S3039 meteors on the moon with alfa


observing notes
telescope position
pointing error

see x101/160214,160215, and x101/proj/s3039

Experiment setup

  Veena and john mathews looked for meteor flashes on the moon using alfa (also see t2874 meteors on moon at 430). The experiment used the alfa receiver (lband) at  arecibo tracking the moon.

The AO  setup was:

Observing  notes



Quick look at the spectra: 

Note:the below was never processed for the alfa data.. i never go around to do the alfa processing
since i had stuck my copy of the data on gpuserv0 disc.. and it then failed.. never got another copy
off of disc....

Pointing error.

What happened:     

  For the 14,15feb16 run there was an operator (me) generated pointing error. Here is what happened.

Computing the pointing error:

    To compute the pointing error:

The plots show the pointing error (.ps) (.pdf):

processing: x101/170301/veena_moon.pro
