Sband switching
The sband radar experiments switch between
the sbn receiver (at turpos=79.967) and the sbtx (turpos=62.29 deg).
Prior to the experiment the maximum velocity
of the turret is changed from 3deg/sec to 12deg/sec.
On 07may20 an sband radar observation
switched between transmit and receive about 192 times (96 full
the plots show how long the switching took
(.ps) (.pdf)
- Page 1: position, velocity
- Top: turret position vs start time of move
- This over plots the 192 motions.
- The lines going from 62 to 80 are moving from tx to rx
- the lines going from 80 to 62 deg are moving from rx to
- The data is sampled once a second.
- The + are spaced every 1 second of time along a line
- Bottom: the turret velocity during the moves.
- The velocity is computed from the encoder values.
- It reaches a peak of 10deg/second.
- Page 2: Blowup of position vs time to show when the turret was
on position
- Top: Moving from tx (62) to rx (79)
- For rxReady, the software requires the turret to be within
.25 degrees of the final position.
- The red horizontal line marks the RxReady value. All
points above this will signal turret ready
- Bottom: Moving from Rx to Tx.
- for TxReady the turret must be within .5 degrees of the
final position
- The red horizontal line marks the TxReady value. All
points below this will signal turret ready
- Looking at the plots, the turret is always ready before 4
seconds have elapsed in the turret motion.
- This does not mean that the switching only takes 4 seconds:
- there is also the time from when the command is issued by
the software and the command gets sent to the motors.
- I think interpolated data is sent once a second so it could
take up to a second for the data to be acted on.
processing: x101/200508/
up to turret page