Monitoring A2010 (alfalfa) data
last month added: oct12
How the data is processed
Median power for each strip (the system
The 1 second total power samples by strip
The electronic gain change versus turret
room temperature:
SEE ALSO: monitoring
stability using TsysPolA/TsysPolB
A2010 is the alfa drift scan survey. It does 600
second drift scans with a 100 MHz bandwidth centered at 1385 MHz.
Each of these scans is called a strip. At the end of a strip the cal
is fired. The observations are done close to the meridian. At the
end of each month all of the strips taken during the month are
processed and plots are generated showing:
- The median power level settting for each strip. The units are
Measured/Optimum power. The values should be within 20% of unity
for optimum sensitivity with 3 level sampling.
- The stability of the system is monitored using the median
strip power for each strip taken during the day. The power by
strip, the cal scale factor for each strip, and the cal
corrected power for each strip are plotted. The first two show
how fast the electronic gain is changing. When multiplying these
two, the 3rd plot (cal corrected power) should be stable with
- The total power for each 1 second sample is plotted for
the first 10 strips of each day. You can see sources drifting
through the beams. Occasionally you will see jumps in total
power with long recovery times. These are caused in our system
by the FAA radar. Some of the pixels also look "noisy" then the
How the data is
processed: (top)
A2010 does 600 second drift scans sampling at 1
hz. It takes a 100 MHz bandwidth centered at 1385 MHz and uses 3
level sampling. Each 600 second drift is a single scan or strip.
After each drift scan a 1 second cal is fired and then the process
repeats. For the drift scans the telescope is positioned at the
meridian. The za position is set once a day. Between each drift scan
a small correction is made to remain close the the J2000
declination.The processing of the drift scan data for monitoring is:
- compute the rms/mean by channel for n secs (600) seconds worth
of data. There must be a cal record in the file for the file to
be processed.
- Do a robust linear fit to the rms/mean by channel throwing out
outliers. The remaining channels will be the mask used to
compute the total power for each spectra of the 600 seconds (and
the cal).
- compute the total power (mean) for each 1 second record
using the above mask.
- Over the entire strip compute the median of the total power
using the data from 4.
- Compute the cal scale factor : calK/(calOn-calOff). For the
cal off use the last record of the strip (the one before the cal
on). If the next strip starts within 6 seconds of the cal
record, include the first record of that strip for the
calOff. If there are two cal offs, interpolate their total
power to the cal On time (if not, just use the single cal off.
- Scale the total power data (from 4) to kelvins using the cal
scale factor.
- Save the following to disc (one save file per day). assume
there are NstripsTot total strips:
- tpIAr[nstripsTot] (tpI struct), brmsAr[nstripsTot] (corget
struct) ,bcalRAr[nstripsTot] (corget struct), and maskAr.
TpI struct:
SCAN LONG 503514951
FNAME STRING '/proj/a2010/wapp.20050204.a2010.0007.fits'
RMSFITA FLOAT Array[2, 7] (ao + a1*channum) fit torms polA
RMSFITB FLOAT Array[2, 7] (ao + a1*channum) fit to rms polB
MASKFRACT FLOAT Array[2, 7] (fraction of band each mask contained)
TPCORA FLOAT Array[600, 7] (tot power deg K each point (polA)
TPCORB FLOAT Array[600, 7] (tot power deg K each point (polB)
TPMEDIAN FLOAT Array[2, 7] (median tot pwr each strip cor Units (a,b)
CALK FLOAT Array[2, 7] (calval degK for [pols,pixels])
CALSCL FLOAT Array[2, 7] ( calK/(calOn-calOff) tp [pols,pixels]
NCALOFF FLOAT 2.00000 (number of cal offs used)
AZ FLOAT 359.638 ( azimuth feed)
ZA FLOAT 9.22350 ( za )
JD DOUBLE 2453405.3 (jd start of strip)
ALFAANGLE FLOAT 18.9999 (alfa rotation angle)
- bcalRAr . This is a corget struct holding the
calon/caoff spectra for each cal
- maskAr . This holds the masks used to compute
the total power.
Note that the daily save files are done by ast date so they may
include data from 2 different observing runs.
The save files can be input and merged using This
routine creates one large array of tpI structs. It only takes
strips that have 600 seconds worth of data.
Median power for
each strip. The system stability: (top)
For each month the median power, calscale
factor, and Tsys are plotted for each strip taken. The four sets
of plots are:
- Col 1: The median power for each strip versus
date. The plots span 2 pages. Data is in correlator units
(measured/optimum power level). It has not been scaled by the
cals. This data shows when the data was taken and whether the
power levels setting of the wapps were ok. The
dashed line is at +/- 20% from optimum (1 db off). The power
level can be adjusted in 1db steps at the wapp input. The
optimum value should be 1. .
- Col 2: The median power level of each strip is
plotted versus the strip number for the observing run. Each plot
is divided by the median value for the observing run (and 1
subtracted) to show the fractional change in power. This data
has not been scaled by the cals so changes in level could be
from sky, gain variation, or a change of the attenuator setting
during a run. Each pixel is plotted on a separate page.
Consecutive days are offset for plotting with the yymmdd label
on the right. The dotted lines are spaced by 5% of Tsys.
- Col 3: The cal scale factor for each strip is plotted
versus the strip number for the observing run. This value
converts from correlator counts to degrees K for each strip. The
data is computed as : CalK/(calOn-calOff) .
Each plot has been divided by the median value (and 1
subtracted) to show fractional changes. Variations in this value
will occur because of gain variations or sky changes between the
calOn and the calOff (sources drifting through). Each day is
offset for plotting and labeled with yymmdd on the right.
- Col4: The median strip power corrected using the cal
value (from col 3) is plotted versus stripnumber of day. The
multiplication by the cals should get rid of the electronic gain
variation of the system. The median power is an estimate of the
average value of the power in a strip. The cal scale factor is
measured at the end of the 600 seconds. If there is a linear
gain change then the plot will be flat (but offset). If there is
a non-linear change in the gain then there will continue to be
curvature in these plots.
notes 2011:
- jan,feb:beam 2 has a 5.2 sec oscillation from dewar bias
notes 2010:
- all 2010:beam 2 has a 5.2 sec oscillation from dewar bias
notes 2009:
notes 2008:
- jan08 alfa reinstalled after painting..
notes 2007:
- apr07 alfa brought down to lab for maintenance.
- mar07 stripPwr vs stripNum Beam 5 shows clear temperature
dependence. Probably because data taken in early morning.
processing: usr/a2010/mondata/compwr_do, pltcals_do
1 second total power
samples vs position in strip (top)
The 1 second total power for a strip versus
sample number of the strip are plotted for the first 10 strips of
each day ( days start at AST midnite). Each link has 10
pages with each page holding 1 strip. The top plot on a page
is polA and the bottom plot is polB. The 7 pixels are color coded
and offset for display. Black (at the bottom) is pixel 0, red
pixel1, green pixel 2, etc.. These units are Tsys. The median
power value for each strip is also printed on at the page with
units of measured/optimum power (linear scale). The files are .pdf .
Rfi has been removed from the total power
computation by excluding channels with large rms/mean. 5 channels
adjacent to any rfi channels are also excluded.
You can see sources drifting through the
beams. Occasionally there are jumps in power with
long recovery times. These are being caused by the FAA radar in our
2012 1 second total
power by strip
sep |
oct |
notes: 2012
- sep12:
- 1b radar saturation with long recovery times.10,12,22,29,30
2011 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
feb |
mar |
apr |
sep |
oct |
nov |
notes: 2011
- feb11: numerous times multiple beams went negative: eg
24,25feb11. Lasted for 1 beamwidth. compression?
- 09mar11: 4b drifts for 1 scan.
- apr11: beam 1b drifting around.
- sep11: beam 4a,6b bad. not included in plots
- oct11: beam 6b bad. 4a bad for first part of month then
started working after biases adjusted. I left the plots off for
the entire month.
- nov11: 22nov11 6a jumping 3-4%, unstable.
2010 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
mar |
apr |
may |
aug |
sep |
oct |
nov |
dec |
notes: 2010
- 1003:
- 2a,2b noisier. tsys 2a increased to 38 K, 31mar: 2a failed
tsys went to 150 K.
- 1004
- 01 to 05 2a bad. rest of time 2a noisier.
- 1009: 09,10 sep10 5b unstable.
- 1010: 09,10 5b unstable then bias readjusted.
2009 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
feb |
mar |
apr |
may |
aug |
sep |
nov |
dec |
notes: 2009
- 0901xx:
- Bm1a drifting:6,7,8,12.
- Bm1b drifting: 09 12 14 19 21 bm5b:21.
- 0902xx:
- Bm5b drifting:2,3,7,8,9,18(bad),19,21
- 0903xx:
- 1-2% : mar:04,13,14,15,16
- 5-10%: mar:05,06,17,30 ~5-10%.
- aerostat_on did not correlate with the problem.
- 0904xx: Only occasional jumps with 5b 01,04,10,15.
- 0911xx: alfa reinstalled
- 5-19: various beam problems:6,5,4 during led adjustments
- 20-30: 2a noisy wandering..
2008 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
feb |
mar |
apr |
may |
aug |
sep |
oct |
nov |
notes: 2008
- 080919: finished modifying amp 3 bias voltages for long
recovery times. Looks like this has made beam 4b less stable. It
now looks like one of the noisier beams.
- 080317: jumps > 4% with long recovery times many
- 080328: beam 3 dropouts both pols (wapp problem??).
- 080331: beam 5a jumps up 1% stays for a few 100 secs then
jumps back down.
- 080816: beam 6b dies.
2007 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
feb |
mar |
apr |
2006 1 second total
power by strip
jan |
feb |
mar |
apr |
may |
jun |
jul |
aug |
sep |
oct |
nov |
dec |
notes 2006:
- 05mar06 scan 606477112 beam 6 jumps polB and then polA
- aug06: 18,19,20,22,23 beam 6b power is drifting/jumping 2 to
- sep06 lots of jumping/drifts.
- 03sep: 5b
- 05sep: 6b
- 08sep: 4b
- 09-14sep: 5b (large jumps, drifts) on 09 and 12 sep. On
11sep06 the 12 second radar seem to be magnified for 5b.
- 16-17sep: beams 3a,4a,5a start drifting together.
- 30sep: beams 3a,4a,5a drifting together.
- 08nov: amp on beam 1b died again
- 22nov: warmed up/ cooled down alfa dewar. beam 1b back
2005 1 second total
power by strip
apr |
may |
jun |
jul |
aug |
sep |
oct |
nov |
dec |
notes 2005:
- 06apr05: pixel 2a,b had 10 db amp installed before 1st mixer
on 05apr05. 06apr first day of data.
- 08apr05: 10db amps were placed in front of 1st mixer for all
pixels on 08apr05 during the day
processing: usr/a2010/mondata/montp_do
The electronic
gain change versus turret room temperature: (top)
The median power of a strip (in correlator units)
for feb/mar05 is plotted versus the gregorian dome room
temperature. Each strip is about 10 minutes. The cal is fired once
per strip.
power for each strip versus Room temp(.ps) (.pdf):
- The temperature in the gregorian room was interpolated
to the time when the cals were measured. The median total power
of the strip (in cor units) was then plotted versus the room
temperature. An offset of .05 for each day was added for
plotting. * is polA while + is polB. This data has not
been scaled to the cal deflections.
- You can see that the temperature for the first 11 days had
very little temperature change. The outside air temperature was
less than the room air conditioner setting, so the AC
never had to turn on. The last 14 days have larger
temperature change with a corresponding change in the
power. The linear ramp shows the temperature dependence of
the electronics.
- The gain of the alfa receiver is changing with the gregorian
receiver room temperature by up to 12% over 5 es F. This
is probably coming from the 1st mixer/fiber optics electronics.
- Applying the cal deflections will remove this change. Since
the cals are only measured once per strip you might want to
interpolate the cal correction between the adjacent strips
(assuming you don't change any of the attenuator values.
processing: usr/a2010/mondata/