing: x101/sbn/mar03/
mar03 thru feb04
: System performance of data used to compute gain curves. (top)
Heiles calibration scans done from 01mar03
(after shimming) thru 29feb04 were used to measure the system
performance. This data was then used to compute the gain curves used
after 01mar03.
The plot shows the system
for this dataset.The sources are identified by color.
Fig 1 shows the distributions on the dish of the measurements.
Fig 2 has the Gain in Kelvins/Jansky. This relies on the cals
and the source flux. Ths next plot is Tsys vs za in
Kelvins followed by the SEFD (System Equivalent Flux
density) in Janskies / Tsys. At the bottom is the average beam
width in arc seconds.
Fig 3 plots the coma parameter, first sidelobe height below
the peak, the main beam efficiency, followed by the main beam +
1st sidelobe beam efficiency.
Fig 3 has the pointing errors in az,za, and total (added in
quadrature) for the data.
processing: x101/sbn/mar03/
Miscellaneous section.
01jul05 dewar warms up during
radar run
On 01jul05 the sbn dewar warmed up during an
sband radar run. The plot
when the warmup occurred (.ps) (.pdf).
13oct04 1.2 Hz total power
A ripple in time was seen in polB of
the sbn receiver. The ripple was there with the horn shutter open or
closed so it was not coming from an out of band signal. It was seen
in polB only. When the upstairs transfer switch was crossed, then
the ripple moved to polA. This shows that it is before the transfer
switch. Data was taken on 13oct04 using the radar interface
(ri). The setup was:
- shutter closed
- upstairs transfer switch crossed
- 260 IF used
- detect the 100 MHz band with a 20 usecond time constant.
Do this separately for polA and polB.
- Sample the data at 10 usecs.
The plots show
the pol B ripple (.ps). (.pdf)
- Top figure. This is total power versus time for polA (black)
and polB (red). The polarization's are referred to the dewar
(not the downstairs signal since the xfer switch was in). The
data was smoothed to 10 milliseconds. You can see the jumps in
polB. It is not a sine wave. The signal stays low for .55
seconds and then jumps up (about 2% Tsys) for .28 seconds. The
entire duration is .83 seconds or 1.2 Hz.
- Bottom Figure: The 48 seconds of 10 usecond
sampled data was transformed and then the magnitude taken. There
are a set of spikes spaced at .6 Hz (with a few harmonics
This ripple looks like it is tied to the
1.2 Hz cycle of the dewar refrigerator. The transition from low to
high is sharp. In the smoothed data it is taking less than 10
milliseconds. This will increase the number of harmonics of the
processing: x101/041013/