trackingtime- compute LST rise, transit, and set times for sources as
well as time in the keyhole
trackingtime {--help --lim --sort --usecalib --usepsr --usex102
--zamax=zamax --zamin=zamin --exclnorise} srcfile
srcfile name of cima source file to
process. The file format is:
- srcname hhmmss.s ddmmss.s j/b The
routine will also read hh:mm:ss.s dd:mm:ss.s
- # in column 1 of the file is a comment line and will be ignored.
--help output help message and
---lim set zamin 3.5,
zamax=12 . These are the limits during the platform beam repair.
---sort sort the output by
ascending ra.
--usecalib use cima calibrator file (ignore srcfile)
--usepsr use cima pulsar file (ignore
--usex102 use the x102 calibrator file (ignore srcfile)
--usefluxgt1 use the point file with calibrators gt 1 jy at
--zamax=zamax set zamax to zamax degrees
(def 19.69)
--zamin=zamin set zamin to zamin degrees
--exclnorise exclude sources that never rise.
trackingtime is a shell script that calls idl
routines to process the srcfile and output the lst rise, transit, and
set times for each source in the file. It also outputs the Solar time
from rise to keyhole and keyhole to transit. The user can change the za
limits with --zamin,--zamax options as well as with --lim. The
output goes to standard out. The --sort option will sort the output by
ra (the default order is how it is in the srcfile).
The routine will normally process the srcfiles
that users create and pass to cima. The options --usecalib, --usepsr,
--usex102 will ignore srcfile and use one of the standard cima catalog
The never rises
column that follows the source name
will have a 1 in it if the source za is alway greater than zamax.
- Look at the a2463 srcfile tracking times for the 3.5 to 12 degree
za limits:
- executable: /pkg/aosoft/common/bin/trackingtime .. this is the
shell script
- source:
/share/megs/phil/svn/pdev/aosoft/common/bin/trackingtime .. shell
script in svn repository work area.
- idlroutines: gen/, gen/pnt/
tracking time is currently only on Linux.
return to: filter_programs
return to: home_~phil