Navigator Board Support Package (BSP)

The Navigator BSP contains software support for Jade boards. This includes a device driver, the Navigator BSP Board Support Library data structures and routines, and example programs. The Navigator BSP enables operational control of the hardware and the IP functions in the FPGA.

The BSP allows software developers to work at a higher level, abstracting many of the details of the hardware through an API. The API allows developers to focus on the task of creating the application by letting the API, the hardware, and the IP−control libraries below it to handle many of the board−specific functions. For developers who want full access to the entire BSP library, complete C−language source code is available.

New applications can be developed on their own or by building on one of the included example programs. All Jade boards are shipped with a full suite of built−in functions, allowing operation without the need for any custom IP development.

The Navigator BSP User’s Guide describes how to install and use the BSP software.

The API Reference Guide for the Navigator BSP describes the source and include files in the BSP and is available in both HTML and PDF format (API_Reference.html and API_Reference.pdf). The API Reference Guide is available in the following location:

Windows: C:\Pentek\BSP\BSP_X.Y\docs (where X.Y is the version number) or %NAVBSP%\docs

Linux: /home/username/Pentek/BSP/BSP_X.Y/docs (where X.Y is the version number) or $NAVBSP/docs

The Navigator BSP API Reference Guide describes the BSP header and source files. These manuals are available in PDF format. The API Reference Guide is also available in HTML format.