A2708 freqSw galactic OH lines
A2708 is using carl heiles chzm2 routine to do
freq switching on galactic oh lines.
The setup is:
- Looking at 1720,1665,1667 oh lines as well as HI
- The freq switch is done by using two velocities for the same
source: 7.5 AND 58.384 Km/sec
- The interim correlator is used in full stokes mode with 2048
channels over .78125 MHz bandwidth.
The datataking sequence is:
- Set 7.5 km vel
- adjust power, doppler shift
- 10 sec calon
- 240sec data
- 10 sec calon
- 240sec data
- set 58.384 km/sec velocity
- doppler shift (we are using velocity to shift the freq
rather than a fixed freq freq. so each board gets a different
- The doppler shift includes the source velocity as well as
the change in the user projected velocity into the lsr
- 10sec calon
- 240sec caloff
- 10 sec calon
- 240sec caloff
To analyze the data:
- I through together some idl code to look at the data.
- The full processing should eventually be done with carl's
- find all of the 7.5 km/sec (freqOn) data as well as the
58.3384 km/sec (freqOff) scans
- Use corstokes() to process each scan
- Create calOff by averaging 10 sec of the datascan
- bpc
- compute calDif=calOn-caloff spectra
- then do a linear fit to calDif (exclude edges and lines)
- Use this for the bandpass correction
- phase rotate with caldeflection
- No mueller matrix
correction is applied
- FreqSwitch processing
- Let a set be:
- freqOn,freqOn, freqOff,freqOff .. this is 240secs*4
seconds of data
- process the first freqOn with the first freqOff of each set
and the 2nd freqOn with the 2nd freqOff
- compute fsw1=freqOn - freqOff spectra
- make a copy of fsw (fsw2) and shift it by
df=(velOn-velOff)/c * cfrEach band
- do an integral shift
- then do an interpolation for the fraction portion of
the shift
- Compute fsw=(fsw1 - fswSh2)*.5
- do a linear fit about the line (excluding the lines) to get
rid of standing waves.
- Average fsw over each day.
- currently unit weighting is done (should use 1/sigma^2
- There is currently no gain correction (we only have point
source gains).
- Average all days done (scale each day by the number of scans
that day)
Plotting the data
- The plots show the average of
8 days of data (.ps) (.pdf)
- Colors:
- red=stokesI
- green:stokesQ
- blue: stokesU
- black: stokesV
- Units:
- The horizontal scale is lsr km/scal
- The vertical scale is deg Kelvins
- I've left the factor of 2 in (so Tsys is 60 Kelvin, not
30 Kelvin)
- No gain correction has been applied
- the Relative line strength label is the peak line strength
divided by the 1667 Line, and then multiplied by 9.
- Page 1:
- Top: 1720 line
- middle: 1665 line
- bottom: 1667 line
- Page 2:
- A blowup showing the q,u,v power.
processing: usr/a2708/doall.pro,
doday.pro, fsw.pro