lband wide: high time resolution power levels


Links to sections
Processing the data
The results

Links to plots:

The average and peak hold spectra  in degrees Kelvin (.ps) (.pdf)
The average and peak hold spectra in dbm (.ps) (.pdf)
The total power vs time (.pdf)

The radar bands total power vs time(.pdf) (6.5MBytes)
The radar bands total power vs time (blowup around max total power) (.ps)  (.pdf)

Plot showing the onset of compression in the if/lo or backend (.pdf)


    Azimuth swings were done with lband wide on 22feb19 to measure the power levels at the input of lbw the dewar (more info). The az swings sampled different directions searching for the strongest value. The test dumped spectra at 50 milliseconds.

    The radars are pulsed signals (300 usec rf pulse, about 3000 usecs ipp). The 50 millisecond integration time averaged over the 10% duty cycle of the radars. An estimate was made that the radar levels needed to be increased by 10db to get the peak power level.

    On 05mar19 high time resolution data was taken with lband wide to try and sample the individual radar rf pulses (and test the 10db assumption). The telescope remained stationary at az=84,za=18 degrees during the test. This location  looked to be a spot where the 22feb19 data showed a strong faa radar response.
    The average spectra , total power vs time, total power vs time for some radars is also plotted. A final plot shows the power level input to lbw that caused the system to go into compression.

The aerostat radar balloon was not up during this test.


Processing the data:

The results:

The average and peak hold spectra:

The total power vs time

    The total power vs time (.pdf)

 Plotting some radar bands vs time.

    The power in some radar bands was plotted to see which was affecting the total power the most.

The radar bands total power vs time (.pdf) (6.5Mbytes)

The radar bands total power vs time (blowup around the strongest total power) (.ps)  (.pdf)

Plot showing the onset of compression in the if/lo or backend (.pdf)


processing: x101/190305/lbwhightmrespro,

page up
