Primary panels



The primary reflector consists perforated panels suspended on cables. The are approximately 3'x6'.


The 2002 primary survey was used to measure the panel spacing and size.

Measuring the panel spacing:

    The survey x,y locations of each panel corner was used.

The first plot shows the panel spacing in the E/W direction (6.25') (.pdf)

The 2nd plot shows the panel spacing in the N/S direction (3') (.pdf)

processing: x101/p50/panels/

Measuring the panel lengths.

    The survey x,y locations were used to compute the length of the panels. The length measures the arclength of the panel on the sphere.

For the long direction (E/W) , the median location of each N/S panel column was used to compute the panel location and  length
For the short direction (N/S), the median location of each E/W panel set was used to compute the panel location and length.
The length was compute by:

The plots show the panel lengths (.ps) (.pdf)

processing: x101/p50/panels/


processing: x101/p50/panels/,