Callisto Total power jump
The 220131 Callisto movie (.avi)
showed a blurred image for about 1 hour starting at 11:50. A
closer look at the data showed that the total power jumped up by
about 13% during this period. The blurring was caused by the
bandpass correction. The sun was very active for the entire day on
the 31st.
The jump
The 2 images show the dynamic spectra for 1
hour during the jump. the images have been scaled to +/- 5 sigma.
The bandpass correction was taken from 4 minutes prior to the
The plots show the
total power vs time (.ps) (.pdf)
- Black is polA, red is polB
- Page 1: total power for full day and around the jump;
- Top: total power vs time for the entire day.
- The purple lines show the region blown up in the lower
- the total power was computed using 30 to 80 MHz (skipping
some low freq rfi).
- The level changed by about 13% during the jump
- From about 13:30 to 19:30 the noise in polA is much
larger than polB.
- Looking at the daily movie, this is occurring between 50
and 80 MHz in polA. PolB does not have much change.
- Mano thinks this is a type 4 stationary burst which can
be polarized.
- Bottom: Blowup around the jump
- There is a bit of action while on the rising edge.
- the increase is about 13%
- about .5 hours in , polA jumps up a little and then back
down below the orignal jump value.
- Page 2: total power during strongest burst.
- The strongest burst occurred at 16.42 (16:25).
- top: 15 minutes around burst.
- the 2 polarizations have equal power levels.
- the polA strength is about 30% of Tsys. polB is a little
- the (.jpeg)
image shows the corresponding dynamic spectra for this
- There are at least 3 weaker bursts during these 15
- polB has a dropout around 16:17:30. You can also see
this in the total power plot. The dropout does not occur
in polA.
- there is a weak precursor prior to the large burst.
- The purple lines are blown up in the lower frame
- Bottom: Burst duration
- This shows how long the burst lasted..(about 20 seconds).
- The total power jumped by about 13% for 1 hour in both polA
and polB. During the jump polA show a smaller jump.
- this is most likely an instability in our system. Looking at
other Callisto spectrometers did not show any solar action
during this period.
- The larger total power noise level in polA that lasted for 6
hours corresponded to spectral densit changes in 50 to 80 MHz.
This may have been a type 4 stationary burst.
- The largest burst occurred at 16.42 and was about 30% of Tsys.
It was unpolarized and lasted for about 20 seconds.
- the blowup around this burst also showed a dropout in
polB (with no dropout in polA). Looking at the daily
movie, you can see this happening in polB at other times.
processing: x101/220131/
Callisto page