tiedown tensions during 16may10 earthquake
There was a 5.8
magnitude earthquake on 16may10
- time: 01:16:10 AST (puerto rican seismic net time for earthquake
at moca)
- Location:
- earth quake:18.40 N, 67.07 w, 34 km west of Ao (5 km from moca)
- ao: 18.344289N 66.752778W
- Depth: 113 km
- az=57.339, dome=8.3825, ch=8.835. stationary during the
earthquake (doing drift scans).
The puerto rican seismic network accelerometer located at AO showed the
earthquake (.gif)
- The accelerometer definitely went off scale...
The graph shows the tiedown tension vs time during
the earthquake (.ps) (.pdf):
- The colored plots are the total tension on td12 (black), td4
(red), td8(green) in kips.
- The x axis is seconds since the reported time of the quake (34 km
away).. 01:16:10 AST.
- Data is sampled once a second.
- Page 1: tiedown tension vs time
- The kips in each tiedown vs time.
- remove the median value for each tiedown an add 2 kip offsets
for plotting.
- Total tdkips on platform vs time (kips from all 3 tiedowns
- Page 2: oscillation frequencies.
- data from times 40 to 150 seconds was transformed to measure
the oscillation freq.
- The 3 colors are td 12 white, td4 red, td8 green.
- Two frequencies were found:
- .368 hz (2.7 seconds) this was seen in previous measurements.
- .291 hz (3.4 seconds). .291 hz is probably an alias from the
1 second sampling. The true freq is probably (.5 +(.5-.291)= .7 hz.
processing: x101/100516/earthquake.pro