compression levels
The downstairs if/lo 260MHz amplifiers are
located in racks 7-17 (left amp) and 8-16 (rightAmp). They are
composed of a an 11 db variable attenuator (before the amps)
followed by 5 10 db amplifiers.
The front panel switch is labeled:
- 40: 1 amp inserted
- 30: 2 amps inserted
- 20: 3 amps inserted
- 10: 4 amps inserted
- 0 : 5 amps inserted
They are wide band amplifiers (not
sure the bandwidth since i can't find the drawings :).
Compression levels:
On 14feb20 the compression levels for the
260MHz amps were measured. The setup was:
- Signal generator outputting 30MHz tone
- 3 db attenuator (using the 1db step attenuator between 0
and 3 db).
- at 0 db attenuation there was a .5 db loss at 30 MHz)\
- two cables each with .2 db loss at 30 MHz
- hp spectrum analyzer
The cabling was:
- signal generator -> cable (.2db loss) -> variable
atten (0,3 db) (.5 db loss at 0db)-> 260 MHz amp
input-> cable (.2db loss)-> hp spectrum analyzer
The measurement sequence was
- Step the signal generator power level in 5db steps
from a low level to a high level
- At each step measure the power thru the setup on the
spectrum analyzer with the variable attenuator set at 0
and 3db
- To the stepping for the 260 MHz amps set to 0 (all amps
in) and set to 10 (only 4 amps in)
- This was repeated for the left amp and the right amp.
The plots show the
output versus input power for the tests (.ps) (.pdf)
- Page 1: amps set to 0 (all amps in)
- Page 2: amps set to 10 ( 1 amp left out of chain).
- Top: output power vs input power
- black: amp in left chassis
- red: amp in right chassis.
- * are the measurements
- Middle: 3db step vs input power
- The green dashed lines show a 1db compression.
- Bottom:
- The 2nd and 3rd level harmonics (relative to the input
- black, green are the left amp 2nd and 3rd harmonic
- red, blue are the left amp 2nd and 3rd harmonic levels.
1db compression levels for 260MHz Amps
left Amp
-28 |
-17 |
24 |
23 |
-30 |
-20 |
17 |
16 |
- The rightmost amp is compressing about 7 db before
the left amp.
- The 2nd harmonic of the right amp is about 10db higher
than the left amp.
- You should stay 10db below the 1db compression level if
you want no compression.
- When reporting the power levels, i ignored the .7 db
loss through the cables and variable amp.
processing: x101/100214/