NAME: sat0intro - Intro to using the ao satellite prediction routines. The ao idl satxxx routines will predict passes of satellites over AO. They interface to the predict program: PREDICT: A satellite tracking/orbital prediction program Project started 26-May-1991 by John A. Magliacane, KD2BD Last update: 14-May-2006 The routines use two line element sets (tle's) that are updated daily at the observatory. They can only be run at AO since they are calling the predict program which is not distributed with phil's idl routines. Getting started: @phil @satinit satpassplt,/gps .. will plot the gps constellation passes for the current time. the routines currently available can be found via: explain,satdoc .. it outputs: satdoc - routine list (single line) normal routines called by user satdoc - routine list (single line) 1.satinfo - return tle entry for all satellites 2.satpass - compute satellite pass at AO 3.satpassconst - compute satellite pass for a constellation 4.satpassplt - plot all sat of constellation as they pass over AO utility routines used by above routines (and be user if they want) satfindtle - find tle file for satellite name satsetup - return setup info for sat routines satinptlefile - input an entire tle file satlisttlefiles - return list of tle files ************************************************************* 1. satinfo - to find out which satellites we have tle files for: ************************************************************* return a structure holding info on all satellites we know about: n=satinfo(satI) help,satI,/st NM STRING 'GIOVE-A' TLEFILE STRING '/share/megs/phil/predict/tle/galileo.tle' TLE STRUCT ->Array[1] .. The tle info for each satellite help,satI.tle,/st SATNM STRING 'GIOVE-A' SATNUM INT 28922 SATCLASS STRING 'U' LAUNCHYR LONG 2005 LAUNCHNUM INT 51 LAUNCHPIECE STRING 'A ' EPOCHYR LONG 2008 EPOCHDAY DOUBLE 260.32344 TMDER1 DOUBLE 2.2000000e-07 TMDER2 STRING ' 00000-0' DRAG DOUBLE 10000.000 EPHTYPE STRING '0' ELMNUM INT 394 INCLINATION DOUBLE 56.055200 RAASCNODE DOUBLE 164.58550 ECCENTRICITY STRING '0007843' ARGOFPERIGEE DOUBLE 331.59930 MEANANOMALY DOUBLE 28.417500 MEANMOTION DOUBLE 1.7019477 REVNUM LONG 1690 LINES STRING Array[3] ************************************************************ 2. satpass - Compute a single pass for a 1 satellite: ************************************************************ npts=satpass(satNm,passI,hhmmss=hhmmss,yymmdd=yymmdd) Returns and array passI[npts] that holds info for each point of the pass. help,passI JD DOUBLE 2.7793265e+08 .. jd for this point SECS DOUBLE 1.2221659e+09 .. secs 1970 for this point AZ DOUBLE 204.47500 .. source az for pnt ZA DOUBLE 89.974000 .. za for this pnt RAHR DOUBLE 0.23571587 .. J2000 right ascension in hours for ; this point DECD DOUBLE -66.452344 .. J2000 declination in deg for this point PHASE LONG 226 .. phase in orbit 0..255 LAT LONG -50 .. north lattitude of sat sub orbit point LON LONG 105 .. west longitude of sat sub orbit point RANGEKM LONG 25677 .. slant range in kilometers to satellite ORBITNUM LONG 4142 .. orbit number. increments once each orbit. ************************************************************ 3. Compute satellite passes for a constellation of satellites ************************************************************ npts=satpassconst(satAr,/gps) Returns satAr[31]. Each entry is the pass info for a single satellite in the gps constellation. help,satAr[0],/st NPNTS LONG 92 .. pnts in pass for this satellite SATNM STRING 'GPS16' .. sat Nm ZAMIN FLOAT 18.8350 .. min za for pass SECSMIN DOUBLE 1.2217464e+09 .. time for minza secs1970 P STRUCT -> SATPASS Array[150] .. pnts in pass Note that satAr[0].p[150] is dimensioned as 150 but there are only satAr[0].npts = 92 valid points in the array. The number of points varies with each satellite pass. ************************************************************ 4. plot passes for a satellite constellation ************************************************************ satpassplt,yymmdd=yymmddd,hhmmss=hhmmss,satAr=satAr,v=v,/glonass Will plot the az,za for each of the glonass satellites for the given time. The passInfo can be returned in satAr if you want. You can control the vertical scale with v. To get hardcopy with za 0 to 20 for 23sep08 141500 AST (when the next L3 test is scheduled) you could: pscol,'',/full hhmss=141500 yymmdd=080923 v=[0,20] satpassplt,yymmdd=yymmdd,hhmmss=hhmmss,v=v,/gps hardcopy x ldcolph Note that the azimuth plotted is the source azimuth. WARNINGS: - the keyword: tlefile= or tledir= keyword has been added to let you use non-standard locations for the tlefiles. I've noticed that predict only allows up to 48 characters for the entire filename.. So don't use long path/filenames... ************************************************************ for more info use explain,satroutine
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satcmpangle - compute angle between ra,dec,jd and satellites SYNTAX: satcmpangle,raHr,decDec,jd,passAr,distI ARGS: raHr[m]: float right ascension hours to use decDeg[m]: float declination in degrees jd[m] : double julian date passAr[n]:{} array of satellite constellation info returned from satpassplt() RETURNS: distI[m,n]: float distance from satellite to request position DESCRIPTION: Compute the angle in degrees between the requested ra,dec (j2000),jd and the location of the satellites in passAr. passAr comes from satpassplt( ...satAr=satAr,/radec). Be sure that the /radec keyword is set in the call to satpassplt so that the ra,dec gets computed..
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satdoc - routine list (single line) sat0intro - Intro to using the ao satellite prediction routines. satcmpangle - compute angle between ra,dec,jd and satellites satdoc - routine list (single line) satdocnames - list of routine names satfindtle - find tle file for satellite name satinfo - return tle entries for all satellites satinptlefile - input an entire tle file satlisttlefiles - return list of tle files satpass - compute satellite pass at AO satpassconst - compute satellite passes for a constellation satpassplt - plot a satellite constellation passes over AO satsetup - return setup info for sat routines
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satdocnames - list of routine names sat0intro satcmpangle satdoc satdocnames satfindtle satinfo satinptlefile satlisttlefiles satpass satpassconst satpassplt satsetup
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satfindtle - find tle file for satellite name SYNTAX: tlefile=satfindtle(satNm) ARGS: satNm: string name of satellite to search for. RETURNS: tlefile:string name of tle file. '' if not found DESCRIPTION: This routine will look for a tle file based on the satNm
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satinfo - return tle entries for all satellites SYNTAX: nsat=satinfo(satI,tledir=tledir,yymmdd=yymmdd) ARGS: KEYWORDS: tledir: string directory to for tle's def: /share/megs/predict/tle yymmdd: long : if supplied, then search for this date in the archive. RETURNS: nsat: long number of satellites we found satI[nsat]: {} array of struct holding satinfo DESCRIPTION: Return info on all of the satellites we have tle's for. The returned structure contains: help,satI,/st NM STRING 'GIOVE-A' TLEFILE STRING '/share/megs/phil/predict/tle/galileo.tle' TLE STRUCT ->Array[1] .. The tle info for each satellite help,satI[0].tle,/st SATNM STRING 'GIOVE-A' SATNUM INT 28922 SATCLASS STRING 'U' LAUNCHYR LONG 2005 LAUNCHNUM INT 51 LAUNCHPIECE STRING 'A ' EPOCHYR LONG 2008 EPOCHDAY DOUBLE 260.32344 TMDER1 DOUBLE 2.2000000e-07 TMDER2 STRING ' 00000-0' DRAG DOUBLE 10000.000 EPHTYPE STRING '0' ELMNUM INT 394 INCLINATION DOUBLE 56.055200 RAASCNODE DOUBLE 164.58550 ECCENTRICITY STRING '0007843' ARGOFPERIGEE DOUBLE 331.59930 MEANANOMALY DOUBLE 28.417500 MEANMOTION DOUBLE 1.7019477 REVNUM LONG 1690 LINES STRING Array[3]
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satinptlefile - input an entire tle file SYNTAX: nsat=satinptlefile(filenm,tleAr,tledir=tledir) ARGS: filenm: string name of tle file to input. If no / in filename then prepend default directory. KEYWORDS: tledir: string if supplied then use this directory to look for tle file RETURNS: nsat: long number of satellites found in the file satAr[nsat]:{} array of tle entries found in file DESCRIPTION: Input all of the satellites from a tle file for tle field definitions see:
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satlisttlefiles - return list of tle files SYNTAX: nfiles=satlisttlefiles(tlefiles,tledir=tledir,suf=suf) ARGS: KEYWORDS: tledir: string if supplied then the directory to look for tle file suf : string suffix for tle files. by default use txt,tle. yymmdd: long if supplied, then look in archive for data for this date. RETURNS: nfiles: long number of files we found tlefiles[nfiles]: array of files we founds DESCRIPTION: get a list of tle files in the requested directory (default is the default tle directory). If tledir is supplied then search this directory for any tle files. if yymmdd= is supplied then search archive for data for this date. The current search looks for tle data updated on this date. It may return nothing if a tle file was not modified on this date (need to broaden search criteria). it will have to run on each file found data is written to tmp directory. NOTE: yymmdd and tledir are mutually exclusive...
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satpass - compute satellite pass at AO SYNTAX: npts=satpass(satNm,passI,yymmdd=yymmdd,hhmmss=hhmmss,$ jd=jd,nsecs=nsecs,tlefile=tlefile,radec=radec) ARGS: satNm: string name of satellite, must match name in tle file KEYWORDS: yymmdd: long date (AST) for pass. hhmmss: long hour,min,sec of day (AST).If not provided find first pass of day. jd : double time for the pass nsecs : long if provided then the number of secs to report If not provided then do the entire pass. If nsecs is provided, then the resolution is 1 second. tlefile: string filename holding the two line elements for this sat. if '/' not in name then prepend default path. If this is not supplied then the program will search all tle files for this satellite name radec: If set (/radec) then include the ra,dec for each az,za position. This takes a little longer to run. RETURNS: npts: long > 0 number of entries in passI. < 0 error occurred. passI[npts]: structure holding pass info for each time point. DESCRIPTION: Compute az,za,ra,dec for satellite pass over ao for a given day. Use yymmdd,hhmmss or jd to specify when the passes should occur. If no date/time is provided use the current time. Passes will be computed that are above the horizon for the specified time.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satpassconst - compute satellite passes for a constellation SYNTAX: npts=satpassconst(passAr,yymmdd=yymmdd,hhmmss=hhmmss,jd=jd,$ gps=gps,iridium=iridium,niridium=niridium,galileo=galileo,beidou=beidou,$ globalstar=globalstar,$ radec=radec,verb=verb,tlefile=tlefile) ARGS: KEYWORDS: gps: if set then use the gps constellations iridium: if set then use the iridium constellations niridium: if set then use the iridium-NEXT constellations glonass: if set then use the glonass constellations galileo: if set then use the galileo constellations beidou : if set then use the chinese beidou constellations globalstar: if set then use the globalstar constellations tlefile: string if provided then read all sat from this tle file. If you don't put a leading / then it will use the default location. satNmAr[]:string if tlefile is supplied then only include satellites names in satNmAr[] yymmdd: long date (AST) for pass. hhmmss: long hour,min,sec of day (AST).If not provided find first pass of day. jd: double if provided then use this for the pass time. nsecs: long Instead of entire pass, compute the location once a second started at requested time for nsecs. This gives fixed time resolution. .. warning.. if a satellite is not visible during the requested time, predict loops forever.. radec: if set then include ra,dec for each az,za position. verb: if set then print tlefiles as they are input RETURNS: nsat: long > 0 number of satellites found < 0 error occurred. passAr[nsat]: array of structures holding pass info for each satellite DESCRIPTION: Compute az,za,ra,dec for satellites in the specified constellation as the specified time. The all passes should be above the horizon at the specified time.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satpassplt - plot a satellite constellation passes over AO SYNTAX: satpassplt,yymmdd=yymmdd,hhmmss=hhmmss,jd=jd,satAr=satAr,v=v,$ gps=gps,iridium=iridium,niridium=niridium,glonass=glonass,galileo=galileo,$ beidou=beidou,$ globalstar=globalstar,tlefile=tlefile,wait=wait,radec=radec,$ samepage=samepage,ln0=ln0,usearchive=usearchive ARGS: KEYWORDS: yymmdd: long if supplied then the AST date for the pass hhmmss: long if supplied then the AST time for the pass jd : double if supplied then the julian date for the pass nsecs : long instead of plotting an entire pass, plot nsecs points starting at requested time spaced by 1 sec. .. warning. If a satellite is not visible during this time, predict seems to loop forever... v[2] : float if supplied then then min, max za for plotting. gps : if set then plot the gps constellation iridium: if set then plot the iridium constellation niridium: if set then plot the iridium-NEXT constellation glonass: if set then plot the glonass constellation galileo : if set then plot the galileo constellation beidou : if set then plot the beidou constellation globalstar: if set then plot the globalstar constellation tlefile :string if provided then ignore constellation names. Plot all satellites in this file satNmAr[] :string if supplied with tlefile then only plot these sat names. wait : if set then wait for keyboard input before plotting the next page. This is only needed for iridium,niridium and globalstar (they have more than 32 satellites). radec : If set then include the ra,dec in the returned info This slows down the routine a little. This is only used if satAr is supplied to return the info in. samepage : if set then continue plotting on the current page useful for constellation with only a few satellites ln0 : int first linenumber for display of first sat name. useful if you are using samepage. Then you can have the sat name appear in the frame you are writing in. values .. about 0 to 31 usearchive: int if set then search archive for date. Without this, it uses the current tle to the date,time. RETURNS: satAr[nsat]: {} strucuture containing satellite info for each pass and point within a pass. DESCRIPTION: Plot the passes over ao for the specified constellation at a given time. The time can be specified by yymmdd,hhmmss keywords or jd (julian date). If no date is specified then the current time is used. A satellite pass is included in the plot if any portion of a pass is above the AO horizon at the specified time. Only one constellation can be specified per call. If no constellation is specified then gps is used. The first point (in time) of the pass will have a rectangle. All other points wil have a +. Points are separated by about 2-3 degrees in orbital phase (they are not spaced equidistant in time). A maximum of 32 satellites can be plotted per page. If you want to see each page as it is generated either make a hardcopy, or use the /wait keyword to wait before plotting the next page. satAr is an array satAr[31] .. one for each satellite. L> help,satAr,/st NPNTS LONG 92 .. number of points in pass (valid pnts in P[]) SATNM STRING 'GPS16' .. name of satellite ZAMIN FLOAT 18.8150 .. minimum za for this pass SECSMIN DOUBLE 1.2221771e+09 .. time secs 1970 for za Min. P STRUCT SATPASS Array[150] .. array of points for each pass. Only the first satAr[i].npnts are valid for this pass. the pass structure P contains: IDL> help,satAr.p,/st JD DOUBLE 2.7793265e+08 .. jd for this point SECS DOUBLE 1.2221659e+09 .. secs 1970 for this point AZ DOUBLE 204.47500 .. source az for pnt ZA DOUBLE 89.974000 .. za for this pnt RAHR DOUBLE 0.23571587 .. J2000 right ascension in hours for this point DECD DOUBLE -66.452344 .. J2000 declination in deg for this point PHASE LONG 226 .. phase in orbit 0..255 LAT LONG -50 .. north lattitude of sat sub orbit point LON LONG 105 .. west longitude of sat sub orbit point RANGEKM LONG 25677 .. slant range in kilometers to satellite ORBITNUM LONG 4142 .. orbit number. increments once each orbit. EXAMPLE: idl @satinit yymmdd=080923 hhmmss=141500 satpassplt,yymmdd=yymmdd,hhmmss=hhmmss,satAr=satAr,/gps
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/
NAME: satsetup - return setup info for sat routines SYNTAX: satSetupI=satsetup() ARGS: none KEYWORDS: none RETURNS: satSetupI:{} returns strucuture containing locations of various files/dir. DESCRIPTION: Call satsetup() to get the default locations for files and directories.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sat/