Stability of async cal mode in cima.
The cima gui has an async cal
option. It allows you to fire a cal for duration seconds every period
This firing continues for the entire scan. The scheduling of when
the cal starts is computed from the time in the multicast scramnet blocks.
The duration of the cal is determined by the after command
of Tk/Tcl. This code is run in the tcl/tk interpreter of the cima executive.
The timing code is:
proc calasync_poll { } {
global cal
if { $cal(ison) == 0 } {
after 997 {
global cal
if { $cal(ison) == 1 } {
set sec [ expr int([ scram sec_midn ] ) ]
# display_log $sec
if { [ scram sec_midn ] >= $cal(time) } {
set cal(time) [ expr int( [ scram sec_midn ] + $cal(mult) ) % 86400 ]
sock_errsend CALCONTROL "CALON"
display_log "async cal on"
after $cal(calsecs) {
sock_errsend CALCONTROL "CALOFF"
display_log "async cal off"
Here mult is the cal period and calsecs
is the cal duration. It keeps the time for the start of the next cal in
cal(time). When it sees this time in scramnet, it turns the cal on with
the sock_errsend calcontrol calon line. It then executes the after
cal(calsecs) command that will execute the cal off command cal(secs)
later. It then reschedules itself by recursively calling itself.
The stability of this method of firing the cal was
tested by telling cima to fire the cal for 1 second every 9 seconds. It
was told to repeat this for 900 seconds. The alfa receiver was centered
at 1400 mhz. The alfa monitor port was set to beam 0. The signal
was passed thru a 5 Mhz filter and then square law detected with a 50 Usec
time constant. This band was centered at 1390 Mhz (the filter was at 260
Mhz). The detected signal was then input to the Radar interface and sampled
every 25 useconds.
The plots
show the stability of the cal firing
Fig 1. This plot shows the 9 second periods of each cal firing. The total
power of each strip is offset for display purposes. The data has been smoothed
to 10 milliseconds . You can see the cal firing each 9 seconds. The pulse
drifts to the right. This is because the actual time between cal firings
is greater than 9 seconds. After about 10 9 second periods, the cal pulse
jumps back by about a second. This is probably a beating with the 1 second
time coming out of scramnet.
Fig 2. This plot shows the duration of the cal for each of the 93 9 secon
cal periods. The data has been smoothed to .2 milliseconds. For each cal
period the start of the cal was found by looking for .5 seconds of contiguous
values above the cal threshold (1100 counts). The end of the cal was the
first total power value that dropped below the threshhold. Visual inspection
of the data showed that the noise levels were small enough for this criteria
to always. work. The mean cal duration was 1.11 seconds with an rms
of 14 milliseconds. There are some outliers where the cal duration
was 50 milliseconds longer than the mean value.
The async cal firing method of cima for a 1 second cal
duration gave a mean period of 1.11 seconds and an rms of 14 milliseconds.
There were outliers that were 50 milliseconds larger than the mean. The
cal start time drifted by 3.5 seconds over the 900 second measurement.
For people sampling the wapps once a second, the 1.1 second duration with
jitter of up to 50 milliseconds will add unnecessary errors to the calibration
scheme. A hardware based duration of 1 second that is triggered by this
same method (by say adding another port to the cal multiplexor) would solve
this problem.
processing: x101/040827/