Files sent to tacc (arun's list)


atm files
arun file types
fits files


    Arun has made  a list of the files sent to TACC. This page uses the file: NAS_arun_listing dated 6sep22 (more files have been sent since then).


listing file
#file entries
NAS_arun_listing_nz 832MB 8278688
  • includes path and basenames
  • a copy of arun's original list with:
    • zero length files removed
    • rsync errors removed

Be carefull clicking on the large files, it can take a long time to display it

atm files

   scanned arun's file looking for files
Atm related files
listing file
#file entries


-->large file
all file that include ./tnnnn_
.shs files, gio ri files, atmspectra from plasma line processing
does not include the hf files.

Large file..clicking to display can take a long time. better to right click and  download.
echotek files. all files in NAS_arun.. ending in .shs (includes /hfxxx files)
ri files written via gio. Mostly the ion line data.
(leftout: substorm_21sep2005.nnn.. 14 files)
-->large file

the .hdr,.dcd files holding the plasma line spectra.
  • 127202  usrp spectra
  • 526422 echotek spectra

Large file..clicking to display can take a long time. better to right click and  download.


  • All files with ./hf_yyyy
  • this turns out to be all the hf files ending in .dcd or .hdr.
  • It does not include the raw usrp hf files (sent after arunslist file created.


File list by arun's file prefix types:

    Arun used a prefix subdir name for all data sent to tacc.
The table below lists these names  with a link to a file containing a list of all file names in this group (be careful, some  links point to very large files).

file prefix
# of files
Size in MBytes
AO327 85 0.004
AODATA 18733 0.960
AOPULS 658 0.038
AOUSRP 120138 5.499
CLPSPEC 283608 13.778
ECHOTEK 5162 0.232
GALFACTS 1847875 101.631
GALFAHI 59225 2.673
MOCKSPEC0 603894 29.100
MOCKSPEC1 1151902 55.712
P2722 560 0.036
P3218 95 0.004
PALFA 45552 2.683
PUPPI 7182 0.414
Planetary 2908759 192.271
S3043 927 0.043
S3453 54262 3.662
USRP 294410 19.373
USRPRAW 244583 12.072
VLBI 130 0.004
WAPPDATA 34492 1.578
ao 68189 6.099
arun 8279 0.486
clp 471668 20.752
p3184 509 0.023

processing: /share/s3453g1/keysha/Arun_files/phil/

Fits files.

    The files in NAS_aruns_list_nz (non zero) were scanned to find the fits files.
My first attempt was to require files to end in .fits (this ended up skipping galfacube fits files that had been compressed).

    There have been different types of fits files generated at ao:

Some types of fits files generated at AO
Fits source
used for
mock spectral line fits files
regular spectral line observing with the mock spectrometer.
  • the galfacts survey fits  files have a small modification to this type.
  • filenames are:
    • projid.yyyymmdd.bnsmgp.nnnnn.fits
      • yyyymmdd is the date the file was generated (opened)
      • n=0..6 (which mock box
      • m=0,1 (high,low mock bands)
      • p =0,1 group 0,1 (if piggy back observing)
mock psrfits files
pulsar observing with the mock spectrometer
  • these are psrfits files.
  • the filenames are:
    • projid.yyyymmdd.SSSSSSSS.bnsmgp.nnnnn.fits
      • the name format is similar to the spectral line files with SSSSSS (the pulsar name) included in the file name.
puppi files
pulsar observing with puppi backend. puppi uses 8  gpu's. Each processes 100 MHz bandwidth.
  • The initial output files from puppi are labeled xxx.raw
  • Fits files with gpu in the path are the separate 100Mhz fits files
    • there can be 8 duplicate basenames (each with a different gpu number in the path. eg:
    • PUPPI/P3379/gpu01/puppi_58697_J1713+0747_0597_0001.fits
    • PUPPI/P3379/gpu02/puppi_58697_J1713+0747_0597_0001.fits

  • puppi files without gpu in the name may be the fits file after combination, or they could have been taken in the mode that doesn't use the gpu's (search)
  • filenames:
    • puppi_58099_B2303+30_1458_0003.fits
      • 58099 is the mjd
      • 1458 increments for each scan
      • 0003 is a sequence number within a scan (if it takes more than 1 file
    • puppi_58099_B2303+30_1457_cal_0001.fits
      • Is an example of a calibration scan file (_cal_ gets added).
wapp spectral line
spectral line observing with the wapp backend. (I think the wapp pulsar observing is not a fits file).
galfa HI files
the galfa backend was used for galactic Hi surveys. It generated its own fits file.
galfa cubes
these are data cubes in fits file format generated offline. I noticed that these have normally been compressed (so they don't end in .fits.)
misc fits formats
radar processing generated fits files offline to store some of the generated maps.

    I went through and tried to split the file list by fits type.
  • each filename in a proj file has the file base name
  • this does not include the galfa cube fits files
  • fits cubes made from the galfa data
  • 48413 fits files (mostly compressed (.fits.bz2)
  • all sitting in one file. It contains just the base names.
puppi (no gpu in name)
  • each  proj  file contains the path and base name.
puppi (with gpu)
  • each proj file contains the path and base name.
  • each proj file contains the file basename.
  • a2130_dfrq,a2130_dtm are galfacts files after decimation in freq  and time.
  • i found 784 duplicate files (basenames) in the mock list. They have not yet been removed.
  • each proj file has the path and base name.
  • this is the number of sources..
    • sources includes thinks like:ehowel,irtfdata,nolan,tobemoved,...
  • filenames have path and base name.
    • some links are still present.

processing: /share/s3453g1/keysha/Arun_files/phil/