Navigator FPGA Design Kit (FDK)

The Navigator FDK was designed to be used with the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite. Vivado includes the IP Integrator design environment. Built around a graphical block diagram interface, the IP Integrator allows developers to leverage existing IP by importing it into their block diagram design. The Navigator FDK provides the complete IP for a specific Jade board. When the design is opened in Vivado’s IP Integrator, the developer can access every component of the Pentek design, replacing or modifying blocks as needed for an application.

The Navigator FDK is a very specialized software package intended for users with experience in FPGA logic programming. This package may not be required if the default functions included in the FPGA code, as written by Pentek, satisfy the requirements of your application. The Navigator Board Support Package (BSP) is always required and should be installed before the Navigator FDK.

The Navigator FDK User’s Guide describes how to install and use the FDK software. In addition, an IP Core Manual is provided for each IP core in the FDK. These can be accessed via the Vivado IP Integrator. Several tutorials also are available:

  • IP Core Conventions Guide and Example Labs (807.48111)
  • Designing with the PDTI Type AXI−Stream Bus (807.48112)
  • Designing with the Navigator DDR4 SDRAM Access Interface (807.48113)

You can get the Navigator FDK and user manuals by contacting