Platform corner height vs dome za


    The vertical motion of the platform corners was measured using the distomat data taken sep03 through dec03. For the ALFA installation we wanted to know if the 2 kips of ALFA would cause an appreciable pitch/focus error in the telescope alignment. If this was true, then we would have to reshim the elevation rails.
    Data points from sep03 through dec03 that met the following criteria were used: The plots show how the platform corners deflect as the dome moves in azimuth and zenith angle. The previous shimming (feb03) moved 1 inch at za=20 to correct a .125 pitch error.

The results:

ALFA will not have a large affect on the pitch or focus caused by the platform tilt. This does not account for any added  motion caused by the deflection of the elevation arm (it will probaby be much smaller).


    I hope that J. vellozzi does not revert to his previous unbalanced limit of 11500 kip-ft. We currently have 19000 kip-fit imbalance with the dome at 19.5 degrees za.
processing: x101/lr//