Bandpass ripple from alfa fiber
Links In current page:
14,19oct11: fiber ripple
23apr11: fiber ripple
Other pages related to fiber ripple:
174kHz ripple in pixel 4A (jul05)
ripple: first seen sep04
ripple: reported by alfalfa may05
14,19oct11 ripple
Galfa data was used to look at the ripple in the
alfa fibers. Typically 35 files are used. The setup and processing was:
- Average each file of 10 minutes. The 7 Mhz band was used.
- compute (fft(spcAvg)^2 for each averaged spectra (giving the
acf^2). The round trip delay in the fiber is about 6 usecs.
- Overplot each beams acfs.
- plot with offsets the spectra for 1 beam
- Compute the strength of the reflected signal at the fiber delay
and then plot this vs time to see how much the ripple changes in
The timeline was:
- 14oct11: galfa data plotted
- 19oct1l : daytime, upstairs, downstairs fibers cleaned.
- 19oct11: evening : galfa data plotted.
The plots of 14oct11show the ripple
(.ps) (.pdf):
The plots of 19oct11 show the ripple
after cleaning the connectors (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: ripple amplitude (Tsys) vs delay (usecs). 6 usecs is the
delay from the fiber cable.
- Each frame is a different alfa beam. The ripple amplitude at
each beam is overplotted
- black is pola, red is polB
- The power at short delays is the bandpass shape
- The fiber ripple is showing up at 6use. (1/6usec)=
167 KHz
period for the ripple
- Page 2: The average spectra for beam1a overplotted (with offsets).
- 14oct11: bm1a : has strong ripple
- 19oct11: bm1a: no ripple seen in 1a display.
- Page 3: The amplitude of the fiber ripple versus hour of day (ast)
- The ripple peak near 6 usecs (channel 40) was found for each
file, beam, pol
- Top: polA ripple peak vs hour of day
- Bottom: polB ripple amplitude vs hour of day
- Table of peak ripple strength:
Peak fiber ripple
amplitude (% Tsys) by date
polB |
polA |
polB |
polA |
polB |
polA |
polB |
polA |
polB |
- bm1a got better after the cleaning
- bm2a,3a,3b,4a were unchanged.
- bm4a variation with time for 14 and 19oct11 look very similar.
This may be a temperature related problem.
- back on 23apr11bm1a and bm4a were also the largest ripples.
- during 14oct11the azimuth remained fixed while the dome
changed in za from 2 to 19 every 12 minutes.
- The constant ripple in beam1a,4a from 20.5 to 21.5 hrs occurred
when the dome was moving up and down (19 to 2 degza) two complete
times so. So the ripple is not being caused by the fiber cables
changing in the wrap, cable drap.
, x101/111019/
galfa spectrometer data was taken on 23apr11 (a2124)
commensally with galfacts (a2130). The first 34 files were processed
(excluding the freq hop spectra) to look at any ripples in the
bandpass. Each file contained 600 seconds of data. Beam 6 was not used
since both the amps (pola,polb) were not working.
The processing was:
- Compute the average band pass for each file (spcAvg)
- compute (fft(spcAvg)^2 for each spectra (or acf^2) to isolate the
ripples in the bandpass.
Plots of ripple amplitude vs delay
(.ps) (.pdf)
- Each frame is a different alfa beam
- black is pola, red is polB
- The vertical scale is Tsys.
- The power at short delays is the bandpass shape
- The fiber ripple is showing up at 6usec (1/6usec)= 167 KHz
period for the ripple
- Pixel 4a is the strongest
2nd set of plots show the
ripple amplitude variation with time (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: Beam4A overplot the average spectra for the 34 files.
- Each spectra is averaged over 1 file (10 minutes)
- The bottom is the first file, to top is the last file
- An offset has been added for display purposes.
- The vertical scale is Tsys.
- Page 2: The amplitude of the fiber ripple versus hour of day (ast)
- The ripple peak near 6 usecs (channel 40) was found for each
file, beam, pol
- top: polA ripple peak vs hour of day
- Bottom: polB ripple amplitude vs hour of day
- beam4a ripple starts around .003 Tsys. In 3 hours it has
decreased to .005 Tsys.
- The ripple from the fiber is present again.
- strongest in beam4a (as before).
- The peak is now in channel 40 (166KHz period). Back in 2005 it
was closer to chan 38 (176 KHz period).
- There is a strong time variation of the ripple.
- for beam4a in goes from .0028 Tsy to .0005 Tsys in about
3 hours.
processing: x101/110423/