PolA Tsys high
09sep15: calibration run shows that problem is not
the cal values.
28sep15: TsysLoad, antenna show that large
Tsys Difference only occurs on antenna
The 430 ch receiver signal path is:
- turnstile to
- jennings relay (load,sky coax switch)
- polA -> monoplexor
- polA,B -> receiver.
The monoplexor should add about 20 K to the
system temperature.
Historically we've seen the temperature difference between
polA and polB range from 20 to 50 Kelvins .
The plots show:
- Top Frame: tsys polA (black), polB (red) for the year
- bottom frame: TsysPolA - tsyspolB for the year
- 2014
tsys 430ch (.ps) (.pdf)
- for most of 2014 TsysPolA-PolB was 10 to 20 Kelvins
- may14-jun14 it had jumped up to a difference of 40 K
- on 28Dec14 Tsys jumped to a difference of about 45 K.
- 2015
tsys 430ch (.ps) (.pdf)
- For most of 2015 tsysPolA-polB was about 45K.
Particular dates are:
- 28dec14: last 430tsys with polA-B diff <=20K
- 28dec14:from operators log:
Ast Time: 22:20
Project : INFO
Obs Type:
Comments: There was a loud sound behind the rack 6. as the sound of a
short circuit. The experiment could not continue because of
this. I checked the rack and the chassis 6-19 30 MHz - 260
, Converter box had no power. Checked the rack 6 breakers
and had tripped. I reset it and resolved the problem.
- After this delt Tsys was about 40K
- 15jan15: coax switch polA (jennings relay) replaced
09Sep15 - calibration run with ch
On 9sep15 x102 calibration runs were
done with the ch 430 system.
The plots show the sep15 calibration
run results (.ps) (.pdf)
- Top: gain (K/Jy) vs za. Black is polA, red is polB
- 2nd: Tsys vs za
- 3rd: SystemEquivalentFluxDensity (SEFD) vs za
- sefd is Tsys/gain. It is independent of errors in the cal
- Tsys and gain both use the cal value. Their ratio cancels
the cal value.
- bottom: Ratios polB/polA
- Black SEFDA/SEFDB, green: TsysB/TsysA
- You can see that the tsys ratio is the same as the sefd
ratio (which is independent of the cal value)
These plots show that the tsys difference is a
true temperature difference and not a problem with the cal values.
processing: x101/150909/ch430.pro
28sep15: Tsys on load and sky.
Tsys was done on sky and then load around
11:15 on 28sep15... the measured values were:
121.1 |
69.1 |
387.0 |
363.2 |
onLoad |
386.6 |
362.7 |
onSky |
119.1 |
67.5 |
onSky |
121.5 |
71.5 |
When we were on load, the polA,B difference was
only 20K. When we were on sky, the difference was 50K.
The monoplexor is after the load/sky switch. If it was the
problem, we should have had a large temperature difference whether
we were on load or antenna. These results point at the
problem being the jennings relay load/antenna switch.
- TsysPolA - TsysPolb for the ch 430 has been about 45 Kelvins
since 28dec14.
- Comparing the ratio of sefdA,B to the ratio of
TsysA,B shows that the Tsys difference is independent of
the cal value (so the problem is not a problem with the cal
- Tsys on load,antenna from 28sep15 showed that the large pola,B
difference only occurs on antenna. On load, the difference is
only 20K.
- This shows that the problem is not the monoplexor (since it
is present on load and antenna).
- The problem is probably the jennings relay.