NAME: spwrget - get a sitepwr record SYNTAX: istat=spwrget(lun,p,nrecs=nrecs,fname=fname) ARGS: lun: logical unit number to read from. KEYWORDS: nrecs : long recs to read. def=1 fname : string if supplied then ignore lun,nrecs, just read all of fname RETURNS: p: structure holding the data input istat: > 0 number of records input : 0 hiteof :-1 i/o error.. KEYWORDS: nrecs: number of records to read. def=1 DESCRIPTION: Read the site power records. This is ascii data recorded by sitepwerlog. The continues from the current position.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/spwr/
NAME: spwrgetday - get a days worth of data SYNTAX: istat=spwrgetday(yymmdd,p,fname=fname) ARGS: yymmdd:long day to get KEYWORDS: fname : string if supplied, ignore yymmdd, read fname RETURNS: p: structure holding the data input istat: > 0 number of records input :-1 i/o error, file doesn't exist DESCRIPTION: Read the site power records for given day.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/spwr/
NAME: spwrgetmon - get a months worth of data SYNTAX: istat=spwrgetday(yymm,p,idir=idir) ARGS: yymm:long yy,mon to get KEYWORDS: idir : string if supplied, then input directory. else use default RETURNS: p: structure holding the data input istat: > 0 number of records input :-1 i/o error, file doesn't exist DESCRIPTION: Read the site power records for the specified month.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/spwr/
NAME: spwrplot - plot site power info SYNTAX: spwrplot,p,hr=hr,adate=adate,mytit=mytit ARGS: p[]:{} array of site power info to plot KEYWORDS: hr : if set then plot vs hour of day assumes 1 day of data adate : if set then plot xaxis as year,mon,day mytit : string extra title to add at top DESCRIPTION: plot the info in the site power structure.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/spwr/
NAME: spwrplotday - plot a days worth of info SYNTAX: n=spwrplotday(yymmdd,p,fname=fname) ARGS: yymmdd : long date to plot fname : stirng if supplied then dir/name to input RETURNS: nrecs : long number of recs fount p[nrecs]: {} data input DESCRIPTION: plot a days worth of data
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/spwr/