Online datataking program documentation
Receiver (dewar) monitoring.
The dewar monitoring consists of:
- rcvMNProg.c :
Program running on rfip1 vme crate to take the data and log it.
- Display monitoring scripts:
- monrcvtemp : show temps for all monitored receivers. Updates
every 23 seconds.
- monrcv :
same as monrcvtemp but shows all info (temps,currents,
voltages, etc).
- monrcvpl : idl routine to make
stripchart recording of the temperatures vs time (monitors
rcvMNProg.c -
read and log dewar monitoring info:
Resources used:
- Source: vw/datatk/rcvMon/rcvMNProg.c
- executable: /home/online/vwload/rcvMNProg.o
- vmecpu: rfip1 (in rfi crate)
- bootCmdFile: /home/online/vw/boot/rfi/mv162/startup.p1
- bootLogFile:/home/online/vw/boot/bootLog/rfip1
- Program started from bootCmdFile:
- executes rcvMNProgStart
- Can be started/stoppped manually
- rcvMNProgStop
- rcvMNProgStart
- Devices used:
- Custom dewar monitoring packages built into each receiver by
- dewar monitor multiplexor that selects one of the receivers
to read (custom built by AO).
- hp34907 multi meter to control and read the dewar monitor
- Makes the data read available to rcvMNProg via
- Located in the rfii shield box in the rightmost rack on
the turret room floor.
- gpib to ethernet converter (gpibELib.c)
- allows rcvMNProg to control the hp34907 via ethernet
- Located in the rfii shield box in the rightmost rack on
the turret room floor.
- Output disc files on /share/obs4/rcvm/rcvmN
- Binary file. Written to after each receiver dataset is
read. Usually takes about 2.7 seconds to read each receiver.
Program flow:
Starting the Program:
rcvMNProg has two modes of
- interactive mode:
- started via rcvMNProg() with argument (inp1 != 123).
- after connecting to devices, an interactive menu is
- The user enters a code (number) and optional parameter.
The program will then perform the corresponding function.
- This mode can be used to debug a particular dewar or the
- Autologging mode:
- started via:
- rcvMNProgStart
- spawns the program rcvMNProg(123). The shell continues
running on the console
- rcvMNProg(123)
- entering this directly in the shell will start rcvMNProg
in autologging mode but the console will be in use until
the program exits. This is probably not what you want to
program is normally started in autologging mode at bootup by
the command rcvMNProgStart in the bootup command file (this is
executed on the vxWorks rfip1 cpu).
- rcvMNProgStart: Start it running in autologging mode
- rcvMNProgStop - first called to make sure not other copy is
- taskSpawn("rcvMNProg",arg=123 ..) spawns task to run program
in autologging mode.
- wait until rcvMNProg starts (and completes it's setup).
- rcvMNProgStop: can be used to stop the program running.
- The program can also be started interactively from vxWorks via
The following description assumes we're in
autologging mode:
... to be completed...