selectrcv - create a subset of an AO datafile containing 1 receiver (or
all but 1 receiver).
selectrcv -n rcvrnumber <inpufile > outputfile
-n (not). The output will contain all but the specified
rcvrnumber This is the receiver to include (or exclude if -n is used).
The current receiver numbers are:
inputfile,outputfile.. these are AO binary datafiles (correlator or ri).
selectrcv will create a subset of a A0 binary datafile.
The new file will include only the specified receiver or if the -n option
then it will contain all but the specified receiver. You need to be a little
careful using this program. The datafiles can be up to a few gigabytes
so the destination disc partition needs to have enough space to hold the
output file (don't send the outputfile to your home directory).
cordmp will dump a summary of a correlator datafile to see what is there.
Suppose someone ran x111 rfi monitoring while the cband receiver
was down for repairs. You could remove the cband data from the file using:
selectrcv -n 9 < /share/olcor/corfile.17aug02.x111.1>corfile.17aug02.x111.1.norcv9
You would probrably then want to rename the new file to the old filename.
This assumes you have permissions to overwrite the old file.
Grab only the cband data from the previous file.
selectrcv 9 < /share/olcor/corfile.17aug02.x111.1>corfile.17aug02.x111.1.onlyrcv9
This routine can also be abused. To process a particular receiver in
a datafile it is better to add an option to the program to just process
that receiver rather than duplicate the data.
binary: /usr/S2local/bin/selectrcv Source: /home/phil/util/filters/selectrcv.c
selectrcv is compiled to run on sun SOLARIS.
return to: filter_programs
return to: home_~phil