; compute tsys using psrfits winking cal files .. ; ; input psrfits files , compute tsys spectra ; ; warning: getsysi1: J0437-4715 has 32usec sampling can run out of memory of lots of other ; things active. simplest is to use gpuserv0. but will run on megs3 ; gettsysI1.pro .. get 1 source getsysIday.pro .. get tsys info one day gettsysImon.pro .. get tsysI for a month ; plottsysI1day.pro .. plot 1 days worth of tsysI mkjpegs .. input tsysI for a number of day, call plottsysI1day() for each dayh making a jpeg for each day ; domonth: process a months worth of data - generate save files (skip this if you want) - make the jpegs for each day - generate the .avi from teh jpegs directories; - savfiles/ monthly save files - jpegs/yymm/ jpegs for each month - movies/yymm_tsys.avi see 221027/chkrippple.pro for how ripple changes for oct22