Short rtt with the sband software
The problem:
- The sband transmit and receive cycles always start on a one
second tick
- txstart - when user requests
- rxStart: next tick after txStart + rtt.
- The sband software sets the starting phase of the pncode
generator so that
- the phase of the code at the first one second
tick after the roundtrip time is 0 (or whatever the user
- It also computes the fractional baud at the receive tick.
- This computation is needed for mono and bi static
- this same code module checks that the echo has not
passed before the receive cycle starts:
- rxOff= txOff + rttTxOn + seconds for noise
- if rxOn > rxOff then generate the error:
- This is only
needed for mono static runs... but the code module
does not know if the run is bi static or mono
static, so it always does the checking.
- A work around is to
set the parameter rxSecForNoise to say 5 or 10 seconds.
This will bypass the error.
- Other variables that
might be problem are:
- txDownEarlySEc :
bring the tx down this many seconds early. If this is
less than the rtt, there might be a problem.