NAME: rdev0Intro - Intro to using rdev routines. rdev is the radar processing version of jeff mocks pdev spectrometer. Data is sampled, filtered, packed, and then output to disc. The disc format consists of a 1024 byte header followed by packed binary data. The header contains the standard pdev header: hdr.h1:{pdev_hdrpdev ,$ magic_num : "deadbeef"XUL,$ ; unsigned long magic_sp : 0L ,$ ; magic number for sp unsigned long adcf : 0L ,$ ; adc clock freq Hz. byteswapCode: 0L ,$ ; blkSize : 0L ,$ ; size of each block (integration) nblksdumped : 0L ,$ ; number of blocks dumped beam : 0L ,$ ; from [pdev] section subband : 0L } ; 0,1 from [pdev] section It is followed by the rdev specific header (this is currently being defined) aug11 aug11 format a={rdev_hdrsp ,$ decF : 0U ,$; 1=5 dec, 2=4 dec, 3=8 dec, 4=16 dec,5=32 dec ; 6=64,7=160 roundEna:0U ,$; 0,1 enabled (now implemented) tuner : 0U ,$; tune word for mixing..2^16*(fout/fclock) shiftMixer:0U ,$; upshift before filter. 4 bits maxval d1cntL: 0U ,$; lower /upper 16 bits of samples to take d1cntU: 0U ,$; data block 1 (tx) s2cntL: 0U ,$; lower /upper 16 bits of samples to skip before s2cntU: 0U ,$; height sampling count from rf pulse d2cntL: 0U ,$; lower /upper 16 bits of samples to take d2cntU: 0U ,$; data block 2 (data) s3cntL: 0U ,$; lower /upper 16 bits of samples to skip before s3cntU: 0U , $; start d3cntL: 0U ,$; lower /upper 16 bits of samples to skip before d3cntU: 0U $; start shift_fir_32m: 0U $; shift_fir_20m: 0U $; shift_fir_10m: 0U $; shift_fir_5m: 0U $; shift_fir_2_5m: 0U $; shift_fir_1m: 0U $ } IDL BASICS: ; starting idl.. init rdev routines: ; idl @phil @rdevinit ; ; some basic routines: ; hor ,0,1000 ; this will limit horizontal to 0 to 1000 hor ; with no args this resets to auto scaling ver ,-100,100 ; this will limit vertical scale to -100 to 100 ver ; with no args this resets to auto scaling !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; make 3 plot areas in the plot window (vertically) !p.multi=0 ; reset to 1 plot in the window plot,d ; plot the array d plot,frq,d ; plot d versus frq ; ; To label a plot... ; plot,frq,d,title='This is the title',xtitle='freq',ytitle='volts' ; ; to send the plot of x,y data to the postscript ; pscol,'',/full plot,x,y hardcopy x ; ; to print the values in an array; ; print,d[0:99] ; first 100 pnts USING THE RDEV ROUTINES: idl ; start idl @phil ; connect to phils routines @rdevinit ; initialize the rdev routines ; ; print info on the rdev routines: ; explain,rdevdoc ; list of all the routines explain,rdevopen ; rdev documentation. ; ; define the file to use ; file='/share/pdata/pdev/sp_tamara.20070423.b0a.00000.pdev' ; ; open the file.. returns lun, and the header h. lun=rdevopen(file,hdr) ; ; look at the header ; help,hdr.h1,/st print,hdr.h2 ; ; read 16384 samples: ; returns number of points actually read in: npnts ; returns data in int array d[npnts] ; pntsRequested=16384L npnts=rdevget(lun,hdr,pntsRequested,d) ; ; plot the first 1000 points of the data ; hor,0,1000 plot,d[*,0] ;; I dig polA oplot,d[*,1],col=colph[2] ;; Q dig polA ; ; plot a histogram of the data ; rdevhist,hdr,d ; input data, compute spectra and plot it ; naccum=rdevspc(lun,hdr,fftlen,spc,toavg=10,/plot)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevbw - return bandwidth of observation SYNTAX: bwMhz=rdevbw(desc) ARGS: desc: {} from rdevopen. RETURNS: bwMhz: float band in Mhz of observation DESCRIPTION: Return the bandwidth of the observation. The routine decodes the h2.decf decimation factor. The clock is hardcoded to 160 Mhz.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevclose - close a rdev file for i/o SYNTAX: rdevclose,desc,all=all ARGS: desc: {rdevdescr} - descriptor to close (returned by rdevopen) KEYWORDS: all: if set then close all open descriptors. DESCRIPTION: Files opened with rdevopen() need to be closed with rdevclose() so that the resources are freed up. EXAMPLE: filename='/share/pdata/pdev/phil/071106//testdata.20071107.00000.pdev' istat=rdevopen(filename,desc) .. process the data in the file rdevclose,desc .. this closes the file when done with the processing.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevclp - decode rdev CLP data SYNTAX: n=rdevclp(desc,avgspc,nipps=nipps,baudUsec=baudUsec,$ codeLenUsec=codeLenUsec,fftlen=fftlen,$ txSmpSkip=txSmpSkip,heights=heights,$ posIpp=posIpp,clpi=clpi,verb=verb ARGS: desc: {} from rdevopen. KEYWORDS: nipps: long number of ipps to decode. def=1 baudUsec: float baud in usecs. Def=1. codeLenUsec:float code len in usec. def=440. fftlen :long length fft to do (def:16384) txSmpSkip :long samples to skip at start of tx samples heights[2] :long 1st hght,nhghts to process if dim=1 then first height(cnt 0) , nhghts=1 default=[0,(datasmpIpp-(fftlen-1))/(dataSamples1baud) posIpp :long position to this ipp before start. cnt from 0 clpI :{} structure returning info on the computation. verb :int if set then print start of each ipp as we go RETURNS: nippsaccum: long number of ipps we accumulated avgSpc[fftlen,nhghts]: float height spc avged over nipps dcchan=fftlen/2 (count from 0) clpI{} : struct holding info on clp data DESCRIPTION: Decode then compute spectra for the requested heights. The height spacing is set to the baudLen. The routine returns the average of the ipps.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevfindipps - find which dataset ipps belong to in a file. SYNTAX [npwr,nmracf,nclp,ntopsid]=rdevfindipps(desc,pwr=iipwr,mracf=iimracf,clp=iiclp,$ topsid=iitopsid,txSkipUsec=txSkipUsec,$ bad=iibad,nbad=nbad ARGS: desc : {} returned from rdevopen() KEYWORDS: minval : float minvalue for a tx Sample to be high abs(txVal) in counts txSkipUsec: float number of usecs to skip at start of txpulse So you start at the rising edge of first baud. default is 1.56 usecs notopsid: If set then the file contains no topsid data notclp : if set then the file contains no clp data. RETURNS: nipps[4] : long number for each experiment iipwr[] : long return indices for power profile iimracf[]: long return indices for mracf iiclp[] : long return indices for clp iitopsid[]:long return indices for topsid iibad[] : long return indeics for ipps that don't fit into a dataset nbad : long number of bad ipps DESCRIPTION: Scan a file and find the ipp indices for each requested dataset
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevget - input pdev radar data SYNTAX psmp=rdevget(desc,nSmpReq,d,pos=pos,cmplx=cmplx,rawbuf=rawbuf,$ dec=dec) ARGS: desc : {} returned from rdevopen() nSmpReq:long number of sample points requested. This is the decimated count. KEYWORDS: pos : long if set then start reading this many datasamples from the front of the file. It skips the header automatically < 0 --> use current position cmplx : if set then return complex data (default is int) rawbuf: int if set then return the raw input buffer here (before negative correction or byteswapping. dec : long decimate the input by this amount using a boxcar. 0,1 --> no decimation. RETURNS: nsmp: long samples we read d[nsmp,2*npol]: float returned data [*,IA/QA,IB,QB] if not /cmplx d[nsmp,npol]: complex if /cmplx is set DESCRIPTION: Input sampled data from pdev radar processor. You need to call rdevopen() once to open the file before using this routine. The returned data is floats unless /cmplx is set. In that case the return value is complex. If 2 pols are available then the 2nd dimension of d holds : polAI,polAQ,polBI,polBQ. History: 26feb08: swapped i,q to get correct sign switched to return float or complex.. no more ints
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevgetipp - input 1 rdev ipp of data SYNTAX psmp=rdevgetipp(desc,d,dtx,nipps=nipps,posipp=posipp,cmplx=cmplx) ARGS: KEYWORDS: posipp: long position to this ipp before starting. Count from start of this file (for now) < 0 --> use current position cmplx : if set then return complex data (default is int) RETURNS: nsmp: long samples we read d[2,nsmp]: float returned data [IA/QA,nspmp] if not /cmplx d[nsmp]: complex if /cmplx is set DESCRIPTION: Input nipps of rdev data from the requested file. You need to call rdevopen() once to open the file before using this routine. The returned data is floats unless /cmplx is set. In that case the return value is complex. If the file is a continuation of a previous file (see rdevopen descprev=), then the routine will position to the start of the first ipp in the file (files do not have integral number of ipps). History: 10jan10: fixed some of the documentation, updated to position in secondary files correctly 26feb08: swapped i,q to get correct sign switched to return float or complex.. no more ints
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevgraptxsmp - grap txSamples from a file SYNTAX nipps=rdevgraptxsmp(desc,txTims,nsamples,txAr) ARGS: desc : {} returned from rdevopen() txTimes[m]:float offsets from start of txipp in usecs for samples to return nsamples: int number of samples at each tx offset to return KEYWORDS: txOff: float RETURNS: nipps : long number of ipps we found txDat[nsamples,nipps,m] : complex the data DESCRIPTION: Scan a file extracting individual txsamples from a file. This can be used to determine where different observation types start: eg. clp has data out to 440 usecs, while topside goes out to For each ipp: for each element of txTims, extract nsamples complex samples.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevhist - make a histogram of rdev data. SYNTAX: rdevhist,hdr,d ARGS: hdr : {} header read in with rdropen() d[n]: int data read in via rdevget() KEYWORDS: tit: string title for plot plot keywords.. you can enter keywords to plot and they will be included. DESCRIPTION: Plot a histogram of the sampled data as well as the bit usage. The top plot is the histogram of the data. The horizontal axis is the values the data can take. The vertical axis is the fraction of total counts taken. The bottom plot is a plot of the fraction of time each of the n bits were a 1.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevopen - open a pdev radar data file SYNTAX: istat=rdevopen(filename,desc,descprev=descprev,filenum=filenum) ARGS: filename: string file to open KEYWORDS: descprev: {} descriptor from previous file fileNum : long if supplied then this is Nth file of a multi file sequence. The first file that contains the header should be 0. NOTE - This is not the filenumber in the file. It just counts 0..N-1 . eq. Suppose you have a multi file sequence with the header file having filenum: 00200.pdev To access the 2nd file (00201) you would set filenum=1 (since we count from 0); filenum of a sequence (count from 0). RETURNS: istat: int 1 open ok, 0 error desc: {} holds open info DESCRIPTION: Open a radar file and read the header. After returning from this routine you are positioned to read the first data same (with rdevget()). NOTE: descprev: To read an 2..n file of a multi file sequence: 1. pass descprev=desc where desc is the descriptor for the current file open (do not close it). 2. The routine will close it and compute the sample offset for the start of the new file. 3. If the open is successful the previous descriptor will be closed.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevposipp - position to start of ipp in file SYNTAX istat=rdevposipp(desc,ipp) ARGS: desc : {} returned from rdevopen() ipp:long ipp in file to compute position for. Count from 0. RETURNS: istat:ulong 0 position ok, -1 error DESCRIPTION: Position to the start of the requested ipp in the file. Ipps are counted from 0. This is the ipp number in the file, not the ipp number from the start of the observation.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/
NAME: rdevspc - compute the spectrum of the data SYNTAX: naccum=rdevspc(desc,fftlen,spc,spcTx=spcTx,freq=freq,toavg=toavg,plot=plot,$ _extra=e,pos=pos ARGS: desc: {} from rdevopen() fftlen:long length of fft to perform d[npol,n]: int The data read in via rdevget() Keywords: toavg: long number of spectra to avg. default is 1 plot : if set the plot spectra _e : pass to plot routine.. ytitle=ytitle, etc.. pos : long Ipp in file to position to before starting. (count from 0). null or -1 --> read next ipp available RETURNS: naccum: long number of power spectra we averaged. spc[fftlen]: float The frequency array for the spectrum (in Mhz). spctx[fftlen]: float if supplied then also return the tx spectra freq[fftlen]: float freq array Mhz DESCRIPTION: Input and compute spectra for rdev data. toavg keyword allows you to average multiple spectra. The spectra is returned. it will also return via keywords the number of pols (npol), the frequency array (freq). The /plot keyword will plot the spectra before returning. EXAMPLE: file='/share/pdata/pdev/sasdr_2010.20100123.b0a.00100.pdev' istat=rdevopen(file,desc) ; set each plot in a separate window naccum= rdevspc(desc,spc,freq=freq,/plot) history: 25jan10 .. updated to new rdev format 04mar08 .. switched to new decF coding
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/rdev/