Places to look for debugging info
LAST MOD:22feb 2012
Places to look for debug info:
- pdevs1: /tmp/
- pnetctl.log
- this file is written by pnetctl (the program that talks to
cima and starts pnet running).
- It holds lots of messages that are getting passed around.
- pnetctl.stderr
- this is stderr for pnetctl. Shows when pnetctl started,
stopped, and any other i/o to stderr.
- pdevsyn.log
- written to by pdevsyn program that controls the
- pnetsig.log:
- written to by filter pnetsig. This program is started by
pnetctl when trying to adjust the power levels on the
- pdevs1
- /var/log/messages - on each pdevsN server
- bpOut,bpInp write to this file if they have errors. xinetd
writes here when psrv is started, stopped.
- /share/megs/phil/svn/pdev/pdev/scripts/
- pdevctlall status .. to get status
of all mock programs running on pdevs
- pdevctlall -h gives some options
- pdevdisk print disk
space for discs on pdevs . pdevdisk -h for options.
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