RFI from TRelectronics distomat
15feb13: LB65-00600 in screen room.
15,23jun11:rfi from TRelectronics distomat
(LLB500-0600) in screen room.
06apr11:rfi from TRelectronics distomat
(LLB-60-D) in screen room.
hardware page
The LLB-60-d distomat was installed next to
distomat 6 (az=330 deg) from early apr11 thru about 20jun11.
- xxmar13: LB-65-00600 with special window installed next to
distomat 6.
- 24jun11 : llb500-00600 distomat installed next to distomat 6
(az=330). It is currently turned off.
- 20jun11: ?? about this time llb-60 removed from distomat 6
position (so luis could use the rfi canister for his tests).
- 15jun11 : luis tests llb500-00600 distomat in screen
- xxjun11 : tried to purchase llb-60-d distomats,
but they no longer make them. They send us the newer model
- midapr11: llb-60-d distomat installed at rim road next to
distomat 6 (az=330 deg). left running
- 06apr11: llb-60-d distomat tested in screen room by luis.
- ??????? : llb-60-d distomat installed on platform,
looking down at retroreflector on ground.
15feb13 LB65-00600 rfi measured in screen
room (top)
A picture of the distomat (.jpeg)
The LB65 was tested by angel in the screen room on 15feb13
using the anritsu spectrum analyzer. The setup was:
- the distomat was placed in the rfi canister.
- A special window was install (about 1 inch square) that
provided rfi shielding (this was a sample from jorges window
- The 0904B E-field probe (the solid ball) was placed at the
exit window of the canister (with the distomat inside).
- The power supply and fiber xcver were in a huffman box
that was moved away from the measuring probe (not sure how far).
- The anritsu setup was:
- rbw .01 Mhz, vbw=.03 Mhz, span=100 Mhz, sweep time (about 1
sec), 551 points, average 10 sweeps, detection mode?
- The preamp was on.
- angel changed the rbw auto settings to .01 Mhz.
- I think the analyzer forces the sweep time to be legal.
- He recorded trace A,B, and C.The 3 traces looked like
normal,max,min hold.
- The detection keyword for the 3 traces were all the
same in the file? was all the same?
- He tooks 29 traces with the distomat on and 29 traces with the
distomat off.
The plots show the rfi from
the system with the distomat on and off (.ps) (.pdf):
- pages 1,2
- each 100 Mhz band is plotted in a different color
- 0-3000 Mhz was split into 3 1000 GHz sections.
- For each pair of frames, the top frame is distomat on and
the lower frame is distomat off.
- For some freq ranges, there was more rfi in the distomat off
than the distomat on (the screen room probably needs some
- Page3: blowup of 200-300,300-400, and 2200-2300Mhz
- black is distomat on, red is distomat off.
The table below has the strongest distomat birdies:
327 band
- The 1920 and 2240 birdies were also seen in the LLb500 and
LB60 distomats (when the rfi box was open). These two were from
a 320 Mhz comb.
- We need to check the 2240 birdie with sbw as well as the
305.38 and 325.65 birdies at 327.
15,23jun11: (LLB500-00600) rfi measured in
screen room (top)
TRelectronics sent us the LLB500-00600 distomat
(which replaces the older LLB-60-D distomat).
Luis tested this distomat in the screen room on 15jun11
(noshielding) and 23jun11 (laser in shielded cannister but not
window cover). The setup was:
- TRelectronics (LLB500-00600) distomat.
- agilent E4445A spectrum analyzer, 601 channels, and preamp on.
- DC to 3200Mhz in 250 Mhz junks (416Khz/chan).
- ETS model 7405 near field probes (.pdf):
- 902 probe: magnetic field. resonant freq 1.5 Ghz
- 904 probe: E-field upper resonant freq > 1Ghz
- Move the probe around the device looking for maximum value
(spectrum analzyer set to max hold).
- Data was taken with the distomat sitting on the bench open
(15jun11) and then repeated (23jun11) with the distomat in the
shielded canister (but the window as not covered).
The plots show
the results of the rfi tests (.ps) (.pdf):
- There is a comb with 320 Mhz spacing. The dotted vertical line
flags every 320 Mhz.
- Page 1: no shielding Efld probe
- Page 2: no shielding Bfld probe
- Page 3: shielding Efld probe
- Page 4: shielding Bfld probe.
- Also see luis's
on the unshielded test (.pdf)
- The 320 Mhz comb is seen up to 3200 Mhz (as far as we looked)
- The strongest birdie is at 2240 (320*7)
- no shielding: -32dbm (about 50db above noise floor)
- shielded: -50dbm (30 db above noise floor).
- so shielding is knocking it down by about 20db.
- Luis mentioned that with the shielding, the strongest rfi is
coming from the window where the laser exits.
- This opening was completely open (there was no wire mesh on
the opening).
- For telescope testing
- we can probably see the 2240 birdie (it's not too
contaminated by other rfi).
- The 1600 birdie might also be visible (if glonass is not
rfi measured in screen room. (top)
Luis Quintero checked the rfi from the
TRelectonics distomat in the screen room on 06apr11. The setup was:
- TRelectronics (LLB-60-D) distomat..
- agilent E4445A spectrum analyzer, 601 channels, and preamp on.
- 300 MHz to 10 Ghz. I've included the data from 300 MHz
to 7500 MHz.
- ETS model 7405 near field probes (.pdf):
- 902 probe: magnetic field. resonant freq 1.5 Ghz
- 904 probe: E-field upper resonant freq > 1Ghz
- Move the probe around the device looking for maximum value
(spectrum analzyer set to max hold).
- Data was taken with the distomat sitting on the bench and then
with the distomat in the rfi shielded canister that is
normally used when used on the telescope. Note that they the
exit hole for the laser beam does not have the shielded window
that we normally use.
The plots show the rfi from
the LLB-60-D distomat (.ps) (.pdf):
- below 1100 Ghz, frequencies were tested that corresponded to
the 327,430, and 800 receivers.
- above 1100 Ghz the coverage was continuous (we need to check
the response of these probes to the high frequencies).
- page 1-2 EFld probe no rfi canister
- page 3-4 HFld probe no rfi canister
- Strong birdies were found at :
- A 320 MHz comb was found (maybe 160 MHz?).
- Other birdies were found at 1200,1437+/- 62.5, 1677.8,3249.7
- page 5-6 EFld probe with rfi canister
- page 7-8 HFld probe with rfi canister
- the 19th harmonic of 320 MHz (6080 MHz ) was strong even
with the distomat in the cannister.
- distomat has 320MHz comb.
- other birdies at 1200,1437+/- 62.5, 1677.8,3249.7 MHz
- the 19th harmonic of 320MHz (6080) is strong even in the rfi
canister enclosure.
- need to check to see if shielding the exit pupil helps.