black: ramap polA
red : ramap polB
green: decmap polA
blue : decmap polB
Tsys after bad channels removed and cal used to convert to kelvins
The data was read in, bad channels were flagged, the total power was
computed over the good channels, and then it was converted to kelvins using
the cals. The plots are:
Plot 2004 maps vs az,za by day.
The system temperature plots for 2003,2004 showed that the Tsys was
changing (or maybe the cal value). The following plots are for Tsys (before
any fitting) using color to separate out the different days when the data
was taken. You can see that some days gave very different Tsys than others.
It would probably be a good idea to fit tsys to the individual days rather
than the entire map at once.
Fit for Tsys versus za for both fields (ca,cb) together (pola,polb is
fit separately).
The next step is to fit for tsys versus za combining the data for fields
ca,cb. PolA and polB are fit separately. The fitting iterates throwing
away outliers. The plots are:
Gain correct the data and convert to Jy.
After removing Tsys, the data is gain corrected using the gain curve
for 430 and then converted to janskies. This will push up the points at
higher za. If tsys has not been removed correctly, then this will
worsen the offsets with za.
Grid the data, optionally remove ra ramp in ramap, and then basketweave.
For each source the ra,dec maps were gridded and then the basketweave
procedure was used to correct for offsets in the strips. The process
was repeated taking a linear ramp out of the ramap after gridding and before
basketweaving. Each set of plots contains:
Fig 1. Top ramap before basketweaving, 2nd plot ramap after basketweaving.
3rd plot decmap before basketweaving, 4th plot dec map after basketweaving.
Fig 2 This is the same as figure 1 except that a linear ramp was removed
from the ramap before basketweaving.
Fig 3 The basetwoven maps (ra,dec) were then averaged. The top plot is
the average with no raramp remove, the bottom plot is the average with
the raramp removed from the pre-basketweave ramap.
map CA04 (after gridding)
map CB04 (after gridding)
Looking at the tsys for 2003, 2004 you can see that the system temperature
was changing (at least for 1 polarization). This will cause problems when
the Tsys is removed because all of the data for a map is fit at one. The
outliers will continue to stick out. The jumps in the gridded decmap for
ca_04 around ra sample 40 were taken on 11jun04 while the other data was
taken 21-25 may04..