A2335 (gass)
rfi at 1357.28 MHz on 14mar11. They did not see it on their
run. Their setup was:
- lbw linear pol with 1320 hipass filter installed.
- interim cor 25 MHz bw 1024 channels with 1 sec
- 300 second on,off processing.
The first
plot shows a2335
data (.ps) (
- processing:
- the rfi total power was computed by averaging two
channels about 1357.28.
- A baseline of 10 channels (1356.9 to 1257.13) was
divided into
the rfi tp average.
- Top: the rfi total power vs azimuth.
- The onsource and off source are plotted separately. PolA
polB is also separated.
- Middle: a blowup around strongest rfi (az=33). This is
close to
distomat 1 location.
- PolA on and off source (which trace the same az, za)
each other. This implies that the rfi is a function of
azimuth (and is
not coming from inside the dome).
- Different on/offs that cover the same azimuth have
rfi amplitudes.. so the rfi is changing slowly with time.
- Bottom: the spectrum where the rfi was strongest. It gets
about 20% of Tsys.
During the day of 14mar11 azimuth swings: clockwise (CW)
and then
counter clockwise (CCW) were done to check the azimuth
dependence of
the 1357.2 MHz rfi.
The setup was:
- lbw receiver with 1100-1800 MHz filter.
- az 270->630->270 at .35 deg/sec. The dome was at 15
- The mock spectrometer used 8192 channels across 172MHz (20
channel width) and 1 second sampling.
The data processing was:
- fit a harmonic function to the median bandpass of each
swing. Use this to remove the bandpass from each azswing.
Dynamic spectra of the
(about the 1357.2 MHz rfi) (.gif):
- The left image is the CW az swing. The right image is the
CCW az
- the horizontal scale (frequency) is blown up (1356.8 to
- The vertical scale is azimuth position (.35 deg/sec).
- the horizontal steps in the dynamic spectra show the rfi
by a single channel (20 KHz).
The plots
show the rfi
amplitude vs az, time , and frequency (.ps) (
- Top: A blowup of the average spectra for an azimuth swing
(black:CW, red:CCW). PolA and polB have been averaged.
- The average rfi is about 15% of tsys.
- The CW spin saw rfi in 1357.12 - 1357.19
- The CCW spin had rfi 1257.08-1357.20
- middle: 1357.2 rfi strength vs azimuth for the 2 az
- The CW and CCW peaks do not overlay one another (unlike
on,offs of the a2335 data). the same azimuth positions
were separated
by about 20 minutes for the two swings so the rfi is
probably changing
in time.
- Bottom: 1357.2 rfi vs time.
- Black in CW swing, Red is CCW swing.
- The a2335 shows that the rfi is coming from outside the
(since it repeats in on,offs).
- When the rfi appeared:
- 10mar11:
- morning (till 7:00 am):
- a2335,a2331 did not see it.
- evening:
- a2010 not present at 23:35, was present 23:55 AST.
- 12mar11:x111 saw birdie 16:07
- 14mar11:a2335 saw birdie.
- So it looks like the rfi appeared about 24:45 (ast)
(thursday evening)
- The rfi was seen to range from 1357.08 to 1257.3 MHz.
- during the az swings the rfi drifted by about 100 KHz in
- The rfi is also changing slowly in time.
- We turned the new distomat off, and the rfi did not go
- During the az swings the alfa motor, and cameras were
turned off.
x101/110314/a2335_rfi1357.pro, lbwazswing.pro