Tsys increase nov,dec12


lbw Tsys (horcal) as well as the 16K stage dewar temperature (.ps) (.pdf):
the comparison of the sep12 and dec12 calibration runs (.ps) (.pdf):


    The system temperature for polA,polB in lbw had been near 30k up to 17nov12. On 18nov12 the helium lines  became contaminated and caused the frig to stop. This caused the pressure relief valve to open  dumping room temperature air into the dewar. After this, Tsys remained higher than normal.
lbw had 3 warmup cool down cycles:

After reinstalling lbw on 07dec12, Tsys remained high:


Plotting Tsys and dewar temps

The plots show lbw Tsys (horcal) as well as the 16K stage dewar temperature (.ps) (.pdf):

    After bringing lbw down to the lab, cleaning it, and the reinstalling it, tsys remained higher than normal. This could be a problem with the cal values, or a real increase in Tsys.

    On 10dec12 an x102 calibration run was done using lbw on the source B0518+165 (3C138). This data was then compared with the an x102 run using B0518+165 done on 19sep12 (when tsys was 30K).

    The plots show the comparison of the sep12 and dec12 calibration runs (.ps) (.pdf):


processing: x101/121210/x102lbw.pro, lbwtsysincrease.pro
