31jul14 video camera in screen room
Luis measured the emissions of the video camera
on 31jul14 in the screen room..
The setup was:
- Agilent E4445A spectrum analyzer:
- average 20 sweeps
- 8192 points/spectra
- 6db attenuation , preamp on
- 100 MHz span, 12.5 Khz/rbw. covering 0 to 3000 MHz in 30
- 904 Efield probe with a 15 foot coax cable.
- activity
- data was taken with power supply and camera off
- data was taken with the probe next to the camera screen,
recording. the power supply was about 4 feet away
- data was taken with the probe next to the power supply.
the camera was on and recording about 4 feet from the
The plots:
The plots show the emissions from the
- The first page shows plots of 0-1000 MHz, 1000-2000MHz and
- The 2nd page shows some blowups around some of our
receiver bands:
- 300-500 MHz (327,430)
- 1350-1550 MHz (lbw)
- 2000-3000 MHz (lbw)
- Emissions with the camera
and power supply off. (.ps) (.pdf)
- This shows the noise in the room with the camera and
power supply off.
- The rfi comes from: ethernet switch, spectrum analyzer
- Emissions with camera and
power supply on (.ps) (.pdf)
- this has the camera on and recording. the power supply
is also on
- the probe is between camera screen and body. The power
supply is about 4 feet from the probe.
- Emissions from the power
supply (.ps) (.pdf)
- the probe is next to the power supply. The camera is
about 4 feet from the probe, on and recording.