Other shutdown pages:
The 12meter datataking is controlled by
a tcl program that runs on galfas2. It is started by a bash
script (startp12m). After that the user can enter commands to:
- talk to the pointing program
- control the if/lo
- control the mock spectrometers
- etc.
Most commands have been embedded in tcl
procedures that are called by the user with parameters.
Disc locations for the Tcl functions.
The tcl functions are located in a directory structure
- aosBaseP12m/tcl -root of tcl functions
- ./startp12m bash script called
by user to start tclsh and initialize things.
- we've made a copy of this in
/pkg/aosoft/common/bin/ since this path is added
to users path by the system.
- gen/ generic tcl routines, 70
- eg: attn, ifsetup,if2, srcget, udc,waitsecs...
- pnt/ pointing related tcl functions,
23 functions
- pnt, waittrk, trkinit,lst, etc
- pnet/ mock spectrometer routines. 39
- eg:
- setups/ setup for observations. 7 functions
- eg.
- scripts/startup/ routines used when
starting tcl
- tclsh will execute the file .tclshrc in the home
directory when starting up.
- the bash file startp12m plays a few games:
- home directory temporarily set to
- a .tclshrc file is in that directory
- it sources startup.tcl
- it then resets the home directory to where it was
- startup.tcl - called bin .tclshrc on startup
- sources init.tcl - doing most of the tcl variable
- checks if we are online or running the simulator
- opens connections to mocks, if/lo (if online)
- init.tcl : does most of the variable
initialization . called by startup.tcl
- checks if we are online or offline
- adds procedures from various directories.
- if we are off line these may include the simulator
running online, offline
The datataking is started by the bash
script startp12m. It can be run:
- online on galfas2 as user p12m
- this can control the telescope,iflo, and other hardware
- offline on ao networked computer.
- the routines that control various hardware devices have
been replaced by routines that make dummy calls
- all other routines should work as normal
- This lets users check their scripts for tcl errors prior
to going online.
- Things like takedata will come back after a 1 second
- Any errors with parameters sent to devices may not be