mas idl routines

Last modified: Thu Mar 16 13:07:09 2023.

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Routine Descriptions


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aomasexamples - Using the idl mas (mock spectrometer)
SYNTAX: none

   At the Arecibo observatory (AO) the mock spectrometer run in 
spectral line mode creates AO fits files (also known as cima fits V2.0). The
format is based on the sdfits format (with a few additions). Idl routines
have been written to access and process this data. All of these routines
begin with mas (Mock Arecibo Spectrometer).

bm or box: there are 7 mock boxes in a spectrometer set. 
           -For alfa each of these is mapped to a beam.
           -For single pixel observing these are mapped to different frequency bands.
band     : each box has two separate 172 Mhz subbands.
          -for alfa these two bands cover the 300 Mhz of alfa for a beam.
          -for single pixel observing only band 1 is used.
group    : there are two complete sets (or groups) of 7 boxes.
           Box N of each group gets the same input IF. The different
           groups can then vary the resolution, bandwidth, or integration time.

The data files:

The file naming convention is :
projId.yyyymmdd.bMsNgP.nnnnn.fits where:
projid  : is the project id entered when the datataking gui (cima) is started.
yyyymmdd: is the date when the data file was openned (AST).
bMsNgP  :bM,M=0..6 This is the box/bm number for this file b0..b6
        :sN,N=0,1  The subband within each box. For single pixel observing
            this is always s1. For alfa, this can be 0, or 1 for the lower or
            upper 172 Mhz band.
        :gP,P=0,1 This is the group number g0 or g1 for this file.
nnnnnn  : 5 digit number. This gets incremented by 100 for each scan. If
          a single scan requires more than 1 file (> 2gb) then the next
          file is nnnnn +1.
.fits     fits suffix.
; for more info on the fits file  structure see:
; Each scan starts a new datafile. If you do a position switch observation
;followed by a cal on, cal off you will end up with 4 files: position on,
;position off, calOn, caloff.

File locations:
	The online datafiles are written to:
/share/pdataM/pdev/ where M= boxNumber+1 (it goes 1..7 sorry about that).
They may eventually be moved to /share/projid/xxx where projid is the 
projid of the file (this does not always happen).

Starting idl:
   To process the mas datasets:

   @phil     (or whatever you need to add your base directory) 
   @masinit  ..initialize for mas data. This calls @geninit and then 
               adds the ./mas  directory path to idl's search path.
NOTE: These routines use the goddard binary fits table routines to
      access the file. At AO they are in the directory:
      /pkg/rsi/idl/lib/locallib/astron/pro/fits_bintable. If you download
      the AO idl routines, you will also need to get a copy of the 
      goddard routines and add the fits_bintable directory to the path.

; open a file
;  list contents of the file
;  read a row full of data (1 or more spectra):
;  first rewind the file since maslist() read till the end of file
;  look at the b data structure:
** Structure <88f81dc>, 8 tags, length=656472, data length=656467, refs=1:
   H               STRUCT    -> MASFHDR Array[1]
   NCHAN           LONG              8192
   NPOL            LONG                 2
   NDUMP           LONG                10
   BLANKCORDONE    INT              0
   ST              STRUCT    -> PDEV_HDRDUMP Array[10]
   ACCUM           DOUBLE           0.0000000
   D               LONG      Array[8192, 2, 10]

; Note that:
;   nchan=8192 (8192 freq channels),
;   npol=2     (2 polarizations)
;   ndump=10   (there are 10 spectra in this row). 
;   d[8192,2,10] the data is dimensioned 8192 chan,by 2 pols, by 10 dumps)
;look at fits header for this row:
IDL> help,b.h,/st
** Structure MASFHDR, 133 tags, length=888, data length=885:
   TDIM1           STRING    '(8192,1,1,2,10)'
   TDIM2           STRING    '(10,1,1,1,10)'
   OBJECT          STRING    'STOPPED'
   CRVAL1          DOUBLE       1.2000000e+09
   CDELT1          DOUBLE           21000.000
   CRPIX1          DOUBLE           4097.0000
   CRVAL2          DOUBLE           243.63913
   CRVAL3          DOUBLE           15.457966
   CRVAL4          DOUBLE          -56.000000
   CRVAL5          DOUBLE           79762.000
   CDELT5          DOUBLE          0.10000000
   AZIMUTH         DOUBLE           285.42697
   ELEVATIO        DOUBLE           79.973986
;   ... continues ...
; Plot the spectra
; this will overplot the 10 .1 second spectra in the row.
; red is polA, green is polB.
; look at the documentation for the idl routines:
 ----- Documentation for /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/doc/ -----
masdoc - routine list (single line)

gftget           - input next galfacts timedome  row from disc
gftgetfile       - input an entire file
gftgetstat       - input status info from file
gftopen          - open galfacts decimation in time file.
masaccum         - accumulate an array of buffers
masavg           - read and average spectra
masavgmb         - read and average spectra for multi beams
mascalonoff      - compute cal scl factor from calon,caloff
;  continues..
; look at the masplot routine:
 ----- Documentation for /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/ -----
masplot - plot mas spectra
SYNTAX: masplot,b,freq=freq ,over=over,pollist=pollist,norm=normRange,off=off,$
 b[n]: {b}   mas structure from masget to plot
freq[n]: float  if provided then use this as the x axis
   over:        if set then overplot spectra
pollist: long   pols to plot: 12 = polA,B, -1--> all pols available
norm[2]: float  normalize the spectra. If two element array then is is the range
                of frequency bins to use for the median (cnt from 0). If a single
                element or /norm then use all the bins.
    off: float  If multiple spectra then increment each spectra by off.   
   chn :        if set then plot vs channel number (count from 0)
   smo : int    smooth by this many channels

; continues..
; Summary of different routines:
; Open a file: masopen()
; close a file: masclose()
; Input a single row : masget()
; postion to a row in a file: maspos()
; input an entire file: masgetfile()
; plot one or more spectra: masplot()
; find a set of files: masfilelist()
; ..  masonofffind() find position switch files
; ..  masdpsfind()  find double position switch files
; On off position switching:masposonoff()
; double position switching:masdpsp()
; Calibrate stokes data: masstokes()
; Accumulate spectra (after readin:):masaccum()
; Perform arithmetic on spectra: masmath()
; Compute rms/mean by channel for an array of spectra: masrms()
; automating file access:
; The datataking generates lots of files. You can automate the processing
; of these files used masfilelist(). This will select a subset of files
; on disc given the date, projid, beam, band, group, etc. It returns
; an array of structures (fnmI[] filenamem info structures).
; You can then pass elements of this array to masopen() and some other 
; routines to automate the processing.
; A second routine:
; masfilesum() will take an fnmI[] array and read the headers for each of 
; these files. You could then fine tune the selection process using the
; where() routine of idl:
; EG:
; find the a2489 files on 09oct09, all beams,band=1:
; n=masfilelist('',fnmI,proj='a2489',yymmdd=20091009,band=1,/appbm)
; n returns 448 files found
IDL> help,fnmI,/st
** Structure MASFNMPARS, 9 tags, length=64, data length=62:
   DIR             STRING    '/share/pdata1/pdev/'
   FNAME           STRING    'a2489.20091009.b0s1g0.00000.fits'
   PROJ            STRING    'a2489'
   DATE            LONG          20091009
   SRC             STRING    ''
   BM              INT              0
   BAND            INT              1
   GRP             INT              0
   NUM             LONG             0
; read the headers from all the bm =0 files
 ii=where( eq 0,cnt)

; select the on source scans:
 ii=where((sumI.h.obsmode eq 'ONOFF') and (sumI.h.scantype eq 'ON'),cnt)
; The above was just a demo for explaining things.. 
; All of the above can also be done using the routine masonofffind()

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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gftget - input next galfacts timedome  row from disc

SYNTAX: istat=gftget(des,bon,boff,row=row,hdronly=hdronly)

    desc:{descmas}  from dftopen();

     b: structure holding the hdr and data input
 istat: 1 ok
      : 0 hiteof
      :-1 i/o error..bad hdr, etc..

     row     : if set then position to row before reading (count from 1)
               if row=0 then ignore row keyword
     hdronly : if set then just return the row header. no status or data.


   Read the next row from a galfacts time domain decimation fits datafile pointed to by desc.
  If keyword row is present, position to row  before reading.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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gftgetfile - input an entire file
    fname: string   file to open
	hdronly:         if set then just return the headers.

  istat: 1 got all the requested records
       : 0 returned no rows
       : -1 returned some but not all of the rows
bon[nrows]: {}   array of structs holding the calon data
boff[nrows]: {}   array of structs holding the caloff data
   nrows  :   number of rows returned

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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gftgetstat - input status info from file
SYNTAX: istat=gftgetstat(desc,statOn,statOff,nrows=nrows,all=all)
   desc: {}      struct returned from masopen()
    row : long   row to position to before reading count from 1.
   nrows: long   number of rows of stat data to read in .default=1 row
                 from current position.
     all:        if set then read in the stat info for the entire file.
   istat: n  number of stat stuctures returned. One struct for each
             spectra. if nrows were read, there will be nrows*spcPerRow
          -1 error reading file
stat[n]:{stat} stat data from file.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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gftopen - open galfacts decimation in time file.
SYNTAX: istat=gftopen(filename,desc,fnmI=fnmI,hdr=hdr)
   filename: string    filename to open (unless fnmI is specified)
   fnmI    : {]        returned from masfilelist. if provided,
                       then ignore filename and use this as the
                       file to open.
   istat: 0 ok
          -1 could not open file.
   desc : {}  file descriptor to pass to the i/o routines.
    hdr : [string] if present then return fits bintable header for the fille

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masaccum - accumulate an array of buffers
SYNTAX: naccum=masaccum(bIn,baccum,avg=avg,scl=scl,new=new,mb=mb)
   bIn[n]: {}   stuctures to accumulate
     avg:      if set then average when done 
  scl[n]:      if provided then  scale the bIn data by scl before
                adding. This can be used to weight data by g/t.
                scl can be a single number (then every spectra is 
                    scaled by this
                scl[n]: then every entry of bIn is scaled by its own
                if /mb is used then scl can be dim 1 or dim baccum[]
                (which equals the first dim of Bin).
                Note that polA,B of one bIn[i] always get the same scale
      mb:      if set then bIn[nbm,nrecs] is a multi beam array. The 1st
               dimension is the number of beams, the 2nd dimension are the
               records to accumulate. In this case baccum[nbm] and
               only the 2nd dimension of bIn is accumulated.
     new:      if set then allocate baccum. This is the first call
               if not set then baccum passed in will be added to.
   double:     if set then make accum array double. needs to be used
               when /new is called.
  naccum: > 0 number of accumulatins  we accumulated in baccum (this does
              not include scl).
       : 0   none summed
 baccum[nbm]: {}   the accumulated spectra

 	The overflow status bits inf will hold the max
overflow count for the records that were included in the accumulation.

  Accumulate 1 or more records worth of data into baccum. If keyword
/new is set then allocate baccum before adding. The header values in
baccum will come from the first record added into baccum.

   Each element of bin[i] will be added to baccum with the following weights:
1. If scl= is not defined, it defaults to 1.
2. if binp[i].b1.accum is 0., it is set to 1.
3. if binp[i].b1.accum is < 0 it is multplied by -1.
   (This happens after masavg has been called on an accumlated bacccum.
    It divides by bacccum.b1.accum and then sets badd.b1.accum to its negative.)
4  sclFact= binp[i].b1.d*scl*binp[i].b1.accum
5. badd.b1.d+=sclFact*binp[i].b1.d
6. badd.b1.accum+=sclFact

   When masplot is called, it will scale the data by 1./badd.b1.accum. before
   When calling masaccum with the new keyword, you can include the
/mb keyword. This will allocate baccum to be the same dimension as
the first dimension of binp. All future calls using baccum will add binp element 
wise to baccum. This can be used when accumulating multiple maps.
   Accumulated data must be of the same type (numlags, numbsbc, bw,etc..).



; Add n scans together element wise:
  for i=0,n-1 do begin
       masaccum,b,bsum,new=(i eq 0),/array
; input an entire scan and then plot the average of the records
; (this can also be done directly by masgetfile).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masavg - read and average spectra 
SYNTAX: istat=masavg(desc,navgspc,b,bIn=bIn,row=row,toavg=toavg,double=double)
    desc: {} returned by masopen
   navgspc: long number of averaged spectra to return
    bIn[]:{}  if suppplied then take input data from bIn rather than 
              reading from disc (desc is ignored).
     row: long row to position to before reading (cnt from 1)
   toavg: long number of spectra to avg
  double:      if set then avg data as doubles. default is float.
  istat: 1 returned the requested number of averaged spectra
       : 0 returned no average spectra
       : -1 returned some but not all of the rows
 b[navgspc]: {}   array of structs holding the averaged data
	Read and average spectra. Each spectra will average toavg spectra 
(if not supplied then average 1 spectra). Continue reading and averaging
spectra until navgspc averaged spectra have been done. 
	If blanking is enabled then scale the averaged spectra by the
number of ffts (so that all averaged spectra have the same mean value).
In this case the field will hold the fft's accumulated
for the first spectra of the average (can't have routine the correct value
since this is a short rather than a float).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masavgmb - read and average spectra for multi beams
  yymmdd: long  date to process
  projid: char  string on first part of filename.
 filenum: long  the filenumber to process
   toavg: long  number of spectra to avg. Default is the entire file
 navgspc: long  Number of avg spectra to return. Only used if toavg=
                is specified. By default return all the averaged spectra
                from the file. If requested number of averaged spectra
                is greater than the number available, just return
                the number we could avg.
     row: long  row to position to before reading (cnt from 1). Default
                is start of file.
navgspcR: long The number of average spc returned for each beam,band
        : 0 did not find any files matching request
        : -1 error accessing a file. no data returned

b1[navgspcR,nbeams]: {}  array of structs holding the averaged data
             for the lower 170 Mhz band in the first IF. This is usually
             the higher 170 Mhz at RF since a high side lo flips the band.
b2[navgspcR,nbeams]: {}  array of structs holding the averaged data
             for the higher 170 Mhz band in the first IF. 

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masazswinginp - input an azimuth swing.
SYNTAX: istat=masazswinginp(fnmI,fnum,azStart,azEnd,dat,azAr,freqAr,hwc=hwc)
  fnmI[n]: {}  hold info for files to search
 fnum    : long file number to process (one or more beams)
azStart  : float   deg. starting az
azEnd    : float   deg  ending az
  hwc    :         if set then data has hardware winking cal. just return the cal Off data 
istat    : -1 trouble
         :  >0 number of spectra returned
dat[nchan,nbms,npnts]:float spectra for swing
azAr[npnts]  :        azimuth for each spectra
freqAr[nchn] :    for the spectra
  input a mock  azswing, return spectra and azpos for each spectra.
Also return the freqar.
	The user inputs fnmI that holds the files to search for fnum.
Fnum is the file number to use. there can be more than 1 file, if 
multiple beams were used.
	Azstart,azend are the start, stop azimuth to use for the swing.
This should be in the order the data was taken,
	On return, the spectra will be returned in increasing freq order
(as will freqAr). The center channel will be interpolated across (to get rid of dc).
 	The azAr and the order of the dat will be returned in increasing
azimuth order..
 12meter notes: 29mar22
 --> not needed since hdr_enc_az has the negative 51G
  -reported azimuths are positive 0..359.000
  -If you use a negative number for azstart or azend then 
   is will map the measured azimuth to -180 to 360.
   eg. If azstart < 0 then it will map az[0] to 0 deg to -az (assumed CW) 
       if azEnd   <0  then it will search for az 0 in the points and all folloing points will az-360.
   kludge until a change 12m program to return the  -180 to 360.
 - added nudump

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mascaldatafind - find patterns with cals and data
SYNTAX: n=mascaldatafind(projId,sumI,patI,yymmdd=yymmdd,appbm=appbm,
projid: string project id to search for '.*' for all proj
                [3]=2    cal off has to match cnt in cal on
useSumI: int    if true then user supplies sumI

  selection keyords
yymmdd: long    yyyymmdd limit to this date
 appbm:         apply bm number to each directory. This should normally
                be set:
dirI[2]: string if data not in default /share/pdataN/pdev
                see masfilelist for usage.
bm     : int    if supplied limit to this beam
band   : int    0,1 limit to this band. Note if you have single pixel
                data you probably should set band=1 or masfilelist may
                not find the files.
grp    : int    limit to this group 0, or 1.

   n   :int     number proccessed patterns found. Each pointing pattern
                will have 1 entry
                multple bms.
patI[n]:		 info on processed patterns
useI[m]:        summary info

 PATID           LONG          34700117
 CALONSCAN       LONG          34700118
 CALOFFSCAN      LONG          34700119
 DATASCAN        LONG          34700117
 DATAFILENUM1    LONG               200
 NDATAFILES      LONG                 1
 DATAROWS        LONG              1200
 DATADMPSROW     LONG                 1
 USEGRP          INT       Array[2]
 USEBANDBMGRP    INT       Array[2, 7, 2]

	Find all of the patterns that have:
1. a data scan
2. a cal on ,off scans
3. and meet the keyword specs
The routine accepts the same parameters at masfilelist:
The routine will pass back an array of patI structs holding info on 
each pattern that meets the criteria. The info includes the 
patid and and and numbers of the cals, data. You can then use these
values to search through the fnmI struct that is returned and then read the


1.	Find the patterns with cals for 20101213:

2. recall mascaldatafind with user supplying fnmI
   n=masfilelist('',fnmI, params)

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mascalonoff - compute cal scl factor from calon,caloff
SYNTAX: istat=mascalonoff(bon,boff,calI,edgeFract=edgeFract,$
   bon[n]:{}: mas struct hold cal on data. 
              If n > 1 then each record is assumed to have the same header
              setup (nchan,freqrange,npol,etc)
              the cntsToK conversion factor will be averaged over all
              of these records.
  boff[n]:{}: mas struct holding cal off data. boff[n] must have n = to
 calI{} : struct   holding cal value info and conversion factors.
                   Normally it is passed back to the caller. If useCalI
                   is set then the calValue info is passed in via calI.
                   The scale  factors calI.cntsToK are always passed back
					in calI.
 edgeFract[2]: float fract of the bandpass edge to ignore when averaging.
                      default: .06
                      1 entry: use both for low,high freq side
                      2 entery: [0] for lowFreq,[1] for high freq side
 useCalI:int 	    if true then use calI parameter for the cal value info.
                   If you are doing more than one call with the same
                   setup then this lets you skip the mascalval() call
                   after the first call.
mask[nchan]: int   mask to use for computing cals. !=0 --> use this channel.
                   Should be the same order as the spectra eg 
                   mask[0] corresponds the bon.d[0,xx]
cmpmask    : int   if true then compute the mask useing calon/caloff
                   It will also exclude echgeFract points from each
                   side (def to 6%). If mask= keyword is also present
                   then combine mask passed in with the bad channels we found
                   from cmpmask.
okInd     : int   if set then calI.indused is changed to and array of nchan.
                   It will then have a 1 for 
                   channels used, 0 for channels skipped. This will allow you to
                   put calI into an array (if nchans is fixed). 
                   If you use okInd then
                   you can not later pass okInd into this routine as calI (
                   since it needs the inides used to compute the calvalue.)
 istat:  int   0 finished ok,  -1 error

 calI : {}       returns calInfo and conversion factors calI.cntsToK[2]

** Structure , 9 tags, length=64, data length=64, refs=1:
   CALVAL    FLOAT  Array[2] ; averaged cals pola,b
   exposure  float         0 ; integration time that cntstok corresponds to. 
   NUMPOL    INT           2 ; number of pols 1 --> stokes I
   CNTSTOK   FLOAT  Array[2] ; polA,b conversion cnts to Kelvins
   NPNTS     LONG       4096 ; if (npnts<0) then okInd was specified and
                               indused[nchan] has 1 for used,0 for not used
                               if npnts>= then indused is the indices used
                               for avg
   FLIPPED   BYTE       1    ; 1 --> spectra is flipped
   EDGEFRACT FLOAT  Array[2] ; edgeFract[0,1] fract to keep..spc order
   USEMASK   BYTE      1     ; 1 --> used mask,0--> used edgefract
   INDUSED   LONG  Array[4096]; if okInd=0 (or not supplied) then:
                                indices into spc for channels used.
                                same order as the spectra, 
                                if okInd eq 1 then the array will be of length
                                nchan and will  have a 1 for
                               ind used, 0 for index excluded, and npnts will
                               be < 0.
   Compute the scale factors to convert from spectrometer counts to
 kelvins using calon,offs. The scale factors are returned in calI.cntsToK[2] 
 for polA,polb


   scale bcalOff to kelvins
;  If you want to convert individual channels to degK, you must remove
;  the IF band pass:
   bcalOffK[*,0,*]= bcalOffK[*,0,*]/(

	Current restrictions:
1. assumes calon,caloff have same integration time.
2. fixed to work with stokes data
3. need to check that polAdding works..

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mascalonoffspc - compute cal scl factor from calon,caloff
SYNTAX: istat=mascalonoffspc(bon,boff,calI,edgeFract=edgeFract,brmsar=brmsar,$
   bon[n]:{}: mas struct hold cal on data. 
              If n > 1 then each record is assumed to have the same header
              setup (nchan,freqrange,npol,etc)
              the cntsToK conversion factor will be averaged over all
              of these records.
  boff[n]:{}: mas struct holding cal off data. boff[n] must have n = to
 calI{} : struct   holding cal value info and conversion factors.
                   Normally it is passed back to the caller. If useCalI
                   is set then the calValue info is passed in via calI.
                   The scale  factors calI.cntsToK are always passed back
					in calI.
 edgeFract[2]: float fract of the bandpass edge to ignore when averaging.
                      default: .06
                      1 entry: use both for low,high freq side
                      2 entery: [0] for lowFreq,[1] for high freq side
 brmsar[2] : {}    holds the calon,caloff rms spectra computed in
                   if cmpmask=2 then you must include this variable as input.
 useCalI:int 	    if true then use calI parameter for the cal value info.
                   If you are doing more than one call with the same
                   setup then this lets you skip the mascalval() call
                   after the first call.
mask[nchan]: int   mask to use for computing cals. !=0 --> use this channel.
                   Should be the same order as the spectra eg 
                   mask[0] corresponds the bon.d[0,xx]
cmpmask    : int   =1 then compute the mask using calon/caloff
                      It will also exclude echgeFract points from each
                      side (def to 6%). If mask= keyword is also present
                      then combine mask passed in with the bad channels we found
                      from cmpmask.
                   =2 compute mask usig =1 and also fit to the rms/chan from the 
                      for avged spectra excluding any points > 3sigma from a linear fit to the
                      rmsbychan vs freq
 istat:  int   0 finished ok,  -1 error

 calI : {}       returns calInfo and conversion factors calI.cntsToK[2]

** Structure , 9 tags, length=64, data length=64, refs=1:
   CALVAL    FLOAT  Array[2] ; averaged cals pola,b
   exposure  float         0 ; integration time that cntstok corresponds to. 
   NUMPOL    INT           2 ; number of pols 1 --> stokes I
   CNTSTOK   FLOAT  Array[2] ; polA,b conversion cnts to Kelvins
   NPNTS     LONG       4096 ; if (npnts<0) then okInd was specified and
                               indused[nchan] has 1 for used,0 for not used
                               if npnts>= then indused is the indices used
                               for avg
   FLIPPED   BYTE       1    ; 1 --> spectra is flipped
   EDGEFRACT FLOAT  Array[2] ; edgeFract[0,1] fract to keep..spc order
   USEMASK   BYTE      1     ; 1 --> used mask,0--> used edgefract
   INDUSED   LONG  Array[4096]; if okInd=0 (or not supplied) then:
                                indices into spc for channels used.
                                same order as the spectra, 
                                if okInd eq 1 then the array will be of length
                                nchan and will  have a 1 for
                               ind used, 0 for index excluded, and npnts will
                               be < 0.
   Compute the scale factors to convert from spectrometer counts to
 kelvins using calon,offs. The scale factors are returned in calI.cntsToK[2] 
 for polA,polb


   scale bcalOff to kelvins
;  If you want to convert individual channels to degK, you must remove
;  the IF band pass:
   bcalOffK[*,0,*]= bcalOffK[*,0,*]/(

	Current restrictions:
1. assumes calon,caloff have same integration time.
2. fixed to work with stokes data
3. need to check that polAdding works..

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
mascalscl - Scale from spectrometer cnts to K using cals

SYNTAX: istat=mascalscl(bspc,calI,code,bK,bpc=bpc)
   bspc[n]:{}: mas struct holding spectra to convert to kelvins.
   calI{} :    cal info structure returned from mascalonoff().
    code: int	how to do the band pass correction:
              -1 - no bandpass correction. Use the avg cntsToK
                   computed by mascalonoff()
               0 - use average of bspc[n] for bandpass correction.
               1 - use  bpc= keyword for bandpass correction.
				    bpc has not been normalized
               2 - use  bpc= keyword for bandpass correction.
				    bspc has already been divided by bpc. 
                   bpc has not been normalized.
                   Use this for position switching:
                   bspc=bposOn/bposOff - 1
                   bpc =bposOff
               3 - return only total power. No bandpass correction is
                   needed. bK will be an array of floats [npol,n]
	bpc{}:	   mas struct holding band pass correction spectra to use.
                  see code
 istat:   0 ok, -1 error
 bK[n]:         code=3: float[npol,n] will have averages over each bandpass
                else  : bk[n] masstructs scaled to kelvins.
                  If bpc

   Scale spectra from spectrometer counts to Kelvins. Before calling
this routine you must call mascalonoff() to get the calI structure 
	The code variable tells how to process the data.
code=3  returns only total power averaged over each spectra. This
        does not need a bandpass correction.
   The other codes returne mas structures with spectra scaled to kelvins.
these codes need a band pass correction. It can be bspc itself or
it can be passed in bpc= keyword.
	code=2 is for position switching data. In this case, bspc is
 bposOn/bposOff (the -1 is optional). You need to pass in bpc=bposOff
 for the band pass correction.

 code=-1 will scale the spectra to the average cntsToK value computed
       by mascalonoff. The bandpass shape will remain in the returned
       spectrum. Use this to scale the calOff to kelvins.
;0. get the cal ons, cal offs:
;1 scale the cal offs to Kelvins
   warning: here you're dividing calOff,by CalOff so you 
            don't have any frequency dependence..:w
;2 position switching scale to kelvins:
	Current restrictions:
1. fixed to work with stokes spectra.. not yet tp
2. need to check that polAdding works..

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
mascalsclspc - Scale from spectrometer cnts to K using cal spectra

SYNTAX: istat=mascalsclspc(bspc,calI,code,bK,avgK=avgK)
   bspc[n]:{}: mas struct holding spectra to convert to kelvins.
   calI{} :    cal info structure returned from mascalonoffspc().
 istat:                : 0 ok, -1 error
 bK[n]:                : spectra returned in degrees K
 avgK[ndump*nrecs,npol]: average spectral values in degK
                It will use the mask in calI to exclude any bad channels.
   Scale spectra from spectrometer counts to Kelvins. Before calling
this routine you must call mascalonoffspc() to get the calI structure 
	There are two sets of cal routines:
  mascalxxx()  and mascalxxxspc(). 
	The first set (mascalxx()) computes averages over bandpasses to generate
 the conversion factors to go from spetrometer counts to degK. They are normally
 used when you want to make sure that the calvalue computations do not add to
 the noise of the final spectral results.
	The second set (mascalxxxspc()) does not average over freq. It retains the
freq dependence of the cal values. This gives a better idea of tsys freq dependence
 (especially for wider band mesaurements). The drawback is that the cal computation has the 
potential to increase Tsys (if the cal integration is much shorter than the 
normal data acquistion). These routines can be used with a hardware winking cal where
1/2 the time the cal is on, and 1/2 the time the cal is off. They used the cal deflection
for the band pass correction. If there is any frequency dependence in the signal before
the cal insertion (eg.. standing waves..) they will not be cancelled.

;0. get the winking cal data
;  get the cal values for calib files
;  compute cal scale factors using avg spectra
;  exclude 10% edges for sb, 6% for xb
;  cmp mask using calration and the rms/chan from brmsar
;  now scale calOff avg spectra to degK .. (or you could do the 40ms caloff spectra

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
mascalval - return the pol A/B  cal values/info for a mas struct

SYNTAX: stat=mascalval(hdr,calI,date=date,edgeFract=edgeFract,

     hdr: {b.hdr}    header for spectra input via masget

 date[2]: intarray [year,dayNum] if provided, then compute the calvalues
                      that were valid at this epoch. Default is to use date in hdr
edgeFract[2]:float  fraction of the band to discard at the edges.
					 edgeFract= single ..  fraction to discard on both sides.
                    edgeFract=[2]     ..  edge[0] -fraction on lowFreqedge
                                          edge[1] -fraction on hiFreqedge.
                    Default value=.06
                           Note that hi/low is in frequency (even if the
                           band was flipped).
mask[nchan]:  int if supplied then mask saying which frequencies
                   to use when doing the average. 
                   1=use, 0= don't use this freq channel.
                   nchan must match channels in spectra.
                   The freq order of freqMask is the same as the spectra.
                   If the spectra are flipped (hdr.cdelt1<0) then
                  freqMask[0] is the highest freq,instead of the lowest.
                   The same mask is used for polA and polB
okInd      : int   is 0 then 
                        calI.npnts >=0 is good points to use for total power
                        calI.indused[npnts] has indices of freq chan use has
                  != 0  calI.npnts <0 is good points to use for total power
                        calI.indUsed[nchan] with 1=used bin, 0=don't use bin
 calI:{}         structure containing:
                 calI.calVal[2]    :polA, b cal value averaged over the band
                 calI.numPol     1 :if only stokes I data returned. The
                                    cal values will be averaged and returned in
                                    both calval[0] and calVal[1]. 
                 calI.exposure:    zeroed. filled in by mascalonoff
                 calI.cntsToK[2].. zeroed. filled in by mascalonoff
                 calI.npnts     4000: >0 points used for averages
                 calI.npnts     4000: <0 -points used for averages
                                     and indused[nchan] has 0,1 for bins to use.
                 calI.freqRange[2]: freq Mhz used to compute the average
                 calI.flipped    : 1 if freqRange[0]>freqRange[1]
                 calI.edgeFract[2]: fraction to drop at each edge when
                                   computing spectra. Ignored if usemask
                                   freq order same as spectra
                 calI.usemask    : if 1 then mask was supplied to generate
                 calI.indUsed[m] : calI.npnts> 0 m=npnts  indices into freq array
                 calI.indUsed[m] : calI.npnts< 0 m=nchan  with1=use,0=don't use
      stat: int   .. -1 error, 0 got the values ok.

   Return the cal values in degrees K for the requested spectra. The 
calvalues will be averaged over the frequency band excluding 
edgefract fraction on each edge. If mask= is included, then 
only the channels with mask[ichan]=1 will be used in the average.
By default the date in the header is used to determine
which cal values should be used. You can override this with the date

	The data is returned in the calI structure. 

The following is returned with calI.freqInd[0] < calI.freqInd[1] so 
you can say mean(b.d[calI.freqInd[0]:calI.freqInd[1]). This will 
make freqRange[0]>freqRange[1] if flipped is set. Returned values
with this order are:

calI.freqRange[]  .. if flipped set then freqRange[0] > freqRange[1]
calI.edgeFract[]  .. These will now correspond to freqInd
                     It will be the reverse of the input if flipped is 1.
calI.flipped         1 if freqRange[0]>freqRange[1]
calI.indUsed[nchanUsed] index into freq for channels used.


   Some cals have measurements at a limited range of frequencies (in some
cases only 1 frequency). If the frequency is outside the range of measured
frequencies, then the average is performed over the available range.

mascalscl, gen/calget gen/, gen/

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
mascalvalspc - return the pol A/B  cal values/info for a mas struct over the freq

SYNTAX: stat=mascalvalspc(hdr,calI,date=date)

     hdr: {b.hdr}    header for spectra input via masget

 date[2]: intarray [year,dayNum] if provided, then compute the calvalues
                      that were valid at this epoch. Default is to use date in hdr
 calI:{}         structure containing:
                 calI.nchan          number of freq chan 
                 calI.freq[nchan]    freq (mhz) for the data
                 calI.npol           number of pols. if 4 pols, we just return a,b
                 calI.flippped       if true then the hdr channels were flippped in freq.
                                     (the cal values will be in the same order).
                 calI.calVal[nchan,npol]:polA, b cal value for the freq range of spectra (in degK)

      stat: int   .. -1 error, 0 got the values ok.

   Return the cal values in degrees K for the requested spectra. The 
measured calvalues will be interpolated to the freq range of the specra.
If the requested freq range is outside the cal values, then the cal values
at the edge will be repeated.
By default the date in the header is used to determine
which cal values should be used. You can override this with the date
	This routine can be used in place of mascalval() if you want the cal values
across the freq band. This routine is normally called by mascalonoffspc().

mascalonoffspc,mascalsclspc, gen/calget1

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masclose - close a mas file for i/o

SYNTAX: masclose,desc,all=all 

   desc: {masdescr} - descriptor to close (returned by masopen)
    all:              if set then close all open descriptors.

   Files opened with masopen() need to be closed with masclose() so that
the resources are freed up.

   .. process the data in the file
   masclose,desc   .. this closes the file when done with the processing.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mascmppwrrms - compute total power exluding rfi via rms.
SYNTAX: istat=mascmppwrrms(bar,tpI,fixblank=fixblank,norm=norm,startmask=startmask,$
	bar[N]:{}	array of data from masgetm
fixblank: 	if set the correct for any blanked spectra so they
           all have the standard integration time.
norm    :  if set then normalize tp to median value
startMask[nchan] : if supplied then this is the mask to begin with.
                   we then add to this. 0-> skip,1-> used
                   These points will always be excluded
istat:	int 	0 ok, -1 error 
tpi:{}		structure hold total power info
maskAr[nchan,npol]: float mask used 
brms :        return rms by chan if supplied

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mascrossfit2d - 2d gauss fit to az,el strips done  on 12meter.
SYNTAX: nfit=mascrossfit2d(cIAr,fitI,verb=verb,remMod=remMod,pol=pol,$
cIAr[ncross]:{}  array of structs hold strip info for 2 strips in each cross
                 see mascrossinp()
verb   :          if set then plot results each fit
remMod :          if set then remove current model before fitting.(not yet implemented)
pol    :  int     1->polA,2=polB..  default add pols
wait   :          if set and verb set, then wait for keystroke before moving to
                  the next fit.
nosidelobe: int   if set then don't exclude sidelobes from the fit. use this for weak sources.
                  def is to loop fitting twice, where the 2nd loop excludes the sidelobe regions.
rot    : int      if set then include rotation of beam ellipse in the fit. by default don't rotate.
                  the 12m beam is not elliptical, rotating just causes problems. 
                  (The 305m had an elliptical beam). 
                  Warning: if  /rot used then returned results (widths,pnterr are along
                  the rotated major,minor axis of the ellipse (not the az,el directions).
rembase: int      if set then remove a linear  baseline from the az and el strips before the
                  2d gaussfit is done. The fit coef[0] will no longer contain tsys (you'll need
                  to look at the baseline fit info.
  nfit  :  int      number masmon2dfits,
 fitI[nfit]: {}    array of structs holding fitinfo for each cross.
zfitAr     :fltarr(pntsStrip,2,nbms,nfit) .. holds evaluated fit. If /rembase used then the
                    baselines will have been removed from zfitAr

 	Perform a 2d gaussfit to the az,el strip pairs for each cross taken on the 12meter.
The cross is done with constant rate great  circle offsets relative to the
source we are  tracking. 

Strip 1: az strip. constant great circle rate in az, while el offset (relative to sourcer)
         doesn't change
Strip 2: el strip. constant great circle rate in el, while az offset relative to source
         does not change.
Note: the fit  offsets are relative to the source. Since the source is moving  in az,el
      the encoder el will change during the az  strip.
Some of the keyword options:
 pol=1,2  (default add pols)
        Normally the routine averages polA,B prior  to fitting. 
        If the pol= keyword is used then it ;will fit either polA(1) or polB(2).
 nosidelobe:  (def:loop twice excluding sidelobes locations)
       By default the routine iterates the fit 2 times
      1stloop: 2d gaussfit everything
      2ndLoop: from first fit, find the beam center and width. Then compute where the sidelobes
               are located. On the 2nd loop exclude these sidelobes from the fitting.
       This is important for strong sources casA,cygA, crab.
      For weak sources the sidelobes are not detectable. you should set /nosidelobe.
      This will give you a better fit by including  the area of the sidelobes.
 rot:  (default no rotation).
      if  /rot is set then the fit will include rotating the x,y axis to align with the 
      major,minor axis of the elliptical beam (this was needed for the old 305m elliptical beam).
      The bmwidths, pnterrs will then be relative to the ellipse axis rather than the az,el
      The 12meter beam is circular, so the rotation angle is not well defined. Including /rot
      will  cause the bmwidths and pnterrors to point in random directions (unless the beam
      ends up becoming elliptical?..)

 The fitI structure contains:

 SRCNM          STRING '3C286'        ; srcname
 STRIPLEND      FLOAT  1.00000        ; strip length in deg
 PNTSTRIP       INT    600            ; samples in strip
 PATID          LONG   221500426      ; pattern id for cross
 TMST           LONG64 Array[2]       ; starttm (secs 1970) az,el strips
 OFFARD         DOUBLE Array[600, 2]  ; strip offset from source (deg) for az,el used for fitting
 ELOFF          DOUBLE Array[600, 2]  ; elevation  offset from middle of cross. used for elSlope in fit.
 AZREQCEND      DOUBLE 299.98128      ; central az for cross
 ELREQCEND      DOUBLE 60.868295      ; central el for cross
 NCOEF          INT    8              ; number of  coefin fit
 NGOODFITS      LONG   7              ; number of  good fits(in the Nbeams)
 REMOVEBASELINE INT    1              ; not 0 if we removed a linear baseline first from strips
 FITIBM         STRUCT ->  Array[7]; fitinfofor each beam used
 info from each  frequency band fit (up to 7 bands (also called bms.. alfa holdover:)
 Z               DOUBLE  Array[600, 2] ; z values used for az,el fits
;                                        if baseline removes,then it is nolonger in z
 CFRMHZ          DOUBLE  8219.0000     ; center freq MHz for this band
 COEF            DOUBLE  Array[8]      ; coef from fit (see below)
 BLFIT           STRUCT  ->  Array[1]; blfit baseline fitinfo (see below(
 SIGCOEF         DOUBLE  Array[8]      ; sigma for each coef from the fit
 SIGFIT          DOUBLE  0.032022892   ; sigma from the fit
 CHISQ           DOUBLE  0.0010306230  ; chisq from the fit (but we don't give correct errors)
 TROUBLE         INT     0             ; if not 0 then fit didn't converge
 if /rembase is used then a linear baseline will be removed from the az,el strips before the 
 the 2d gaussfit (so the 2d fit coef[0] will be close to 0). The linear fits info
 is stored in,el . You can extract the Tsys from thes structs.

 AZ              STRUCT    ->  Array[1]  az baseline fit info (if used)
 EL              STRUCT    ->  Array[1]  el baseline fit info (if used)
 COEF            DOUBLE    Array[2]  bl=coef[0] + offarD[*,x]*coef[1]
 AVGVAL          DOUBLE    99.322503 avg value of fit
 and similar for ..blfit.el.. 
 You can reconstruct the baselinf from:j
	azbaseline=coef[0] +fitI[i].offarD[*,0]*coef[1]
	elbaseline=coef[0] +fitI[i].offarD[*,1]*ceof[1]
 The average baseline fit values (Tsys) are stored int
 To get tsys you should probably average these to values.

The 2dgaus fit is:
 z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] + a7*el
 xp,yp have been rotated to align the x,y axis with the major,
       minor axis of the possibly ellipitcal beam.
 note: rotation is only done if /rot is supplied. The 12m data shouldn't be rotated
           (the beam is not elliptical)
  if /rot was supplied then x,y axis are rotated to the major, minor axis of the
  elliptical bm
  if /rot not supplied then the rotation is not done (th=0._

	xp = xm*cos(th)  + ym*sin(th)
	yp =-xm*sin(th)  + ym*cos(th)

 The fit parameters used in the fit equation are:
	a0 - constant
	a1 : amplitude
	a2 : xoffset ,az coord direction offset is az units
	a3 : yoffset ,el coord direction offset in el units
	a4 : sigx^2  ,in prime coordinate system. See returned units
	a5 : sigy^2  ,in prime coordinate system: see returned units
   a6 : theta   ,rotate unprimed to primed aligned along ellipsoid of beam,Deg
   a7 : elslope ,The el slope in amplitude units per el unit

fitI[i].coef[0] = offset (or tsys) in input units. if /rembase is used then this will
                  be close to 0 (baselines removed before 2dfit).Look at blfit info for Tsys.
fitI[i].coef[1] = Amplitude of source deflection from fit.
fitI[i].coef[2] = az error in az units. Note that since the strips
                  are done az greatcircle strips, the az error in a great
                  circle error.
fitI[i].coef[3] = el error in el units.
fitI[i].coef[4] = az fwhm from fit (we convert to fwhm from sigmas when
                  returning the fit info.
fitI[i].coef[5] = el fwhm from fit
fitI[i].coef[6] = theta in deg. rotation angle to get az,el axis to 
                  align with gaussian axis. will be 0 unless /rot is supplied.
fitI[i].coef[7] = slope of baseline in el direction
	You should check fiti[i].trouble. if it is not zero, you should ignore the fit.

   the errors are computed at:
  (x-x0)  (y -y0)
: assume the strip is -10 to +10. No error would be 0
: assume the peaks is at +3 in x (after the center) . then x0 =3
: (x-x0) would put the peak back at zero offset.
: so add these offsets to the current model to have the center of the strip
  be at the peak.
:-> Need to check this..

30aug21: added patid to struct	
  1.used weights to exclude sidelobes
     - fit twice
     - 1. first equal weights
     - 2.find center,bmwd use to set weights for sidelobe to 0.
  2. when doing robfit_poly for baseline, tsys, i was using mask to 
     not include main beam and sidelobes. but fit routine only uses mask
     on first iteration, after that i just keeps points within n sigma.
    - change to use 1st 1/6, last 1/6 of strip
       1 bm/ 4bms sidelobe,mainbm,sidelobe/ 1bm
10mar23:added rot= keyword. only rotate if /rot is set. New default is no rotation
14mar23:--> WARNINGS. the returned struct fitI  has changed. It now contains
            fitI.removebaseline and
            fiti.fitibm.blcoef(2,2) ({a0,a1},{az,el}) for linear baseline fits using fit

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
mascrossinp - input cross data, compute  totpwr
SYNTAX: istat=mascrossinp(cFI,cI,baz=baz,bel=bel,brms=brms,edge=edge,$
cFI          : {}    cross file info (see masfindcross)
edge[2,nbms] : float fraction of edge to exclude on each side when computing total power.
                     def .06 (6%)
inpmask[nchan]:intarr if supplied then use this as the mask (don't bother computing one)
                      it will still include edge and any freqexcl[] values. Use this if you precompute
                      a mask using many input scans.(see masmakemask)
freqExcl[2,m]:float  MHz. if supplied then don't include these freq in total power computation
                     You can specify up to m freq sections
                     freqExcl[0,..] is min Freq,freqExcl[1,..] max freq for this section
                     For each beam, it will exclude all sections within the current band.
istat   :    1  ok
            -1 error
cI      : {}    cross info returned here.
maskUsed: intarr(nchan,nbms) If supplied then return the mask of good channels
                             we computed. 1-> used, 0-> not used
                            The same mask is used for polA and polB


	The routine will input the spectral data files for a cross pattern and then compute
the total power. It will process a single cross on each call.
	The user inputs:
 - a cFI (CrossFileInfo structure) for the cross to process (see masfindcross() routine).
 - edge= keyword 
   -can be used to exclude a fraction of the spectra on each edge of the spectra. 
   - default value is .06
   - The fraction to exclude can be 0 to .99 . 
   - The edge dimension can be:
     edge=.06 .. exclude 6% of spectra on each band edge for all bands
     edge=[.1,.06] exclude 10% on the left edge, 6% on right edge for all bands
     edge=[2,bands] specify the left,right edge for all bands
 - freqExcl= freqExcl[2,m]  freq range sections to exclude in total power computation. Tested
                            separately for each beam. 
 The routine will then:
 For each bm:
 1. input the azimuth and el strips
 2. interpote across the DC freq channel
 3. using the 1st 1/3 and last 1/3 of the azimuth strip, compute rms/mean by channel
    - we don't use the el strip since tsys can change vs el.
 4. compute a mask for freq channels  to use in the total power computation.
    - intialize the mask using the edge= and freqExcl= keywords.
    - do a robust linear fit to the rms/mean by channel
    - exclude any points > 3 sigma from the fit.
    - use the same mask for polA,B and az,el strips
 5   if cals are present compute the counts to Kelvins scale factor using the same mask as the
 6. compute the total power for the az, el strips for polA and polB using the above mask.
    and convert to kelvins if cals are present 

 Return the cI structure

 If the following keywords are present then return:
  let n be the number of rows in the fits  file for a strip
 baz=baz .. return the n mas structures holding the individual az strip spectra
 bel=bel .. return the n mas struxtures holding the individual el strip spectra
 brms=brms. return the 1  mas brms structure  computed from the az strip
 maskUsed=  return maskUsed[nchan,nbms] int array. If a channel=1 it was included, 0
                   means it was not included in the total power measurement.
; get the file list
; find the files
; loop processing the  crosses
; you could take a subet by source or rcvr , or just do everything
; eg  ii=where(cFI.srcName='3C144',ncross)
; you also might want to keep track of the freq channels excluded
 for icross=0,ncross-1 do begin
    if icross eq 0 then begin
       nchan=cI.bmI[0].h.chan_in   ; freq chan used
 maskAr/=ncross   ; to get a fraction 0..1
; plot the the total  power az,el strips for a cross
 plot,cIar[0].bmI[0].tpAz[*,0]               ; polA
 oplot,cIar[0].bmI[0].tpAz[*,1],col=colph[2] ; polB

 The cI structure:
 the structure shown bel1ow used 7 freq bands (bms) for each cross:
 .. info common to all beams
 RCV        STRING 'xb'            : receiver used xb or sb
 SRCNM      STRING '3C461'         : source name
 AZLEND     DOUBLE 1.2000000       ; azimuth strip length deg
 ELLEND     DOUBLE 1.2000000       : elevation strip length deg
 CROSSCEND  DOUBLE Array[2]        ; az,el center for cross 
 STRIPCEND  DOUBLE Array[2, 2]     ; [i,j]  i= az,el strip center, j=azstrip,elstrip
 AZPOSD     DOUBLE Array[1200, 2]  ; azposition [deg] for each sample az,el strips
 ELPOSD     DOUBLE Array[1200, 2]  ; elposition [deg] for each sample az,el strips
 AZOFFD     DOUBLE Array[1200]     ; az offset azimuth strip .great circle
 ELOFFD     DOUBLE Array[1200]     ; el offset el strip .great circle
 SMPSTRIP   LONG   1200            ; number of samples in each strip
 SMPTM      DOUBLE 0.10000000      ; sample time (secs) 
 MAXTRKERRD DOUBLE Array[2]        ; maxEncoder tracking error [deg] az,el strip 
 NBMS       INT              7     ; number of beams this cross.
 units      int            1,2,3   ; 1 - spectrometer counts, 2=calunits, 3=degK
 .. beam specific info
 BMI        STRUCT  Array[7]       ; beam specific info (see bel1ow)

 The beam specific info will depend on whether cals were present
 with no cals:
 BM     INT     0                  : beam number 0..6
 CFR    DOUBLE  8221.0000          ; rf center frequency MHz
 HDRAZ  STRUCT  -> MASFHDR Array[1]: first header for azimuth strip
 HDREL  STRUCT  -> MASFHDR Array[1]: first header for el strip
 FPNTS  FLOAT   Array[2]           : fraction of freq chan used for tp: polA,B
 FLIST  STRING  Array[2]           : filenames for az,el strips
 TPAZ   DOUBLE  Array[1200, 2]     : computed total power azStrip:polA,B
 TPEL   DOUBLE  Array[1200, 2]     : computed total power elStrip:polA,B
  with cals present
 BM     INT     0                  : beam number 0..6
 CFR    DOUBLE  8221.0000          ; rf center frequency MHz
 HDRAZ  STRUCT  -> MASFHDR Array[1]: first header for azimuth strip
 HDREL  STRUCT  -> MASFHDR Array[1]: first header for el strip
 FPNTS  FLOAT   Array[2]           : fraction of freq chan used for tp: polA,B
 FLIST  STRING  Array[2]           : filenames for az,el strips
 FLISTCAL STRING    Array[2]       : filenames for calon,off
 CALI     STRUCT    ->  Array[1] ; cal info
 TPAZ   DOUBLE  Array[1200, 2]     : computed total power azStrip:polA,B
 TPEL   DOUBLE  Array[1200, 2]     : computed total power elStrip:polA,B

 and the calI struct will have:
IDL> help,ci.bmi.cali,/st
  CALVAL     FLOAT  Array[2]       : cal value in degK (pola,b). if =1 then not yet measured
  NUMPOL     LONG   2              : number of pols
  EXPOSURE   FLOAT  0.100000       ; sample time for spectra
  CNTSTOK    FLOAT  Array[2]       ; convert spectrometer counts to degK
  NPNTS      LONG   900            ; nfreq points used
  FLIPPED    BYTE   0              ; was the spectra flipped in freq
  EDGEFRACT  FLOAT  Array[2]       ; edge fract excluded each side. same for polA,B
  USEMASK    BYTE   1              ; 0- just used mask, 1 - used mask
  MASK       BYTE   Array[1024]    ; resultant mask 1=chanused, 0 not used. includes mask and edgefract

 Notes on Positions
  The az,el positions come from the fits header h.azimuth, h.elevatio. These values have been interpolated to crval5 of the hdr.
These positions do not have the model included (so back computing should give ra,dec without needing the model offsets.
 Finally the reported values have been interpolated to the center of each spectral/totalpower sample.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masdpsfind - find scans for  dps patterns
SYNTAX: n=masdpsfind(projId,
projid: string project id to search for
yymmdd[m]:lonarr  yyyymmdd limit to any of the dates in this array
srcNm[l] :strarr  limit to source names in this array. Must match
                  object name in fits header
 appbm:         apply bm number to each directory. This should normally
                be set:
dirI[2]: string if data not in default /share/pdataN/pdev
                see masfilelist for usage.
bm     : int    if supplied limit to this beam
band   : int    0,1 limit to this band. Note if you have single pixel
                data you probably should set band=1 or masfilelist may
                not find the files.
grp    : int    limit to this group 0, or 1.

   n   :int     number proccessed patterns. Each pointing pattern
                can generate multiple processed patterns if you use
                multple bms.
patI[n]:		 info on each pattern 
npat   : int    number of pointing patterns executed.
nsrc   : int    number of unique sources
srcAr[nsrc]: string list of sources used.

	- there will be one entry for each pattern and bm used
     If you have 4 bms then a single patId will have 4 entries
     in patI[]

      patI[i].srcNm      - source name
      patI[i].nscans     - # of scans in pattern ..
      patI[i].bm        - bm number 0..6
      patI[i].grp       - grp 0 or 1
      patI[i].flist[maxScans]  - list of filenames: 
                                same orde as scanTypeAr
      patI[i].sumI[maxScans]  - summary info for each scan 

	Find all of the dps patterns for the given project and constraints.
The routine accepts the same parameters at masfilelist:
(except that yymmdd= can be and array of dates)
The routine will pass back an array of patI structs holding info on 
each pattern. 

	There is a distinction between a pointing pattern and a processed 
dataset. You can have multiple processed datasets for each pointing
pattern if you used multiple beams or groups.

1. Find the dps info for project a2516 on 20100930 group 0.
       dpsI[n] - holds the info
       npat    - number of pointing patterns found
       upatIdAr[npat] - unique pattern id for each pointing pattern.
                 This can include multiple dpsI[] entries if multiple
                 bms taken on each pointing pattern.
       nsrc    - Number of unique on source names found
       usrcAr[nsrc] - list of source names.

2. now process all of the patterns found using group 0 bm 1.
   ii=where((dpsI.grp eq 0 ) and ( eq 0),cnt)
   for i=0,cnt-1 do begin
       j=ii[i]             ; index in dpsI for this dataset
       if i eq 0 then b0ar=replicate(b[0],cnt); generate large array

  this assumes that all of the bm=0 data sets have the same
  number of channels (since we are trying to store them all in an array).

3. plot out the first set of results

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masdpsp - double position switching
SYNTAX: istat=masdpsp,flist,b,fdir=fdir,flux=flux,fnmI=fnmI,
flist[4]: string  srcOn,srcOff,bpOn,bpOff filenames

  fdir : string If supplied then prepend this to each entry in flist.
                You could also just include the directory in flist.
  flux : float  bandpass calibrator flux
fnmI[4]: {}     srcOn,srcOff,bpOn,bpOff from masfilelist. If supplied use
                this rather than flist[].
   istat : 1   ok, -1 error reading a file
	    b : {masget} (srcOn-srcOff)/(bpOn-bpOff) * flux averaged.     
srcOn[n] :{masget} the srcOn records
srcOff[n]:{masget} the srcOff records
  bpOn[m]:{masget} the bandpass on records
 bpOff[m]:{masget} the bandpass off records
src_onoff:{masget}  srcOn/srcOff averaged

	Perform double position switching processing:
   b=avg(srcOn-srcOff)/avg(bpOn-bpOff)  * fluxBpCalibrator 

The routine will also return the individual records for srcOn,srcOff,
bpon,bpoff if you supply the keywords as well as the averaged
src_onoff = avg(srcOn/srcOff)

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masdpsproc - process multiple dps patterns
 projId: string    project id to match.

srcNm[m]:strarr    limit to sources in srcNm array. The names 
                   should match those in the fits.object matters.
cfr     :float     only include patterns whose average freq is cfr(in Mhz).
                   The routine averages all of cfr's of a pattern.
                   also see epscfr=
dateAr[l]:lonarr   only include patterns whose file dates match a 
                   date in datear[]. The format is yyyymmdd. 
epscfr   :float    Include patterns with average cfr within epsCfr of
                   the cfr keyword. Units are MHz. The default value
                   is 10. Mhz.
exclPatId[n]: int  exclude any pattern id's in this array.
wait     : int     if true then wait for a keyboard entry between
                   each plot.

            npat:int number of patterns we found
           nband:int number of frequency bands in each pattern
 bar[nband,npat]: {} array of mas struct holding dps processed patterns
patI[nband,npat]: {} array of structs holding info on each pattern.
barP[nband,npat]: {} array of mas struct holding dps processed patterns
                     after polarizations have been added. 

 spectra: a single integrated spectrum. Typically 1 second.
 scan   : a set of spectra with the same receiver setup and telescope motion,
          taken for a requested number of spectra..
          eg. the on source, or off source are separate scans. The header holds
          a h.scan_id to identify each scan
 pattern: A number of scans that are taken to form a particular pattern. In 
          dps there are at least 4 scans in a pattern: calibrator on,off and
          source on,off. The header contains hdr.pattern_id
 band   : a single scan,pattern can have up to 14 frequency bands (corresponding
          to the 14 mock boxes. 

	Find and process a number of dps (double position switch) patterns.
This routine uses masdpsfind and masdpsp. 
	The user specifies the project id to search for. The caller can further limit 
the patterns used by:
   srcNm[m] : this is an array of source names. For a pattern to be included
              its hdr.object must match one of these names. Case in important.
   dateAr[l]: a list of dates that each pattern must match. Format is
              yyyymmdd. The files includes must have one of these dates.
  cfr,epscfr: Mhz. Average the cfr of all of the bands in a pattern. To be
              included, it must be withing epsCfr(mhz) of the supplied cfr.
exclPatId[n]: exclude any pattern id that is in this array. You can use
              this to skip bad patterns.

	After finding all of the patterns that meet the requirements, the routine
will process one pattern at a time. Each processed pattern will be plotted to
the screen. If the wait keyword is set, then the user will have to hit a key
to continue after each plot.

	The routine returns the processed pattern data in bar[nbands,npat]. If 
barp=barp keyword is present, then then barp[nbands,npat] variable will contain
the polarization averaged spectra. 

	process the a2772 5-6 ghz data taken  07jun13 -> 12jun13.

   projId  ='a2765'
   scrNm   ='ARP220'
   cfr     =5500.

   The returned values are:

  The patI struct contains
IDL> help,pati
PATI            STRUCT    = ->  Array[14, 20]
IDL> help,pati,/st
** Structure <8e1d68>, 7 tags, length=7664, data length=7568, refs=2:
   SRCNM           STRING    'ARP220'
   BM              INT              0
   GRP             INT              0
   NSCANS          INT              4
   PATID           LONG         315800057
   FILELIST        STRING    Array[6]
   SUMI            STRUCT    ->  Array[6]

 The SumI holds summary info for a scan. It includes the fits header

IDL> help,pati.sumi,/st
** Structure <91e808>, 13 tags, length=1256, data length=1241, refs=2:
   OK              INT              1
   FNAME           STRING    '/share/pdata1/pdev/a2765.20130607.b0s1g0.00200.fits'
   FSIZE           LONG64                  20643840
   NROWS           LONG               300
   DUMPROW         LONG                 1
   DATE            LONG          20130607
   BM              INT              0
   BAND            INT              1
   GRP             INT              0
   NUM             LONG               200
   H               STRUCT    -> MASFHDR Array[1]  <--- standard fits header
   HMAIN           STRUCT    -> PDEV_HDRPDEV Array[1]
   HSP1            STRUCT    -> PDEV_HDRSP1 Array[1]

 masdpsfind(), masdpsp()

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfilelist - get list of mas files
SYNTAX: nfiles=masfilelist(dirBase,fnmiar,projId=projId,year=year,mon=mon,$

   dirBase: char    base directory to start search
                    if '' then use default /share/pdata

 projId   : string  beginning of filename.if null then any
                    You can also use a reg exp as eg:
   year   : long    year. < 0==> any year
    mon   : long    mon . < 0--> any month
    day   : long    day . < 0--> any day
 yymmdd   : lond    080615.. date for data. If supplied, ignor year,mon,day
                    format is yymmdd or yyyymmdd. If you want to search
                    and entire month yymm00 or yyyymm00 will also work.
       bm : int   beam to use 0..6. if not present or < 0 use all beams
     band : int   band to get, 0 or 1 .. not present or <0  --> all
     grp  : int   grp to get 0 or 1. .. not present or < 0 --> check 
                  both g0,g1. grp 0 files on psrv1-7, grp1 on 8-14
     num  : long  sequence number. If not present or < 0 get all
     appBm:       if set then append (bm+1) to the end of dirBase when
                  defining the initial base directories
     pdev :       if set then look for .pdev files rather than .fits
   psrfits:       if set then assume filename contains srcname
     dirI : strarr(2): directory info. If the files are in a non standard place
                  then pass in location in dirI
                   dirI[0]=prefix  for dir: /share/pdata
                        Num 1..n goes here
                   dirI[1]=postfix for dir: /pdev
   ntot    : long  number of .fits files found
fnmIAr[ntot]:{}    an array of structures holding info on the
                   mas files found
   Search for mas fits files or psrfits files (with the /psrfits keyword).
The search starts in /share/pdataN by default. You specify the base directory and the 
filename characteristics to search for (via the keywords). 
   The spectrometer files are nfs mounted to

   This would require dirBase="/share" which would make the search to
broad. The appBm keyword can narrow this down. If set, it will append
all of the beam numbers +1 to to the end of dirBase before searching..

 so dirBase=/share/pdata  
  and the searches would go thru
      /share/pdata1, /share/pdata2, .. etc..

   The returned structure contains:
* Structure masfnmInfo   8 tags, length=60, data length=60:
   DIR             STRING    '/share/pdata1/pdev/'
   FNAME           STRING    'philtest.20080219.b0s0g0.00000.fits'
   PROJ            STRING    'philtest'
   DATE            LONG          20080219
   src             string     ''  if psrfits file
   bm              int        0
   band            int        0 
   grp             int        0 
   num             long       0

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfilesum - get summary info for files
SYNTAX: nsum=masfilesum(flist,sumI,desc=desc,fnmI=fnmI,list=list,patid=patid)

 flist[n]:strarr filenames for summary. Includes directory.
desc   :{}       descriptor returned from masopen. If supplied then ignore flist
                 and use desc as the file to look at.
fnmI[n]:{}       structure returned by masfilelist. If this keyword is
                 present then ignore flist and use fnmI for the files
                 to use.
list   :         if set then output oneline summary to stdout of file
patid  :         if set then print pattern id rathern than scan id with list
    nsum: long    number of summaries we return. Don't count files that had trouble being read
 sumI[n]: {}      summary info for mas files.
   Return summary info for a list of files. You can specify the files with
 the argument flist or the keyword fnmI. 
   The returned summary info contiains:
   OK      INT    1
   FNAME   STRING '/share/pdata1/pdev/x108.20080530.b0s0g0.00000.fits'
   FSIZE   LONG64 84389676   .. bytes in file
   NROWS   LONG   4          .. rows in fits file
   DUMPROW LONG   319        .. dumps in first row
   DATE    LONG   20080530   .. yyyymmdd
   BM      INT    0          .. 0..6 for alfa
   BAND    INT    0          .. 0,1 low,hi band (at if)
   GRP     INT    0          .. grp 0,1
   NUM     LONG   0          .. file number .nnnnnn.fits
   H       STRUCT 1st row of fits file (without data,stat)
   HMAIN   STRUCT pdev main header
   HSP1    STRUCT pdev sp1 header

   The fits file row header contains all the info for the first row
(except for the spectral and status data).

1. get 1 file

2. Get all the x108 files under /share/pdata1 (online files) for 30may08

742 files returned..

   nsum will always equal the number of elements in flist or fnmI. You need
to check sumI.ok eq 1 to see if the data is ok. This lets you keep track
of bad files (say with 0 rows).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfindcross - find cross files 
SYNTAX: ncross=masfindcross(yyyymmdd,proj,cfI,rcv=rcv,verb=verb,dirI=dirI)
 yyyymmdd: long   date to search for
 proj    : string project name for files
 rcv     : string limit to recevier. "sb" or "xb". default: all
 verb    :        if set then print progress as you search
dirI[2]  : strarr in case files moved .. (see masfilelist )
ncross   : the number of crosses we found
cfI[ncross]: {}     array of structs holding Cross File Info.

   This routine is written for the 12meter data.
What is a cross pattern:
   A cross pattern will consist of:
 - an optional calOn, caloff scan at the beginning.
 - an azimuth scan
 - an elevation scan.
 So there can be 2 or 4 scans in a pattern. 
 	There can als be multiple frequency bands (bms) in a scan (1 to 7).
 Each scan/bm is stored in separate file so a pattern can have up to 4*7=28 files
associated with it.
   All scans in the pattern will have the same pattern_id (equal to the 
scannumber of the first scan in the pattern). This is used to group scans into
the pattern.
	This routine will scan all files for a day and extract the files the 
cross files belonging to the specified projectd id. It will the group all 
of the files for a particular pattern into a cfI (crossFileInfo) structure. An
array of these structures will be returned. This aray can then be passed to
the cross processing routines.
	Some tests are done on the scans found for each pattern:
 - it must have an az and el scans.
   - the number of beams for the az,el scan must be the same.
 - it can optionally have  calon,caloff scans.
   - the number of beams in the calon,caloff scans must be the same
 - If the scans in a pattern don't meet these requirements then it 
   is skipped. An example might be the azimuth strip completing, but the
   source sets before the elevation strip.
   --> Warning..this only finds files for 1 day. if the pattern straddles
       midnight then it will be skipped.

   An example of the returned struct array is shown below. These crosses
were made at xband and had 7 freqbands (bms) for each cross.
IDL> help,cFI,/st
 PATID      LONG    125300002        .. unique pattern id for pattern
 SRCNM      STRING  '3C461'          .. source name
 NBMS       INT        7             .. number of beams in this pattern
 BMLIST     INT     Array[7]         .. bm numbers 0..6 
 CFRAR      DOUBLE  Array[7]         .. center freq (MHz) each band
 FLISTCROSS STRING  Array[2, 7]      .. filenames: [az,el strips] for the 7 beams
 SUMICROSS  STRUCT  -> Array[1]      .. sumI struct for azstrip 1st bm
 HASCAL     INT        0             .. 1 if pattern has cal..if not ignore below
 FLISTCAL   STRING  Array[2, 7]      .. filenames [calOn,calOff] for the 7 beams
 SUMICAL    STRUCT  ->  Array[1]     .. sumI struct for calOn of 1st beam

 The sumI struct hold more detailed info that may be handy. Some of the info
is duplicated above. See masfilesum for a more complete description.

 OK       INT      1
 FNAME    STRING   '/share/pdata1/pdev/x101.20210910.b0s1g0.0010'...
 FSIZE    LONG64   38856960
 NROWS    LONG     120                 --> number of rows in fits file
 DUMPROW  LONG     10                  --> number of spectra/row
 DATE     LONG     20210910
 BM       INT      0
 H        STRUCT   -> MASFHDR Array[1] --> fitsheader for the file
 HSP1     STRUCT   -> PDEV_HDRSP1 Array[1]
Example using it:
; process the crosses
  mascrossproc(cFI,cI) ;  to be written:)

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfindmap - find the files that belong to an radecmap
SYNTAX: nstrips=masfindmap(proj,yyyymmdd,patternId,mapfI,$
 proj: string    project id to search for. files will start with this. eg 'x101'
yyyymmdd[]:lonarr date(ast) to search for map. It is normally single element.
                 if your map spanned local midnite then you can enter an array of 2 dates.
pattern_id: long pattern id for the map.
 noappbm:        if the data for separate beams has all been moved to a single directory  then this 
                 keyword should be set. Normally you will ignore it.
 dirI[2] : strarr   if the data has been move to non-standard directories then you can specify the 
                 location here. see masfilelist for more details.
bm       : int   limit the returned data to a single bm/mock. numbers are 0 ..6  
band     : int   limit the returned data to a single mock band. Single pixel observations
                 only take data in band 1. so setting band=1 will make things run a little faster.
grp      : int   limit data returned to grp 0 or 1. Multiple groups will be taken when doing 
                 piggyback observing. Setting grp=0 will cause it to run a little quicker.Currently
                 the 12meter only uses grp=0.
RETURNS  : nstrips
           >0 number of strips in map that were found
           =0 no data was found
           -1 error trying to determine the cal,data layout..
 	Search for the files that belong to radecmap taken with the 12meter. The user specifies
the date yyyymmdd, project name, and pattern id. The routine will search all mock files on disc
that match these specs. The information is returned in a mapfI structure. The mapfI struct
can then be passed to masgetmap to load the actual map data into memory. 
note: this routine returns info on the files,headers that belong to the map.It does not load
      the data (see masgetmap() for that).

	You can limit the file info that is returned by set the bm= keyword to a single bm.
mock files look like: x101.20220217.b0s1g0.nnnnn. b0 is the first bm or freq band recorded. bms go
0 to  6 depending on which mocks you used to record the data.

	The mapfI struct contains:
IDL> help,mapfi,/st
** Structure <1c4b658>, 7 tags, length=1099240, data length=1085957, refs=1:
 PATTERN_ID   LONG    204800064   ; pattern id input by caller
 SRC          STRING  '3C461'     ; source name found in the file headers
 NSTRIPS      LONG    25          ; number of strips found in the map
 NBMS         LONG    7           ; number of bms recorded
 CALPERSTRIP  INT     2           ; number of cals per strip.can be 0,1,or 2
 STRIPCODE    INT     6           ; how was the map recorded;
                                    1 - no cals fired 
                                    2 - winking cal embeded in the data
                                    3 - cals only fired at start and end of the map
                                    4 - cals fired only at start of each strip.
                                    5 - cals fired only at end of each strip.
                                    6 - cals fired at start and end of each strip
 STRIPI       STRUCT  ->  Array[25]; info for each strip found
	The stripI structure contains info for each strip of the map. the entries will depend on 
 the number of cals fired during each strip:
 the example below has cals fired at the start end end of each strip
IDL> help,mapfI.stripI,/st
** Structure <2586f38>, 4 tags, length=43968, data length=43437, refs=2:
 STRIPNUM        INT              0          strip number 0 .. nstrips-1
 SUMICAL1        STRUCT    ->  Array[2, 7] cals before the strip 
 SUMIDAT         STRUCT    ->  Array[7]    the files hold the strip data
 SUMICAL2        STRUCT    ->  Array[2, 7] the cals after the strip
                                               for the cals, the first index is the calOn,caloff
                                               the 2nd index is the beams
 Note: when the cal is fired, 2 files are generated for each beam. a calON and cal off.

If a different number of cals is used, the the structures will change a bit.
stripcode=3 (cals at start and end of map only);
   mapfI has 2 extra fiels containing the file info for the cals at start,end of the map:

  calstart      STRUCT    ->  Array[2, 7]  . sumI for cals before map
  calEnd        STRUCT    ->  Array[2, 7]  . sumI cals after map

for the stripI struct. 
 - if only one  cal/strip then you have:
 STRIPNUM        INT              0          strip number 0 .. nstrips-1
 SUMICAL         STRUCT    ->  Array[2, 7] cals for stripo
 SUMIDAT         STRUCT    ->  Array[7]    the files hold the strip data

 - if no cals are fired then you'd just have:
  STRIPNUM        INT              0          strip number 0 .. nstrips-1
  SUMIDAT         STRUCT    ->  Array[7]    the files hold the strip data
 One question is where to find the pattern id.
the pattern id format is: ydddnnnnn.
                          y is the last digit of the year
                        ddd is the daynumber in the year
                      nnnnn is a number that increments by 100 each scan.

looking in the logfile it is the first scan after the line printing the MAPRADEC START:

2022-02-17_14:54:54 MAPRADEC
2022-02-17_14:54:54 src: ra,dec:232327.90 584842.00 rate:119.67 strip1:1 numStrips:25 code:0x30
2022-02-17_14:54:57 Mock scan starting filenumber:06100
2022-02-17_14:55:00 Observation begins Thu Feb 17 14:55:00 2022. scan:204800064
 the pattern_id is 204800064

 You could also use the masdmp program for particular day, proj,

 masdmp --date=20220217 --proj=x101 --bm=0 --patid
It will dump all of the scans for the day. setting --bm=0  limits it to just 1 bm 
(all bms have the same papattern id).  scrolling through the output you'd find your map:
Proj  Fnum   BSG        SOURCE     PATID     RA       DEC C   nSpc POL Chn    PatNm TopFrq  Bw   RCV
 x101  6000 b0s1g0        3C461 204800061 231557.6  574841 J      3  2 2048 RADECMAP 8219.0 172.0 xb
 x101  6100 b0s1g0        3C461 204800064 231557.3  574842 J      6  2 2048      CAL 8219.0 172.0 xb
 x101  6200 b0s1g0        3C461 204800064 231557.3  574841 J      6  2 2048      CAL 8219.0 172.0 xb
 we started on 204800064 (the previous scans was  testing) 

 Suppose you made a map of 3C461 (casA) firing the cals at the start and end of each strip. The
system had been configured to over 1ghz bandwidth using 7 mocks.

 you could then call masgetmap(mapfI,mapI) to load the actual data (once i write masgetmap :).

 The sumI struct hold file info (see masfilesum).
   OK      INT    1
   FNAME   STRING '/share/pdata1/pdev/x108.20080530.b0s0g0.00000.fits'
   FSIZE   LONG64 84389676   .. bytes in file
   NROWS   LONG   4          .. rows in fits file
   DUMPROW LONG   319        .. dumps in first row
   DATE    LONG   20080530   .. yyyymmdd
   BM      INT    0          .. 0..6 for alfa
   BAND    INT    0          .. 0,1 low,hi band (at if)
   GRP     INT    0          .. grp 0,1
   NUM     LONG   0          .. file number .nnnnnn.fits
   H       STRUCT 1st row of fits file (without data,stat)
   HMAIN   STRUCT pdev main header
   HSP1    STRUCT pdev sp1 header

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfreq - return freq (or vel) array for a spectra
SYNTAX: retData=masfreq(hdr,retvel=retvel,restFreq=restFreq,velCrdSys=velCrdSys)
    hdr  : {}     fits header b.h returned from masget();
  retvel :        if set then return the velocity array in the velocity coordinate system
 restFreq:float   if retvel is set, use this for the rest freq rather than the
                  value in the header. Units are MHz.
velCrdSys: string:user can specify a different velocity coordinate system from
                  that in the header.
                  Values are: 'T': topocentric,'G':geocentric,'B':barycenter,
                              'L;: lsr
     retDat[]:  frequency array in Mhz for the points in the spectra
                or the velocity array in km/sec
	For returning velocity:
1. compute topocentric frequencies:freqTop
2. compute antenna velocity in velocity coord sys projected in ra,dec direction.
3. compute freq in velCrdSys   :freqVcs=freqTopo*(1-antVelProj/c)
4. vel=c*(restFrq/freqVcs -1)
   - user can specify a different restFreq from what is in the header
     using the keyword restFreq

 - currenly returns vel optical
 - also assumes velocity << c.
 - Uses the topocentric freq and the projected antenna velocity
    for the reqested ra,dec. This comes from the jpl ephm every sec from pointing.
   It does not use the velocity in the header
25oct11: switched to used dindgen instead of findgen. 
         was always double anyway (from the constants).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masfreqdesc - return freq array for a spectra given the descriptor
SYNTAX: freqAr=masfreqdesc(desc,skycfr=skycfr,lo2offset=lo2offset,
    desc: {} returned by pdevopen
     skycfr: double sky cfr of band
  lo2Offset: double offset lo2 from center of band. default: bw/2.
   lenfft  : long   if timedomain data, then specify the len of the fft
   This is an old routine prior to the fits header having the correct
frequency info. Now you should use masfreq(hdr).

     freqAr[]:  frequency array in Mhz for the points in the spectra

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgainget - return the gain given an mas header

SYNTAX: stat=masgainget(hdr,gainval,date=date,az=az,za=za,onlyza=onlyza)

  hdr[n]: {hdr}    header for data

 date[2]: intarray [year,dayNum] if provided, then compute the gain value
                   at this epoch (ast).
   az[n]: fltarray If provided, use this for the azimuth value rather than
                   the header values
   za[n]: fltarray If provided, use this for the zenith angle values rather
                   than the header values
  onlyza:          If set then return the za dependence (average of az)
 gainval: float .. gainvalue in K/Jy
    stat: int   -1 --> error, no data returned
                 0 --> requested freq is outside freq range of fits.
                       Return gain of the closed frequency.
                 1 --> frequency interpolated gain value returned.
   Return the telescope gain value in K/Jy for the requested dataset.
The gain fits for the receiver in use are input and then the
values are interpolated to the az, za and observing frequency.
   If hdr[] is an array then the following restrictions are:
   1. each element must be from the same receiver and at the same 
      frequency (eg. all the records from a single scan).
   2. If the az,za keywords are provided, they must be dimensioned the same
      as hdr

   input a mas record and then get the gain value 
   .. gain now has the gain value in K/Jy
   input an entire file and compute the gain for all
   records of dataset
   gain is now a array = to number of rows in file

   Some receivers have measurements at a limited range of frequencies (in some
cases only 1 frequency). If the frequency is outside the range of measured
frequencies, then the closest measured gain is used (there is no 
extrapolation in frequency).
   The date from the header is used to determine which set of
gain fits to use (if the receiver has multiple timestamped sets).
   This routine takes the az,za, date, and frequency from the
header and then calls gainget().

gen/gainget gen/

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masget - input next mas rowfrom disc

SYNTAX: istat=masget(des,b,row=row,hdronly=hdronly,blankcor=blankcor,

    desc:{descmas}  from masopen();

     row     : if set then position to row before reading (count from 1)
               if row=0 then ignore row keyword
     hdronly : if set then just return the row header. no status or data.
    blankcor : if set then correct for any a/d blanking. Blanked
               spectra (which have fewer fft accums) will be scaled
               to the unblanked value. This implies /float.
     float   : if set then force returned data to be floats
     float   : if set then force returned data to be doubles
     b: structure holding the hdr and data input
 istat: 1 ok
      : 0 hiteof
      :-1 i/o error..bad hdr, etc..


   Read the next row from a mas fits datafile pointed to by desc.
  If keyword row is present, position to row  before reading.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetcol - get a col from the fits file
SYNTAX: n=masgetcol(desc,colNm,data,rows=rows)
   desc: {}      struct returned from masopen()
  colNm: string  name of column. Same as help,b.h,/st structure tags
                 (except for DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS) see below..
 rows[2]: long   rows to return. If not supplied then return all rows of 
                 file. If single element then just return that row.
                 If two elements then first,last row to return. 
                 Row numbering starts at 1.
   istat: n  number of rows returned, -1 if error.
   data[n]:       date returned from file for this column.
	Return individual columns from the fits files. The cols correspond
to the elements in the header struture returned by masget(desc.b) : b.h
The colNm passed in should match one of the strucuture tag names of
b.h. You can list them via: help,b.h,/st. The one  exception is the
DATEXXOBS AND MJDXXOBS tagnames (see below). 
 	By default all of the rows of the file are returned. You can limit 
this by  using the rows= keyword to limit the number of rows returned.
Row numbers starts at 1.
	This routine is much faster than cycling through the file with
masget() since the spectral/stat data is not read in.

1. It can not be used to return the data stored in the heap
   . stat, or data. see masgetstat or masget for that.
2. The two fits file column names: DATE-OBS and MJD-OBS are mapped to 
   idl structure names .DATEXXOBS, .MJDXXOBS since - is an illegal
   structure tag name. You need to input the actual fits column names
   for these two: DATE-OBS and MJD-OBS 
3. use upper case. 
4. If rows are specified they start at 1.
5. see desc.totrows for the number of rows in the file if you need it.
6. To find the column names, use masget(desc,b) then help,b.h,/st

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetfile - input an entire file
SYNTAX: istat=masgetfile(desc,b,avg=avg,median=median,ravg=ravg,$
; returned...
    desc: {} returned by masopen.. file to read (unless filename present)
     avg:      if keyword set then return the averaged data
               It will average over nrows and ndumps per row.
               the returned data structure will store the averaged
               spectra as a float. use /double if you want a double
				see also : median
  median:      if set then return the median value for the file. This
               reads the entire file into memory so you need room to
               hold it.
  ravg:        if set then average each row
  float:       the averaged data should be returned as float.
				if any averaging is done then the default is float.
  double:      The data should be returned as doubles.
 filename: string if present then ignore desc. openfile,read, then close
              the descriptor.
     fnmI: {}  filname Info struct returned from masfilelist. If present
              then open, read, then close this file.
blankcor:   if set then do  the correction for blanking. The 
              blanked spectra will be corrected to have the same number of 
              spectral accumulations as the unblanked spectra.
             If /avg,/ravg,or /median then blankcor is also enabled.
 remdc  :    if set then interpolate across the dc channel for each spectra
  istat: 1 got all the requested records
       : 0 returned no rows
       : -1 returned some but not all of the rows
       : -2 could not open the fie
   b[n]: {}   array of structs holding the data
 tp[n*m,2]: float array holding the total power for each spectra/sbc
              m depends on the number of spectra per row
descRet{}:   if supplied and filename or fnmi is present, then the file descriptor will
             be left open and returned in descRet
azavg : float return the average azimuth
zaavg : float return the average za.
hdr[] : string  if supplied then return header from fileopen

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetfiles - input a set of files
SYNTAX: istat=masgetfiles(fnmIAr,bar,avg=avg,median=median,
  fnmIAr[nfiles]: {} from masfileslist. files to input
     avg:      if keyword set then return the average of each file rather than the individual recs.
               It will average over nrows and ndumps per row.
               the returned data structure will store the averaged
               spectra as a float. use /double if you want a double
				see also : median
  median:      if set then return the median value for the file. This
               reads the entire file into memory so you need room to
               hold it.
  float:       the averaged data should be returned as float.
				if any averaging is done then the default is float.
  double:      The data should be returned as doubles.
 fnmAr[nfiles]: string if present then ignore fnmIAr and use fnmAr to find the files
                it should hold the complete filenames.:w

blankcor:   if set then do  the correction for blanking. The 
              blanked spectra will be corrected to have the same number of 
              spectral accumulations as the unblanked spectra.
             If /avg,/ravg,or /median then blankcor is also enabled.
 remdc  :    If set then interpolate across the dc channel in the spectra
  istat: 1 got all the requested files
       : 0 found no files
       : -1 did not correctly read one file
  bAr[n,nfiles]: {}   array of structs holding the data
 tp[n*m,2,nfiles]: float array holding the total power for each spectra/sbc
              m depends on the number of spectra per row
descRet{}:   if supplied and filename or fnmi is present, then the file descriptor will
             be left open and returned in descRet
	Input a set of files. This is normally used to input files from different
frequency bands that were taken simultaneously. The files must have the same
format and the same number of rows.
	You would normally used fnmIAr from masfilelist() to specify the files.
If just have a list of filenames (with directories) then use the fnmAr= keyword

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgethwcal - input 25hz hardware cal data
SYNTAX: istat=masgethwcal(fnmI,calI,bonar,boffar,fnmAr=fnmAr,avgrow=avgrow,verb=verb,$
 fnmI[n] :{}       files to input. returned from masfilelist
 fnmar[n] : int    array of filenames to use. ignore fnmI
 avgrow   : int    if set then return bonar,boffar averaged to 
                   a row's worth of data (usually 1 second). If not
                   set then data is averaged to 1 cal cycle (on 20ms,off20ms)
 freqorder: int    if set then return bonar[*,n] in freq order
                   default is order in fnmI.
 verb    :         if present then print 1 line file summary
 incrfreq:         if set then make all data returned in the
                   arrays increasing freq. For those bands with decreasing
                   freq, the data is flipped and the header is adjusted
 dcintp  :         if set then interpolate across the dc channel
 double  :         if set then return data as doubles. def:floats
avgmed   :         if set then use median when computing row and file averages
row      : long    start at row=row (count from 1) (def: start of file=1)
nrows    : long    number of rows to process. def: all rows starting from row
 istat : int     >=0 nn= number of files with hdw winking cal returned
                 < 0 error:
                 -1 = can't open file
                 -2 = file has different number of rows
calI[nn]: {}      holds info  about each file input
bonAr[m,nn]: {}   mas struct of cal on,m number of cal cycles
boffar[m,nn]:{}   mas struct of cal off
bAvgAr[nn,2]:{}   if present then also return averaged data for each file
                 [*,0]=calon, [*,1]=caloff
brmsAr[nn,2]:{}   if present then compute rms by chan for each file
                 [*,0=calOn,1=calOff . If rowavg is provided, the rms
                 is computed after the row avg.
sumI[nn]: {}      summary info each file
hdrAr[nn]:{}      if provided then return ascii hdrar from masopen (had digrms)

 	input hardware winking cal (25Hz) data from files. Any files that are not
 taken with the hardware winking cal (hdr.calsrc=2) are skipped.
User can specify the files using flist[n] or with the fnmI= keyword (see
	The program uses masgetwcal() to input the data. The processing is:
1. separate the calons, cal offs for each row.
   average the ons and the offs separately for row.
   When doing the average, discard the first and last spectra of 
   each cal transition. The 25hz cal has 20millisecs on, 20millisecs off.
   if you sampled at 1 millisec then
   avg 2-19 on, 2-19 off. This is to not include the transitions.
   Any adc blanking will be corrected in the averaging.
2. Load the bonAr, boffAr first index with the row averaged values.
   The average will  normally be 1sec. or 25 cycles.
3. Each file must have the same number of rows...
4. fill in the calI[i] struct for info about this file.

	For this to work, the spectra need have integrations that are
divisible into 20 milliseconds. Since we throw out the 1st and last 
you need at least 4 samples (5 ms each) 2ms per spectra is probably better.
 This routine assumes that the integration of each spectra is a 
 multiple of 1 millisecond (it rounds the exposure to the nearest millisec).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetm - read multiple rows from a mas fits file
SYNTAX: istat=masgetm(desc,nrows,b,row=row,avg=avg,ravg=ravg,tp=tp,$
                      blankcor=blankcor,float=float,double=double, $

    desc: {} returned by masopen
   nrows: long rows to read
     row: long row to position to before reading (cnt from 1)
               if row=0 then ignore row keyword
     avg:      if keyword set then return the averaged data
               It will average over nrows and ndumps per row.
               the returned data structure will store the averaged
               spectra as a float. use /double to get a double returned
   ravg:      if set then average within a row
 hdronly:      if set then only headers (row) will be data,stat.
blankcor:      if set then rescale any a/d blanking spectra to have the same
               number of  accumulations as the unblanked data. This
               implies /float. /avg or /ravg will also turn on blankcor
 float  :      if set then return spectra as  floats instead of
               default type (int,long).
  istat: 1 got all the requested records
       : 0 returned no rows
       : -1 returned some but not all of the rows
   b[n]: {}   array of structs holding the data
 tp[n*m,2]: float array holding the total power for each spectra/sbc
              m depends on the number of spectra per row
 azavg   :  float If /avg then the average azimuth
 zaavg   :  float If /avg then the average zenith angle

	Read in multiple rows from the requested data file. Return the 
data in b[m]. 
	If /blankcor is set then rescale any a/d blanked spectra to have the
same number of accumulations as the unblanked data. This will return
the data as floats.
	If /avg is set, then  average all of the rows into a
single spectra. If /ravg is set then average the dumps in each row
returning a single spectra for each row. Both of these averages
will do the blankcor before averaging.

 If tp= is specified, also return the total power for each spectra. 
The /float keyword will force the returned data to be floating point
 (instead of the native datatype read from the file).
  Any type of averaging (or /blankcor)  will automatically return
float data. 

 - The last row of the file could have fewer dumps than the rest of the file.
   If last row is read and it has different dumps than the previous rows
   in the request, then it will be ignored.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetmap - input data from a radecmap
SYNTAX: nstrips=masgetmap(mapFI,mapDI,edgefract=edgefract,median=median,$
 mapFI  : {}     structure returned by masfindmap(). contains file info for map
                 (since we may not have the correct cal values yet.
edgefr[2]:fltarr fraction of spectra to ignore on each edge. default:[.06,.06]
                 if 1 number is supplied then it will be used for both edge.
median   :       if set then use the median rather than the mean for:
                 averaging cal records
                 averaging spectra to get total power.
remdc    :       if set then interpolate across dc for each spectrag
noscl    :       if set the don't tpar to kelvins
  istat  : int   num strips. < 0 --> error
  mapDI  : {}   struct holding the map data that was input
  calIAr[nsets,nstrips,nbms] {}   return cal info. 
                if no cals then nothing is returned
                if cals start/end map then nstrips=1
                if cals in strip then all 3 dimensions returned.
cntsToKAr[nstrips,npols,nbms]: fltarr  scale factors used to convert to kelvins.
                if cal only at start, end map than nstrips=1
                dividing tpAr by these values will return to spectrometer counts 
                (if you have questions about the cal scaling)
 Input an radecmap taken with the 12meter. The user passes in the mapFI struct
(returned by masmapFI. The routine inputs the map and returns the info in the
mapDI structure.
 the mapdI struct contains:
IDL> help,mapdI,/st
** Structure <12d5d08>, 3 tags, length=234465008, data length=234289829, refs=1:
 BAR     STRUCT  ->  Array[77, 25, 7]; nsmp,nstrips,nbms
 TPAR    FLOAT   Array[77, 25, 2, 7]            ; nsmp,nstrips,npol,nbms
 raPos   dblarr   array[77,25]                   ; raLocation deg
 decPos  float   array[77,25]                   ; decPosition deg
 nsmp - samples per strip
 nsets- number of cals per strip. 1 or 2
 nstrips- number of ra strips in map
 npol   - number of polarizations (usually 2).. we don't add pols 
 nbms   - number of separate freq bands recorded

 The ordering of the above arrays is:
 [nsmp or nsets,nstrips,npols,nbms]
 if an array is missing one of these, just drop it from the order

 --> need to fix for winking cal and multiple dumps/record

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetmapwc - input data from a winking cal radecmap
SYNTAX: nstrips=masgetmapwc(mapFI,mapDI,edgefract=edgefract,median=median,$
 mapFI  : {}     structure returned by masfindmap(). contains file info for map
edgefr[2]:fltarr fraction of spectra to ignore on each edge. default:[.06,.06]
                 if 1 number is supplied then it will be used for both edge.
median   :       if set then use the median rather than the mean for:
                 averaging cal records
                 averaging spectra to get total power.
remdc    :       if set then interpolate across dc for each spectrag
noscl    :       if set the don't scale tpar to kelvins
degGainVar:int   order of polynomial when fitting caldif for gain variation in time.
verb     :       if set then output progress of routine.
  istat  : int   num strips. < 0 --> error
  mapDI  : {}   struct holding the map data that was input
 Input an 12meter radecmap taken with the hardware winking cal. The user passes in
 the mapFI struct (returned by masmapFI). The routine inputs the map and returns the 
info in the mapDI structure.

 the mapdI struct contains:
IDL> help,mapdI,/st
** Structure <12d5d08>, 3 tags, length=234465008, data length=234289829, refs=1:
 BAR     STRUCT  ->  Array[77, 25, 7]; nsmp,nstrips,nbms
 TPAR    FLOAT   Array[77, 25, 2, 7]            ; nsmp,nstrips,npol,nbms
 raPos   dblarr   array[77,25]                   ; raLocation deg
 decPos  float   array[77,25]                   ; decPosition deg
 1. Assume there is a gain variation coming after the cal injection that varies much slower than the 
    cal cycle (40ms).
 2. assume that Tcal (from the diode) is stable with time (it's temperature  stabilized).

 calOn:  (Tsky + Trcv + Tcal)*Giflo(stable)*Gvar(t)
 calOff: (Tsky + Trcv )*Giflo(stable)*Gvar(t)   (= Tsys)

 3.If we divide caloff (tsys) by CalDif at each 40ms cal cycle we can cancel Gvar(t) since we assume it 
   varies much more slowly than 40ms.
   - But this will blow up the noise since the noise/mean value for calDif is a factor of 2 to 3
     bigger than noise on calOff (since the noise is the same and Tcal but you put the ripples of the cal into the off, on banpasses .. but they are much less than 
       the iflobanpass..maybe later use some edge spectra caloff on the maps.
 2. using spectra bon, boff.
    bavgCal=bavgon - bavgoff
    bavgCalN=normalize bavgCal to unity (since we want spec cnts still)
  flatten all of the spectra with bavgcalN

 3. find channels with rfi;
    - compute rms/mean by channel for a strip
    - do a linear fit and exclude channels >3sigma
      also exclude edgefract channels (4% on each each side)

 4. compute TpOnAr, tpOffAr using good channels from bonF, boffF

 5. compute tpCal(t) =tpONar(t)  - tpOffar(t)

 6. nth order poly fit to tpCal(t)

 7. divide tponar,tpoffar by fit

 8. Get calInK(f) for channels used (avg)
 9. multiply TponAr,tpOffAr  by calin kel to switch to degK

 nsmp - samples per strip
 nsets- number of cals per strip. 1 or 2
 nstrips- number of ra strips in map
 npol   - number of polarizations (usually 2).. we don't add pols 
 nbms   - number of separate freq bands recorded

 The ordering of the above arrays is:
 [nsmp or nsets,nstrips,npols,nbms]
 if an array is missing one of these, just drop it from the order

 --> need to fix for winking cal and multiple dumps/record

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masgetscanhwc - input scan data  using hardware winking cal
SYNTAX: nbms=masgetscanhwc(fnmI,scanI,edgefract=edgefract,median=median,$
 fnmI[n] : {}    from masfilelist. files in scan (if multiplebeams)
                 currently assumes 1 file/scan/bm
edgefr[2]:fltarr fraction of spectra to ignore on each edge. default:[.06,.06]
                 if 1 number is supplied then it will be used for both edge.
median   :       if set then use the median rather than the mean for:
                 averaging cal records
                 averaging spectra to get total power.
remdc    :       if set then interpolate across dc for each spectrag
noscl    :       if set the don't scale tpar to kelvins
degGainVar:int   order of polynomial when fitting caldif for gain variation in time.
 row     :       long . if supplied then limit scan to maxrow recs
 nrows   :       long . if supplied then input nrows rows. def: entire file (starting
                        at row)
filelist[n]:    strarr if supplied then ignore fnmI,use filelist
verb     :       if set then output progress of routine.
  istat  : int   num of beams (freq bands of data returned) < 0 --> error
  scanI  : {}   struct holding the scan data that was input
	Input an 12meter scan taken with the harware winking cal. The user passes in
an fnmI[nmbs] array with the file info for the files in theh scan. It currently works
for multiple bms/scan but only 1 file/bm.

	This routines works similar to masgetmapwc()  except that it inputs a single scan rather than
and entire map.

 the scanI struct contains:
IDL> help,scani,/st
** Structure <14bbc08>, 7 tags, length=3143128, data length=3140282, refs=1:
 NBMS            LONG     7
 NRECSFILE       LONG     380
 HDRAR           STRUCT    -> MASFHDR Array[380]  hdrAr for bm0 of each rec
 XH              FLOAT     Array[380]  ; index 0..380-1
 XHI             FLOAT     Array[9500] ; use to interpolate hdrAr data to calcycle sample times
 BMI             STRUCT    ->  Array[7] ; info from each beam.

IDL> help,scani.bmi,/st
** Structure <1522548>, 11 tags, length=391256, data length=391230, refs=2:
 TPCALDIF        FLOAT     Array[9500, 2]  totPwr calOn - calOff raw units
 TPCALDIFFIT     FLOAT     Array[9500, 2]  fit to tpcaldif
 TPARONK         FLOAT     Array[9500, 2]  totPwrcalon in deg K
 TPAROFFK        FLOAT     Array[9500, 2]  totPwrcaloff in degk
 BONAVG          STRUCT    ->  Array[1] ; avg calon spc degK (no bpc)
 BOFFAVG         STRUCT    ->  Array[1] ; avf caloff spc degK  (no bpc)
 BRMSAR          STRUCT    ->  Array[2] rms/mean for calon,caloff spectra
 MASKAR          INT       Array[512]       1-> channel used,0 not used in totpwr computation
 EDGEFRACT       FLOAT     Array[2]        0..1. fraction of edge to exclude in totPwr computation
 NCHANUSED       LONG               465    # channels used for totpwr computation
 BWUSED          FLOAT           156.240   bandwidth used MHz.
 CNTSTOK         FLOAT     Array[9500, 2]  convert counts to degK for each calcycle
 CALKUSED        FLOAT     Array[2]        cal values used in degK

* 	Suppose you use the hardware winking cal for an on, off observation
   You could then call this routine for the Position on scan and the position off scan separately.

*  scanI.xh and scanI.xhI  can be used to interpolate header information sampled once a second
   to the time resolution of the cal cycles

 how the gain correction works: see masgetmapwc() description.

Some steps in the processing:

 Output spectra
 scanI.bmI[nbms].bonavg .. is the average of each calon cycle spectra after converting to K
                           with the correction factor for each calcycle.
 scanI.bmI[nbms].boffavg .. is the average of each caloff cycle spectra after converting to K
                           with the correction factor for each calcycle

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masgetstat - input status info from file
SYNTAX: istat=masgetstat(desc,stat,nrows=nrows,all=all)
   desc: {}      struct returned from masopen()
    row : long   row to position to before reading count from 1.
   nrows: long   number of rows of stat data to read in .default=1 row
                 from current position.
     all:        if set then read in the stat info for the entire file.
   istat: n  number of stat stuctures returned. One struct for each
             spectra. if nrows were read, there will be nrows*spcPerRow
          -1 error reading file
stat[n]:{stat} stat data from file.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masgetwcal - Inp Row, compute CalOn,calOff for winking cal
SYNTAX: istat=masgetwcal(desc,bon,boff,toavg=toavg,bin=bin,row=row,$
desc :  {}   from masopen()
   row: long   position to row before reading..`
               count from 1. row=0 --> start current position
 toavg: int    number of calcycles to average. This must divide into the
               number of calcycles in a row. If it is greater than the
               number of calcycles in a row, then all of the calcyles in
               a row will be averaged (eg.. toavg=999) will probably 
               sum all of them.
 nrows: int   number of rows to return. def=1 
			   If more rows are requested than in file, then the only
              the number of rows left is returned. No error is reported.
lastonly: int if set then only drop the last sample of each group of 
              calons, or cal offs. This works if the cal phase was set to
              50% (where the transition occurred).
double  :     if set return spectra as doubles. default is float
 istat:         n number of time samples in structure
               -2 winking cal not enabled..
               -3 record does not have at least 1 cal cycle
               -4 spectra in row not a multiple of calCyleLen
                  or requested toavg does not divide into
                  cals cycles in row.
               -5 calon,caloff out of sync.. not 10,10...
bin[n]  :  {}     if supplied then also return the input data.

   Normally winking cal data is taken at a high data rate with
multiple winking cal cycles  within 1 row of data. This routine will
input a rows worth of winking cal data and compute Tsys + Calon,Tsys +calOff 
When computing the  cal,  ignore the first and last spectra of each 
calon or caloff. 
   If there are 10 specta with calOff followed by 10 spectra with calOff
then sum spectra 2-9 of each before computing the calon,caloff

1. The output spectra are summed (not averaged) over ncalon-2 and ncaloff-2
2. If blanking has been enabled, then the spectra with fewer than normal
   counts will be scaled up normalSum/blankedSum. The values

3. For now, the routine wants an integral number of calCycles in
   a row... 
4. The .st status portion of the structure will have the adcOverflow,pfbOverflow
   and the fftaccum adjusted for the number of integrations (summed). 
5. the header entry exposure will be increased to reflect the 
   accumulation time in the returned spectra. eg
   - 10  millisecond dumps
   - 50  millisecond cal on, cal off
   - average 10 cal cycles 
   - the exposure time goes from .01 secs to:
     10ms*3calon*10avg=300 millisecs

5. The accumulation of the calOn, caloff cycles reduces the number of
   spectra in the output data structures. eg. suppose you have
   2048 channel, stokes data with 500 spectral samples per row, and
   20 spectral time samples in the cal cycle (10 caloff , 10 calon). Then
   the dimensions of the input, output data are:

   bin.d[2048,4,500]  .. input
   bsum.d[2048,4,25]  .. 500/20
   bdif.d[2048,4,25]  .. 500/(20)

6. If blanking is enabled and bin=bin returns the input structure
  note!! the blanked spectra have already been scaled to the average values
  (it is not the raw input buffer).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masimgdisp - display a set of correlator records as an image
SYNTAX: img=masimgdisp(b,nsigclip=nsigClip,clip=clip,pollist=pollist,col=col,$
   b[nrecs]: {corget} correlator data to make image of 
   img[nchns,nrecs]: float image of last sbc displayed (before clipping).

    nsigClip:float if suppled then clip data to [-sig,sig]*nsigClip
 				    This is done after any averaging for -zx,-zy.
                   If this is supplied, then clip= is ignored.
     clip[]: float  value to clip the normalized data to. Default is
                    .02 (of Tsys). If clip has 1 value then 
                    normalize to (img > (-clip)) < clip. If two value are
                    provided, then they will the [min,max].
    pollist: long   A single number whose decimal digits specify the pols  
                    to display. eg 1,12,1234 .. pols,3,4 are stokes u,v
                    The default is pola,polb.
        win: int window number to plot in. default is 1.
      wxlen: int xlen of window. default 700
      wylen: int ylen of window. default 870
      wxpos: int xpos of lower left edge of window.default 445
      wypos: int ypos of lower left edge of window.default:35
    samewin:     if set then use the current dimension for the image win.
                 If you are calling masimgdisp in a loop then setting this
                 (after the first call) lets the user dynamically adjust the
                 window size,position.
         zx: int ..-3,-2,2,3,4 zoom factor x dimension. Negative numbers 
                   shrink the image positive numbers expand. Negative number 
                   must divide evenly into the number of channels.
         zy: int ..-3,-2,2,3,4 zoom factor y dimension (same format as zx)
     col[2]: int .. x columns to use to flatten the image in the time
                    direction. count 0..numberoflags-1. If multiple sbc 
                    plotted then the same cols are used for all sbc. The
                    default is no flattening in the time direction.
        chn:        if set then plot vs channel number rather than freq
        bpc:{masget} if supplied then this data will be used to do the
                    bandpass correction. The default is to average over
                    all of the nrecs.
      nobpc:        if set then no bandpass correction is done.
     median:        if set and bpc not provided, then bandpass correct using
                    the median of the nrecs rather than the average.
       ravg: long   bandpass correct with a running average of ravg spectra
      desc : {}     if provided,then routine will input data into
                    b[] before making image. desc comes from masopen().
				     It starts reading from the current row. The number
                    of spectra in image defaults to 600(for polA and 600
                    for polB). You can change this with the numspc keyword 
      numspc: int   number of spectra to display from b (or to read from the
                    file. The default if b is provided is the entire array.
                    If reading from the file then we will use about 600 spc.
       han:          if set and scan keyword set, then hanning smooth the
                     data on input.
   mytitle:string    user supplied tittle instead of scan,srcname,az,za
                     az,za at top of the plot.
     yr[2]: float    specify min,max label values for y axis. Default is
                     spectral count
   hlind[]: ind      index into img array (2nd dimension) to draw
                     horizontal lines.
   hlval  : float    value to use for horizontal lines (in img units)
                     default is clip value.
   hldash : int      The dash lengths to used for the horizontal lines.
                     2*ldash must divide into x dimension.default is 4
   hlvlines:int      Number of engths to used for the horizontal lines.
   useind[2]:int     if provided then use these indices from data array
                     0 .. lengthsbc -1
   ln       :int     linenumber for title..0..33 def:3
   freqincrease:     If set then make the output image increasing frequency. This is
                     done just before output so all other keywords, values should use
                     the native order of the data eg. bpc should match the input
                     data. The flipping is only done on the displayed image.
                     The returned image is in the default freqorder
   extra_=e          this allows you to input keywords that will be
                     passed to the plotting routine. eg title=title..
   masimgdisp will display a set of mas spectra as an image.
By default it will make a separate image for each polA and polB.
The polList keyword lets you specify polA or polB (and someday maybe
stokes U,V.
   You can input the data outside of this routine (eg with masgetm) or 
use the desc,numspc keywords to have masimgdisp input the data directly. 

   By default, the image is bandpass normalized by the average of all the
records (sbc/avg(pol) - 1). If the median keyword is used then
 avg(sbc) is replaced by median(pol). The bpc keyword allows you to input
a separate mas record to use as the normalization.
   The col keyword lets you also flatten the image in the time 
dimension by specifying the first/last columns to average and then divide 
into all of the other columns (the columns are counted from 0). By default
this is not done.

   After bandpass correction and flattening in the time dimension, the
image is clipped (by default) to +/- .02 (tsys) and then scaled
from 0 to 256 for the image display. The clip  keyword lets you change the
clipping value.

   The zx,zy keywords let you scale the image in the x and y dimensions by
integral amounts. Negative numbers will shrink it by that amount (Note:
the negative numbers must divide evenly into the number of channels in
each sbc). -1,0,1 do no scaling. This scaling is only applied for the single
pol displays. The multiple pol displays are always scaled to fit 
inside the window (700 by 870 pixels).

   The desc and numspc keywords can be used to input the data directly from
a file. In this case the desc comes from the masopen() routine and numspc
is the number of spectra to put in the image.

   After displaying the image, use xloadct to manipulate the color table.

   The routine returns the last image displayed (before clipping).

   input data and make an image
   istat=masgetm(desc,30,b,/han0  .. input 30 rows with hanning smoothing
                                  .. assume there are 10 spec/row
1. display the image of pola and polB
2. display only polB, scale y by 2, and x by -2
3. display pola,polB, clip to .015 Tsys , median filter the
   bandpass correction:
4. assume scan 12730084 in an on position and 12730085 is the off position.
   Suppose you want to display the on image normalized by the off.
   bpc=coravgint(boff)             ; compute the average of the off.
5. Have the routine input and plot a scans worth of data:
6. Have the routine input and plot a scans worth of data, use the sl
   keyword for direct access.

This routine calls imgflat, and imgdisp for the image scaling and display.

   For stokes channels q,u,v the bandpass flattening is done by offseting
the mean bp by 1. and dividing (should actually divide by sqrt(pola*polB)..:


(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masinterpfreqbands - interpolate multiple freq bands to 1 spectra 
SYNTAX: masinterpfreqbands,bar,df,dI,f0=f0,f1=f1
bar[n]: {}   array of mas structs holding multiple frequencies
df    : float  delta freq (Mhz) for final interpolated spectrum
f0  : MHz    if supplied then use this as the lowest interpolated chan. Def is
             the minimum in the initial data.
f1  : MHz    if supplied then use this as the maximum interpolated chan. Def is
             the maximumin the initial data.
 Di    : {}   struct holding freq and interpolated data (see below for definintion).
     bms: when using alfa, the 7 mock boxes were called bms.This terminology
          has carried over into single pixel observing even though they all point
          at the same location.
   bands: With alfa observing, bands refered to the upper and lower 150 Mhz freq bands
          taken with one mock box. For single pixel observing the lower 150 Mhz band
          is not used  and the term band is often used in place of bms to refer to 
          different frequency bands.. (sorry for the confusion:)
	Single pixel observing normally has up to 7 different frequency bands (or bms) that
are typically overlapped. This routine  will interpolate these bands to a single spectra.
The user supplies the  mas (bar) struct to combine and well as the requested frequency
spacing for the final spectra. 
	Most times the bands are overlapped with the overlapping region having the bandpass filter
  Prior to 28feb23 the excloverlap keyword specified how much of this overlap region should be
   excluded from the edge of  each band. this caused problems when the bandpasses were
   still present. The interpolation could then  jump back and forth between adj values from
   the different bandpasses.
  The current version just splits the overlap region in 2, taking the  bottom part from the
  lower freq spectra, and the upper half from the higher freq spectra.

	The routine will now work with a record with multiple dumps. If you have multiple records to interp,
you must call this routine multiple times
 If there is no overlap between a set of bands then that portion of the spectrum
will be a linear interpolation between the endpoints.

 The returned structure dI  will have:
	dI.npnts   ; points in a spectrum
    dI.npol    ; 2nd dimension of data
    dI.freq[npnts]: dbl   frequency array
    dI.d[npnts,npol] ; data
 or dI.d[npnts,npol,ndump] if multiple dumps per record
  This routine just  does interpolation between points (idl interpol) it does not do averaging.
  If you specify a much larger freqspacing than the input spectra then the returned signal will not
  be averaged over the wider freq step.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masisp12m - return 1 if p12m data
SYNTAX: istat=masisp12m(hdr)
   hdr:  {}     mas.h header
   istat: 0 305m data, 1 =p12m data
 use date_obs from header. > 2021_01 is p12m

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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maslist - one line summary listing of file(s)
SYNTAX maslist,desc,fnmI=fnmI,flist=flist,sumI=sumI,patid=patid

 desc  : {}      descriptor from masopen() for file to list. Ignored if fnmI or flist
                 keywords present
fnmI[n]:{}       structure returned by masfilelist. If this keyword is
                 present then use this for the files to list
flist[]:strarr   array of filenames to list. 
patid  :         if set then print pattern id rather than scan id
 sumI[n]: {}      summary info for mas files.
   Make a 1 line summary listing for file. You can specify the files with:
 1. fnmI=fnmI[]  array fileInfo structures returned from  masfilelist()
 2. flist=flist[]  strarr of filenames to list
 3. desc         a descriprtor from the call to masopen().

	If more than one of the above is specified, then the order is
   1 then 2 then 3.

The 1 line listing contains:
  SOURCE      SCAN     RA       DEC   C  nSpc POL  Chn    PatNm TopFrq  Bw    RCV
   Cur-pos 931000143 180506.0   85109 J   3000  2 8192      RUN 1450.0 172.0 alfa


(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmakemask - make a mask for  good channels using a dataset.
SYNTAX: istat=masmakemask(fnmI,maskI,verb=verb,nsig=nsig,edge=edge,flist=flist)
 fnmI[n]: {}   array holding files info to process (see masfilelist())
  nsig  : float   number of sigmas that separate good from bad channels
 edge[2]: fltarr  fraction of each edge of bandpass to ignore def:[.06,.06]
  verb  :         if set then plot rms/mean by channel for each file.
flist[n]: strarr  filenames to use (including path).
                  if supplied then ignore fnmI[] and use flist
istat  :   int    1 - ok, -1 error
maskI  : {}       struct holding the mask info (see below).

	Given a set of datafiles, this routine will compute a mask of good freq channels to use 
(when computing total power, or fitting a baseline). The processing steps are:
 (assume there are N files)
 for each file in fnmI[N]
   - input the file
   - compute rms/mean by freq channel using the spectra in the file.
     channels with rfi will have a larger rms/mean .
   - compute the avg spectra for the file
 After all N files are input:
   - compute the average rms/mean for the nfiles. call it:rmsAvg
   - compute the peak value of rms/mean for each file (take the peak from each channel):call it: rmsPk
 Using these 2 averages, find the channels with a large rms/mean:
 -Do a robust linear fit to rmsAvg(nchan)  and rmsPk(nchan).
   Any fit residuals greater then nsig will be flagged as bad.

 maskI returns the following info
IDL> help,maskI,/st
 NCHAN     LONG     1024   ; number of freq channels
 NFILES    LONG     31     ; number of files used
 NSIGUSED  FLOAT    2.00000 ; value of nsig used for clipping
 MASKAVG   STRUCT ->  Array[1] ;holds maskInfo for the avgerage mask (see below)
 MASKPK    STRUCT ->  Array[1] ;holds maskinfo for the peakHold mask (see below)
 BRMSAVG   STRUCT ->  Array[1] ;average rms/mean spectra (display with masplot,brmsavg
 BRMSPK    STRUCT ->  Array[1] ;peakHold rms/mean spectra 
 BAVG      STRUCT ->  Array[1] ;average spectra

 The maskavg, maskpk struct holds:
 SIGA      FLOAT  8.52951e-05 ;polA sigma from robust fit to rms/mean avg (or rms/mean peak)
 SIGB      FLOAT  8.04953e-05 ;polB sigma from robust fit to rms/mean avg (or pk)
 NGOODA    LONG   382         ;# of good chan in polA
 NGOODB    LONG   502         ;# of good chan in polB
 NGOOD     LONG   327         ;# of good chan in polA and B
 MASK      INT    Array[1024] ;mask for channels 0=bad, 1=goood, 

 The routine makes a mask using the average of the rms/mean by files. 
It makes a second mask  using the max (in each chan)  of the peakHold rms/mean spectra
The pkMask will most likely exclude more points than the average mask.

 The /verb keyword will plots:
 Each rms/mean will be plotted as it is processed.
 - you should set the ver scale to whatever the limits will be (from the radiometer equation):
   eg: 172MhzBw/1024chan  rms/mean = .008 so ver,0,.02 will work
 - after plotting all the  files it will plot the average rms/means
 top frame: rms/mean avg
            - white  + :polA all points 
            - red    + :polB all points
            - green  + :polA good freq channels
            - yellow + :polB good freq channels
	If you see green or yellow points that stick up above the rms/mean avg then you may
want to recall the routine with a smaller value for nsig (def=2). But be careful, if you
make nsig too small, then you may run out of good points.

Some requirements:
 - each file should have the same number of channels.
 - you probably don't want to mix different freq bands.

	Suppose we took a number of sband crosses on 3C295 on 11nov22
   - there is a calOn,off at the start of each cross.
   - use the calOff's to compute the rfi mask.
  ;.. get summary info (it includes the headers) to select the cal Offs
  ii=where((sumI.h.obsmode eq 'CAL') and (sumI.h.scantype eq 'OFF'),nfiles)
  ; make a subset of only the cal offs (note sband only has 1 mock band) 
  ; make the mask, setup hor ,ver for /verb plotting.
  ; exclude 8%. 10% from the 2 edges (bw of rf < mock bw)
  ; use the peak hold spectra
  ; call stripchart routine to monitor with mask

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmath - perform math on correlator data
SYNTAX: bout=masmath(b1,b2,sub=sub,add=add,div=div,mul=mul,$
     b1[n]     :  {masget} first math argument
     b2[n or 1]:  {masget} second math argument
  2  Vector
     sub: if set then  bout= b1-b2
     add: if set then  bout= b1+b2
     div: if set then  bout= b1/b2
     mul: if set then  bout= b1*b2 
  1 vector
     avg: if set then  bout= avg(b1)
  median: if set then  bout= median(b1)
    polavg: if set then avg the pols this can be called 
                   avg, or med.

    sadd: if set then  bout= b1+sadd  (scalar add)
    ssub: if set then  bout= b1-ssub  (scalar subtract)
    sdiv: if set then  bout= b1/sdiv  (scalar divide) 
    smul: if set then  bout= b1*smul  (scalar multiply)
    norm: if set then if:
            :b1,b2, and add,sub,mult,div
            		normalize (mean) each elm of b2 before op.
            :b1, /norm and no add,sub,mul,div
                   Normalize (mean) each elm of b1
            :b1,b2 and  /norm and no add,sub,mul,div
            :scaler op then /norm does nothing

   mask :{masmask}  (not implemented yet)
                   a mask to use with norm keyword (see masmask).
   double: if set then make data array double rather than float.

   bout[n]: {masget} result of arithmetic operation.
                     with d not float rather than long

   Perform arithmetic on mas  data structures. The operation performed
depends on the keyword supplied. 

      bout=b1 op b2 on a spectra by spectra operation.
      If /norm is also set then each spectra of
       b2 is normalized (mean) before the operation.   

	-op= /ssub,sadd,smul,sdiv
		: bout=b1* op
       : Scaler can be a single value. This number will be used
         for all operations,
       : Scaler can be fltarr(npol) equal to the number of pols
         Then each polarizion will used its on value:
	     eg: bout.d[*,ipol]=b1.d[*,ipol] op scalVal[ipol]
	-op=/norm with no add,sub,mul,div specified
       :just normalize each spectra of b1 (mean):
        eg: bout[i].d[*,ipol]=b1[i].d[*,ipol]/mean(b1[i].d[*,ipol])
   -op= /avg,/median
		: compute the average or median by pol
         eg: bavg.d[*,ipol]=mean(b1.d[*,ipol],dim=2) avg over spectra

   let bon[300] be position switch on data
       boff[300] be position swith off data

1. avg on,off
	bonavg=masmath(bon,/avg) or masmath(bon,/median)
   boffavg=masmath(boff,/avg) or masmath(boff,/median)

2. on/off -1

3. Normalize each 1 sec on by the 1 sec off

4  Normalize each bon rec to unity

5. use normalized average off to remove bandpass for each
   rec of bon

6 remove a smoothed bandpass from each spectra of bon
  ;; compute bsmo somehow.. then

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmkfnm - create filename for fnmI struct
SYNTAX: fnmINew=masmkfnm(fnmI)
   fnmI: struct   fnmI struct from masfilelist
  fnmIN: {}     structure holding the new filename 

	masmkfnm will take the parsed info from fnmI and create a new 
filename and load it into a new fnmI struct. This allows you to 
create a new fnmI struct by just changing one of the parsed parameters.
This routine will then fill in the .fname entry to reflect the new values.

 The format is:
 where obs is optional
* Structure PDEVFNMPARS, 8 tags, length=60, data length=60:
   DIR             STRING    '/share/pdata1/pdev/'
   FNAME           STRING    'if2noise.20081107.b0s0g0.00000.fits'
   PROJ            STRING    'if2noise'
   DATE            LONG          20081107
   SRC             STRING    ''
   BM              INT              0
   BAND            INT              0
   GRP             INT              0
   NUM             LONG                 0

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmkstruct - make a mas structure from template
SYNTAX: bnew=masmkstruct(btempl,float=float,double=double,ndump=ndump,$
btempl:  {masget} template struct to use
     keywords can override settings of templ
   float:  make data float
  double:  make data double
  ndump : int  make ndump spectra per entry
  npol  : int  make npol pols
  nelm  : int  make nelm entries in array
 bnew[nelm]:{masget} struct with accum entry

   Create masget struct using btempl as a template. Override 
things in btempl with the keywords.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmon - monitor mas files.
SYNTAX: masmon,bsg=bsg,num=num,projid=projid,date=date,noavg=noavg
 and           masplotkeyords,usepixwin=usepixwin
ARGS: none
    bsg: string beam,band,group to monitor. Format is bBsSgG where:
                B =0..6 is the beam 
                S =0..1 is the band (0=1450 band, 1=1300 band)
                G =0..1 is the group.
    num: int    the file number to start with. (The default is the most recent)
 projid: string project id (first part of filename) to monitor. The default
                is the most recent one written.
 date  : long   The date (in the filename) to start monitoring. The
                default is the current date. If you enter "*" it will allow
                any date. the format is yyyymmdd or "*"
  noavg:        If set then don't average multiple spectra within one row.
                By default each row is averaged to one spectra.
 desc  : {}     You can return from masmon with the current file still
                open (using the x command from the menu). The file descriptor
                will be returned here (this is actually a structure used by the
                masxx routines). It is then your responsibility to close the
                file via masclose,desc or masclose,/all.
 dirI : strarr(2): directory info. If the files are in a non standard place
                then pass in location in dirI
                dirI[0]=prefix  for dir: /share/pdata
                        Num 1..n goes here
                dirI[1]=postfix for dir: /pdev
noappbm:        if set then no bm number between pre,pos dir name
                eg.. /share/pdata/pdev
flip  :         if set then flip the freq array of the plot.. use if 
                hdr info is wrong
   norm:        if set then normalize spectra before plotting
 pollist: int   pols to plot: 1,2,12,123,1234. -1 --> all pols available
     off: float if multiple spectra/plot (/noavg and multiple spectra per
                row) then separate spectra by this amount vertically.
 masplot keywords
 --> any masplot keyword can also be used.. it will be passed on to masplot. eg
   Monitor online and offline mas files plotting each row in the file. The 
files to monitor can be selected by:
1. if no arguments are supplied, use the most recent files from 
2. Specify the projid,date using the startup keywords.
3. Use the menu inside masmon to select a different set of files to monitor.
   - Enter the menu once masmon is started by hitting any key. 


   masmon - start monitoring most recent file for b0s0g0
   masmon,bsg=b0s1g0     .. start with beam0, band1 , group0
   masmon,projid='a2130' .. use a2130 files
   masmon,projid='a2130',/noavg  .. do not average the 2 millisecond spectra
   masmon,pollist=12    .. only only plot pola and B, ignore, U,V.

   Enter the internal memory by hitting any key.
The menu is:

Cmd CurVal    function

 p   1234       pols to plot (1..4)
 h   low high   set horizontal plot range args --> autoscale
 v   low high   set vertical   plot range args --> autoscale
 delay secs     secs to delay between plots..

 bsg  b0s0g0     beam,band,grp to use (change all at once)
 bm   0          beam to plot
 band 0          band to display (0 = 1450, 1=1300)
 d    20081011   date to use. First number of data displayed
 num  00801      number.. file number to display
 r       1       position to row. maxRows:  99
 l    (all)      list files this date (all --> all dates)

 -->  MISC:
 hdr            display last header read
 s      0       step mode. 1-on,0-off
 z              stop in procedure (for debugging)
 q              to quit
 x              quit leaving the current file open. return description in desc keyword
otherKeys       continue plotting

 Enter the cmd and a possible value. The program will then continue. 
The menu options are:

 p 1234      .. pol to plot. By default all pols in the file are plotted. The
             .. The pols are numbered: 1-polA,2-polB,3-U,4=V. Any combination 
             .. of the pols can be displayed (entered as a one number eg 12..)
     p 12    .. just plot pols 1(a) and 2 (b)
 h,v         .. These will change the horizontal,vertical scale of the plots
     h 1400 1450 display frequencies 1400 thru 1450 (if they are in the band)
 delay       .. secs to delay between plots. Use if the plotting is going
                too fast.
     delay .1   Delay .1 seconds between plots

 bsg b0s0g0  .. Select the beam,band,group to display. 
             .. By default beam0,band0,grp0 is displayed.
     bsg b0s1g0   .. will display the band centered at 1300 Mhz.

 d  20080826 .. Move to first file on this date using the current 
                project id.
 n   100     .. Move to this filenumber for the current date and project id.
                If the number does not exist, you remain on the current file.
 l  (all)    .. list files for this projid, data. If all is included then 
                list files for this projid for all dates.
 r  1        .. position to a row in the current file (count from 1)

 hdr         .. print last header read
 s  0/1      .. step mode will stop and display the menu after each spectra is
                plotted. s 1 turns on step mode. s 0 turns it off.
 z           .. stop in masmon routine (for debugging)
 q           .. exit masmon.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masmon2dfits - plot 2d gauss fits from mascrossfit2d
SYNTAX: masmon2dfits,fitiAr,delay=delaysecs,freqtouse=freqtouse,pwr=pwr,$
fitiar[n] :  {} array of fit structs from mascrossfit2() 
freqToUse: Mhz  freq to use. def=all bands
pwr      :      if set then data in in power units. def: degK 
                (used for yaxis labels)
remTsys  :      if set then remove the constant Tsys term from the data
                before plotting.
	The mascrossfit2d() routine returns an array of structures with the fitting
info. This routine will plot the input data and resulting fit. Each plot will 
have the data from 1 freq band and fit. There will be 3 frames on a plot:
 - upper  frame: az strip data vs offset with the 2d fit for az overplotted.
 - middle frame: el strip data vs offset with the 2d fit for el overplotted.
 - bottom frame: the az and el data and fits are plotted vs the el offset from
                 the center of the cross. The fitting routine includes a
                 linear term in elevation when fitting.
 There are a number of parameters that will control what and how things
are plotted.  After entering the routine, hitting any key will bring up a
menu that lets you change these parameters. You can then enter a command 
and value.
CMD      ARG    Description
i      index    move to index (0 to nfits-1= 209)
src      all    srcToPlot,all or                  
                3C274 3C286 3C348 3C405 CasA 
f        all    Freq to plot or  all. frqList:
                8223 8363 8505 8647 8789 8931 9073 
delay   secs    delay between plots. def:.1 secs
r        0,1    remove tsys:0,1
s        0,1    single step (0,1)
v               min,max .. set vertical scale, blank is autoscale
d               debug. stop in routine
q               quit monfits
any otherChar continue plotting
  currently stepping:       0

i    : lets you skip around in the fitiar[] array
src  : you can limit the plots to a single source. Entering "all" will
 i     plot all sources
f    : limit plots to this freq. Entering "all" will return to all frequencies.
delay: Put a delay of delay secs between each plot (fractional secs ok).
r    : 1-> remove tsys from data and fits before plotting. 0.. don't remove
       Since it uses the fit value,if the fit failed, the plot may not appear.
s    : 1-> single step the plots. It will redisplay the menu after each plot and wait for
       you to enter a key.
       0-> go back to continuous mode.
v    :  vmin,vmax set the vertical scale for the plots. Entering a blank
        will return to autoscaling.
d    :  go to debug mode. will stop within the routine.
        enter .continue to continue on.
q    :  quit this routine.

	The routine uses masplot2dfit() to plot a single fit.

; if you've saved the fits somewhere
 restore,'fitiar.sav' ,/verb
% RESTORE: Portable (XDR) SAVE/RESTORE file.
% RESTORE: Save file written by phil@megs3, Fri Oct  7 08:55:20 2022.
% RESTORE: IDL version 7.1 (linux, x86_64).
% RESTORE: Restored variable: FITIAR.

 .. plottings starts
 .. you can resize the window with the cursor to get a better view
 .. hit space bar to bring up the menu:

CMD      ARG    Description
i      index    move to index (0 to nfits-1= 209)
src      all    srcToPlot,all or
                3C274 3C286 3C348 3C405 CasA 
f        all    Freq to plot or  all. frqList:
                8223 8363 8505 8647 8789 8931 9073 
delay   secs    (0-> no delay)
r        0,1    remove tsys:0,1
s        0,1    single step (0,1)
v               min,max .. set vertical scale, blank is autoscale
d               debug. stop in routine
q               quit monfits
any otherChar continue plotting
  currently stepping:       0
v -.2 2     .. change vertical scale -.2 to 2 K

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmon2dplot1 - plot 1 fit from 2d fits
SYNTAX: masmon2dplot1,fiti,ibm,pwr=pwr,lab=lab,remtsys=remtsys
fitI: {}      structure returned from mascrossfit2d()
ibm : int     index (0..6) for bm to plot in fitI.fitibm[ibm]. 
pwr :         if set then data units are spectrometer pwr. Def: degK
lab : string  add to title of plot 
var[2]: float  set vertical scale. def: autoscale
remTsys:    if set then remove constant Tsys value before plotting
 	This routine is used by masmon2dfits()

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmonimg - monitor mas files via dynamic spectra.
SYNTAX: masmonimg,bsg=bsg,num=num,projid=projid,date=date,dirI=dirI,$
ARGS: none
    bsg: string beam,band,group to monitor. Format is bBsSgG where:
                B =0..6 is the beam 
                S =0..1 is the band (0=1450 band, 1=1300 band)
                G =0..1 is the group.
    num: int    the file number to start with. (The default is the most recent)
 projid: string project id (first part of filename) to monitor. The default
                is the most recent one written.
 date  : long   The date (in the filename) to start monitoring. The
                default is the current date. Entering "*" will allow any date.
                The format is yyyymmdd or "*"
 dirI : strarr(2): directory info. If the files are in a non standard place
                then pass in location in dirI
                dirI[0]=prefix  for dir: /share/pdata
                        Num 1..n goes here
                dirI[1]=postfix for dir: /pdev
noappbm:        if set then no bm number in directory path.
                use for /share/pdata/pdev etc..
    nspc: int   the number of spectra for each image. The default is 
                500 (or the max number in the file). It will try and 
			 	 round the number to a multiple of spectra per row.
 pollist: int   pols for image. 1,2,12, -1 --> all pols available
                if stokes, it does not plot u,v
  zx    : int   if single pol then zoom (=n) or contract (-n) x axis by this
  zy    : int   if single pol then zoom (=n) or contract (-n) y axis by this
 desc  : {}     You can return from masmon with the current file still
                open (using the x command from the menu). The file descriptor
                will be returned here (this is actually a structure used by the
                masxx routines). It is then your responsibility to close the
                file via masclose,desc or masclose,/all.

   Monitor online and offline mas files by making a dynamic spectra of the data. The 
files to monitor can be selected by:
1. if no arguments are supplied, use the most recent files from 
2. Specify the projid,date using the startup keywords.
3. Use the menu inside masmon to select a different set of files to monitor.
   - Enter the menu once masmon is started by hitting any key. 


   masmonimg - start monitoring most recent file for b0s0g0
   masmonimg,bsg=b0s1g0     .. start with beam0, band1 , group0
   masmonimg,projid='a2130' .. use a2130 files
   masmonimg,pollist=1     .. images of only polA 

   Enter the internal memory by hitting any key.
The menu is:

Cmd CurVal    function

 -->  IMAGES:
 p   12         pols for images (1,2,12)
 h   low high   set horizontal range for images (freq low,hihg), blank --> all
 nspc 500       number of spectra per image. blank--> auto
 c    3         clip to +/- nsig.
 delay secs     secs to delay between images..

 bsg  b0s0g0     beam,band,grp to use (change all at once)
 bm   0          beam to plot
 band 0          band to display (0 = 1450, 1=1300)
 d    20081011   date to use. First number of data displayed
 num  00801      number.. file number to display
 r       1       position to row. maxRows:  99
 l    (all)      list files this date (all --> all dates)

 -->  MISC:
 hdr            display last header read
 s      0       step mode. 1-on,0-off
 z              stop in procedure (for debugging)
 q              to quit
 x              quit leaving the current file open. return description in desc keyword
otherKeys       continue plotting

 Enter the cmd and a possible value. The program will then continue. 
The menu options are:

 p 12        .. pols for image. By default both pols are used (but in stokes mode
                u,v are note used.
             .. The pols are numbered: 1-polA,2-polB. Any combination 
             .. of the pols can be displayed (entered as a one number eg 12..)
     p 12    .. use pols a and polB.
 h           .. change the frequency range of the image. Units are Mhz. The default
                is the entire frequency range.
     h 1400 1450 display frequencies 1400 thru 1450 (if they are in the band)
 delay       .. secs to delay between plots. Use if the plotting is going
                too fast.
     delay .1   Delay .1 seconds between plots

 bsg b0s0g0  .. Select the beam,band,group to display. 
             .. By default beam0,band0,grp0 is displayed.
     bsg b0s1g0   .. will display the band centered at 1300 Mhz.

 d  20080826 .. Move to first file on this date using the current 
                project id.
 n   100     .. Move to this filenumber for the current date and project id.
                If the number does not exist, you remain on the current file.
 l  (all)    .. list files for this projid, data. If all is included then 
                list files for this projid for all dates.
 r  1        .. position to a row in the current file (count from 1)

 hdr         .. print last header read
 s  0/1      .. step mode will stop and display the menu after each spectra is
                plotted. s 1 turns on step mode. s 0 turns it off.
 z           .. stop in masmon routine (for debugging)
 q           .. exit masmon.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmonstripch - stripchart recording of total power

 -> Warning.. i kludged this documentation from masmon and an older version of masstripch
              I need to verify that i've updated the documentation correctly
    bsg: string beam,band,group to monitor. Format is bBsSgG where:
                B =0..6 is the beam
                S =0..1 is the band (0=1450 band, 1=1300 band)
                G =0..1 is the group.
    num: int    the file number to start with. (The default is the most recent)
 projid: string project id (first part of filename) to monitor. The default
                is the most recent one written.
 date  : long   The date (in the filename) to start monitoring. The
                default is the current date. Entering "*" will allow any date.
                The format is yyyymmdd or "*".
   polList:int     pols to use. 1,12,-1 (all pols a,b def)
   maxpnt: long    max number of points to display at once. default: 3600
   v1[2] : float   min,max value for top plot
   sub   :         if set then subtract running mean
   v1[2] : float   min,max value for top plot
   sub   :         if set then subtract running mean
pltDelay: float    number of seconds to wait after each plot. Use this
                   to slowly scan a file that already exists.
   win   : long    window number to plot in. Default is 0
median   :         if set, use the median to compute the power
maskar[nchn]:int   if provided then use to mask off chan
                   with rfi. use chan where maskAr[] > 0
colar[2] :int      color indices to use for plotting polA,B
                   def: 1-white,2-red
   The routine makes a stripchart recording of the total power and power
difference polA-polB. It will step through the data file displaying
up to MAXPNT pnts on the screen. When this value is reached, the plot will
start scolling to the left. When the end of file is hit, the routine
will wait rdDelay seconds (default of 2 second) and then try to read
any new data in the file. This allows you to monitor data as it is 
being taken. If you are scrolling through a file offline, use PLTDELAY
to slow down the plotting rate (if it is too fast). At the end of the file
hit any key and the enter q to quit (see below).

   The top plot is the 0lag total power. The units are linear in power and the
definition is measured/optimum power (for statistics of 3/9level sampling).
   v1[2] : float   min,max value for top plot
   sub   :         if set then subtract running mean
You can change the vertical scale with the v1[min,max] keyword or from the
menu displayed you hit any key. The line colors correspond to the 8 
subcorrelators available on the interim correlator.

   You can stop the plotting by touching any key on the keyboard.
A menu will be presented that lets you modify some parameters and then
continue. The menu is:

Cmd CurVal    function

 p   1234       pols to plot (1..4)
 h   low high   set horizontal plot range args --> autoscale
 v   low high   set vertical   plot range args --> autoscale
 delay secs     secs to delay between plots..

 bsg  b0s0g0     beam,band,grp to use (change all at once)
 bm   0          beam to plot
 band 0          band to display (0 = 1450, 1=1300)
 d    20081011   date to use. First number of data displayed
 num  00801      number.. file number to display
 r       1       position to row. maxRows:  99
 l    (all)      list files this date (all --> all dates)

 -->  MISC:
 hdr            display last header read
 s      0       step mode. 1-on,0-off
 z              stop in procedure (for debugging)
 q              to quit
 x              quit leaving the current file open. return description in desc keyword
otherKeys       continue plotting

1. monitor the online datataking:

2. set fewer points per plot for better resolution. Set the top vertical
   scale to .8,2. 

3. If you want to position to a different filenumber:
   hit any character
   num  newFileNumbe r 

4. If you want to monitor a file offline, with no wait between
   updates, and 500 points plotted:

5. Do the same thing but wait 1 second between plots and read 200 points at
   a time:

   You can change the size of the plot by expanding or contracting the
plot window. The plot will rescale itself.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masmostrecentfile - find most recent mas file
 projid: string  project to search for. "*" for any project. Project
                 if the first part of the filename (
 ldate : string  date to search for. Format is: yyyymmdd. Use "*" for any
    bsg: string  BeamSubbandGroup to search for. eg:
                 b0s0g0 for beam0, subband0, group 0.
   lnum: string  file number to search for. Should be 5 digits eg: 00100.
                 Use "*" for any file number.
 curFI:{}        file Info structure. If supplied then file the next file after
                 this file.
 oldest:int      if set then return the oldest rather than the newest file.
                 Use this to find the first file of a day.
 dirI:strarr[2]  If supplied then this specifies the prefix and suffix for the
                 directories to search.  The prefix is the directory name prior to
                 to directory number and the suffix is the directory path
                 following the number. The default is:
                 dirI[0]='/share/pdata', dirI[1]="/pdev/"
 noappbm:        if set then dirI[0],dirI[1] do not have a beam number 
                 between them. use for data in /share/pdata/pdev
 src: ''         if supplied then require this source name (for psrfits)
psrfits:         if set then search for psrfits files that have a srcname
   stat:         1: found file, -1 no file.
 basdir: string  base dir for files we searched for: eg
  newFI: {}      File info structure for file that was found.
  flist:strarr   list of files found from the ls command.
	Find the most recent file that fits the specifications provided by the 
user. This routine is normally used for monitoring where you want to
find the next file automatically. The routine uses ls filename where 
filename may contain some wildcards.
Examples for using it.
1. If monitoring a days worth of files:
  a. set projid,ldate,bsg, lnum=*, and set oldest
     on return set curFI=newFI
  b. When ready to move to the next file, pass in curFI=curFI to find the
     next file.
2. for online montoring of most recent file do the same as 1. do not set oldest.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masonofffind - find onoff position switch patterns
SYNTAX: n=masonofffind(projId,
projid: string project id to search for
yymmdd: long    yyyymmdd limit to this date
 appbm:         apply bm number to each directory. This should normally
                be set:
dirI[2]: string if data not in default /share/pdataN/pdev
                see masfilelist for usage.
bm     : int    if supplied limit to this beam
band   : int    0,1 limit to this band. Note if you have single pixel
                data you probably should set band=1 or masfilelist may
                not find the files.
grp    : int    limit to this group 0, or 1.

   n   :int     number proccessed patterns. Each pointing pattern
                can generate multiple processed patterns if you use
                multple bms.
patI[n]:		 info on processed patterns
npat   : int    number of pointing patterns executed.
nsrc   : int    number of unique sources
srcAr[nsrc]: string list of sources used.

	- there will be one entry for each pattern and bm used
     If you have 4 bms then a single patId will have 4 entries
     in patI[]

      patI[i].srcNm      - source name
      patI[i].nscans     - # of scans in pattern ..
      patI[i].bm        - bm number 0..6
      patI[i].grp       - grp 0 or 1
      patI[i].flist[maxScans]  - list of filenames: 
                                same orde as scanTypeAr
      patI[i].sumI[maxScans]  - summary info for each scan 

	Find all of the onoff patterns the given project and constraints.
The routine accepts the same parameters at masfilelist:
The routine will pass back an array of patI structs holding info on 
each pattern. 

	There is a distinction between a pointing pattern and a processed 
dataset. You can have multiple processed datasets for each pointing
pattern if you used multiple beams or groups.


1.	Find the onoff info for project a2516 on 20100930 group 0.
       patI[n] - holds the info
       npat    - number of pointing patterns found
       upatIdAr[npat] - unique pattern id for each pointing pattern.
                 This can include multiple patI[] entries if multiple
                 bms taken on each pointing pattern.
       nsrc    - Number of unique on source names found
       usrcAr[nsrc] - list of source names.

2. now process all of the patterns found using group 0 bm 1.
   ii=where((patI.grp eq 0 ) and ( eq 0),cnt)
   for i=0,cnt-1 do begin
       j=ii[i]				; index in patI for this dataset
       istat=masposonoff(patI[j].filelist,b,...params for masposonoff)
       if i eq 0 then b0ar=replicate(b[0],cnt); generate large array

  this assumes that all of the bm=0 data sets have the same
  number of channels (since we are trying to store them all in an array).

3. plot out the first set of results

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masopen - open mas file for reading
SYNTAX: istat=masopen(filename,desc,fnmI=fnmI,hdr=hdr)
   filename: string    filename to open (unless fnmI is specified)
   fnmI    : {]        returned from masfilelist. if provided,
                       then ignore filename and use this as the
                       file to open.
   istat: 0 ok
          -1 could not open file.
   desc : {}  file descriptor to pass to the i/o routines.
    hdr : [string] if present then return fits bintable header for the fille

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
masparsfnm - parse a mas file name
SYNTAX: istat=masparsfnm(filename,fnmI)
   filename: string  mas filename to parse
  istat: int  1 if valid mas name, 0 if not a valid mas name
  fnmI : {}     structure holding the parsed information.

 The format is:
 where obs is optional

IDL> help,fnmI,/st

* Structure PDEVFNMPARS, 8 tags, length=60, data length=60:
   DIR             STRING    '/share/pdata1/pdev/'
   FNAME           STRING    'if2noise.20081107.b0s0g0.00000.fits'
   PROJ            STRING    'if2noise'
   DATE            LONG          20081107
   BM              INT              0
   BAND            INT              0
   GRP             INT              0
   NUM             LONG                 0

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
maspatfind - find data taking patterns
SYNTAX: n=maspatfind(projId,obsModeAr,scanTypeAr,minScanPat,recCntMatch,
projid: string project id to search for
obsModeAr[n]: strarr obsmode for each step in pattern
scanTypeAr[n] : strarr scan type name for each scan in pattern
minScanPat    : int    minimum number scans required for pattern.
                   obsmodear,scantypear should have the optional 
                   scans at the end. eg for on,off you could optionally
                   have a cal.
recCntMatch[n]: int  index in obsModeAr that has to have the same
                number of records.
                eg: suppose onoff position swithch with cals.. then
                recntMatch=[-1,0,-1,2] index from 0, -1 --> don't care
                [0]=-1   pos on don't care any number is on .. on
                [1]=0    pos off has to match cnt in on.
                [2]=-1   cal on  don't  care
                [3]=2    cal off has to match cnt in cal on
yymmdd: long    yyyymmdd limit to this date
 appbm:         apply bm number to each directory. This should normally
                be set. If yymdd=0 then any date will match.
dirI[2]: string if data not in default /share/pdataN/pdev
                see masfilelist for usage.
bm     : int    if supplied limit to this beam
band   : int    0,1 limit to this band. Note if you have single pixel
                data you probably should set band=1 or masfilelist may
                not find the files.
grp    : int    limit to this group 0, or 1.

   n   :int     number proccessed patterns. Each pointing pattern
                can generate multiple processed patterns if you use
                multple bms.
patI[n]:		 info on processed patterns
npat   : int    number of pointing patterns executed.
nsrc   : int    number of unique sources
srcAr[nsrc]: string list of sources used.

	- there will be one entry for each pattern and bm used
     If you have 4 bms then a single patId will have 4 entries
     in patI[]

      patI[i].srcNm      - source name
      patI[i].nscans     - # of scans in pattern ..
      patI[i].bm        - bm number 0..6
      patI[i].grp       - grp 0 or 1
      patI[i].flist[maxScans]  - list of filenames: 
                                same orde as scanTypeAr
      patI[i].sumI[maxScans]  - summary info for each scan 

	Find all of the patterns the given project and constraints.
The routine accepts the same parameters at masfilelist:
The routine will pass back an array of patI structs holding info on 
each pattern. 

	There is a distinction between a pointing pattern and a processed 
dataset. You can have multiple processed datasets for each pointing
pattern if you used multiple beams or groups.


1.	Find the dps info for project a2516 on 20100930 group 0.
       patI[n] - holds the info
       npat    - number of pointing patterns found
       upatIdAr[npat] - unique pattern id for each pointing pattern.
                 This can include multiple patI[] entries if multiple
                 bms taken on each pointing pattern.
       nsrc    - Number of unique on source names found
       usrcAr[nsrc] - list of source names.

2. now process all of the patterns found using group 0 bm 1.
   ii=where((patI.grp eq 0 ) and ( eq 0),cnt)
   for i=0,cnt-1 do begin
       j=ii[i]				; index in patI for this dataset
       if i eq 0 then b0ar=replicate(b[0],cnt); generate large array

  this assumes that all of the bm=0 data sets have the same
  number of channels (since we are trying to store them all in an array).

3. plot out the first set of results

 1. this routine assumes a scan (for 1 bm) always fits in 1 file. 

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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maspatidday - get the pattern id's for a day and obsmode
SYNTAX: npatid=maspatidday(yymmdd,proj,obsmode,patIday,src=src,bmtotest=bmtotest,$

  yymmdd   long    date to test
  proj     string  project id to test
  obsmode  string  the pattern must include this obsmode type:see list below
                   (it can contain additional obsmodes eg ONOFF  with CAL
                   The exception is if patid= keyword is used.
     src:  string  if supplied then the pattern must also be on this source.
                   def: any source
bmToTest:  int     which bm (mock box to check) 0..6
patid   : long     if present then ignore obsmode.
                   return info for patid.. If src= is supplied then this patid
                   must have src as its object..
  npatid   int     number of unique patterns we found
 patIdDay: {}      struct holding the info

 Search for all patterns for date yymmdd and project=proj.
To be included the pattern must include the obsmode=obsmode (see below)
If the keyword src is included then the pattern must also have src for the
source observered.
	The routine only scans a single mock bm (by default bm0). the keyword bmtotest=
will use that beam instead (0..6).

	If the patid=  keyword is present, then the routine ignores obsmode
and searches for the single patid=patid (in bmToTest). If src= is supplie then
this pattern id must have src as its object.

	The info is returned in the structure patIday

  NPAT   LONG       2          number of patterns found
  PROJ   STRING    'sun'       project id used
  SRC    STRING    'sun'       source requested
  PATI   STRUCT     Array[2]   holds the info on each pattern
the patI struct holds:
 PATID   LONG      211700002   patid for this pattern
 FNUM0   INT       0           first filenumber for pattern
 FNUM1   INT       2800        last  filenumber for pattern
 HDR0    STRUCT MASFHDR Array[1] fits header first scan, bm=bmToTest
 HDR1    STRUCT MASFHDR Array[1] fits header last  scan  

  obsmode values are:
 ONOFF    - on off position switching
 RADECMAP - map driving in ra, stepping in dec
 ON       - just tracking a source
 CAL      - calon,off will probably be part of another pattern. eg, onoff	 
 CROSS    - az,el cross on a source

 this routine  will not work with pulsar observations since the psrfits files
 have a different header

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masplot - plot mas spectra
SYNTAX: masplot,b,freq=freq ,over=over,pollist=pollist,norm=normRange,median=median,$
 b[n]: {b}   mas structure from masget to plot
freq[n]: float  if provided then use this as the x axis
   over:        if set then overplot spectra
pollist: long   pols to plot: 12 = polA,B, -1--> all pols available
norm[2]: float  normalize the spectra. If two element array then is is the range
                of frequency bins to use for the mean (cnt from 0). If a single
                element or /norm then use all the bins. If keyword median set then
                use mean rather than mean
median:         if set then use median rather than mean when normalizing
    off: float  If multiple spectra then increment each spectra by off.   
   chn :        if set then plot vs channel number (count from 0)
   smo : int    smooth by this many channels
 ** to plot versus velocity
 retvel:        if set (/retvel) then plot versus velocity (see masfreq())
 restFreq: float Mhz. if /retvel then use restFreq as the restFreq when 
                computing the velocity. The default is to use the hdr restFreq.
 velCrdSys:string If supplied then use this as the velocity coord system. The
                default is to use what is in the header. The values are:

mfreq  :        multiple frequencies.if set then the b[n] array has different
                 freqs  (single pixel).
                It we replot a new x axis each time. User needs to
                setup the hor value ahead of time.
                Note: if you also select /retvel, you'd better supply
colar[4]: int   color indices for pol1,2,3,4.1-black,2-red,3-green,4-blue
                5-yell w..
edgefr  : float if provided, the fraction of band on each edge to not plot
flip    :       if set then flip the freq array. use when hdr info is wrong.
	Plot the various spectr in b. If b.accum > 0 the scale by one over this
when plotting (but don't change the data).

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masplotmb - plot mas multi beam data
SYNTAX : masplotmb,b,bmlist=bmlist,vel=vel,rest=rest,off=ploff,pol=pol,
 b[nspc,nbms]:  {masget} data to plot
  bmlist: int   This is the beams to plot numbering beams 0..6.
                To plot beams 0,2,4,6 use 2360 (note that beam 0 can't come
                first). By default all beams are plotted.
     vel:       if set, then plot versus velocity
    rest:       if set, then plot versus rest frequency
     off: float if plotting multiple integrations then this is the
                offset to add between each plot of a single sbc. def 0.
     pol: int   if set, then plot only one of the pol(1,2 ..3,4 for stokes)
   norm :       if set then normalize the spectra for a given pol,beam before
    over:       if set then overplot with whatever was previously plotted.
                This only works if you plot 1 sbc at a time (eg m=1).
   nolab:       if set then don't plot the power level labels in the middle
                of the plot for stokes data.
 extitle: string add to title line
newtitle: string replace title line
  xtitle: string title for x axis
  ytitle: string title for y axis
  col[4]: int   Change the order of the default colors. The 
                order is PolA,polB,stokesU,stokesV colors.
                values are:1=white(on black),2-red,3=green,4=blue,5=yellow
     sym: int   symbol to plot at each point. The symbols are labeled
                1 to 9. Positive numbers only plot the symbol (no 
                connecting lines). Negative numbers (-1 to -9) plots the 
                symbol and a connecting line. sym=10 will plot in 
                histogram mode.
     chn:       if set then plot vs channel
   flag[]: float if present then flag each of these channels with a vertical
                line. The units should be that of the x axis (Mhz,chan, or 
   lnsflag: int linestyle for flag. 0=solid 1-dashed,2=dashed,3=dots

   masplotmb will plot the mas spectra. The data should come from
masavgmb(). If one dimension, then the dimension is over beams. If 
two dimensions then b[nspc,nbeams].
You can plot:
 - any combination of sbc using pol=pol and bmlist
 - by topocentric frequency (defaul), rest frequency, or by velocity
 - make a strip plot if b is an array by using off=ploff.
   masplotmb,b1            plot all sbc
   masplotmb,b,brd=0       plot brd0 (beam 0)
   masplotmb,b,brd=1       plot brd1 (beam 1)
   masplotmb,b,brd=2,pol=2 plot brd2 (beam 2),polB only
   masplotmb,b,brd=3,pol=1 plot brd3 (beam 3) pola only
   masplotmb,b,brd=30,/vel plot brd0,3 (beam0,3) by velocity
   use hor,ver to set the plotting scale.
   oveplotting only works if you display 1 brd at a time.
   masavgmb. hor,ver in the generic idl routines.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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maspos - position to row in fits file
SYNTAX: istat=masposrow(desc,row)
   desc:{}             returned from masopen().
   row : long          row to position to. Count rows from 1
   istat: 0 ok

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masposonoff - process a position switch scan
SYNTAX: istat=masposonoff(flist,b,bonrecs,boffrecs,sclcal=sclcal,
  flist[4,n]:  string filenames for on,off,calon,caloff
       sclcal: if not zero then scale to kelvins using the cal on/off
               that follows the scan
       scljy:  if set then convert the on/off-1 spectra to Janskies. 
               It first scales to kelvins using the cals and then applies
               the gain curve.
    han    :   if set then hanning smooth the data. not yet supported..
    median :   if set then median filter rather than average
               the poson,posoff,calon,caloff records.
    double :   if set then return doubles. default is float.
    smooff :   if supplied then smooth the off by this number of channels
               before dividing. 
               -1,0,1 no smoothing
               > 1 smooth by averaging
               < -1 median fitler by this many channels.
    sclmask:int used when computing scale factor that average frequency.  
               These averages include:
                avg(tcal[freq]),avg(calOn[freq]-caloff[freq]) and
                0 - (default)
                    linear fit to calon/caloff then all points 3 sigma from
                    the fit are flagged as bad. These points will
                    not be included in the averages.
                1 - Use sclmask=0 (calon/caloff) plus check the posOn,posOff
                    :compute rms/mean along each channel for the posOn
                     and posoff datasets then avgerage the two rms's.
                    :robust linear fit to rms throwing out freq channels
                     of more than 3 sigma.
               2 -  exclude 6% of channels on each side of the bandpass.
                    All other channels are used for the averages.
               The result of sclMask is returned in calI.indused. These are the
               indices into the freq array that were used for the averages.
 edgefrac[2]:float  fraction of edge on each side to exclude when 
                    computing cal scaling.
 nocheck    :       if set then don't bother to check the type of files. 
 remdc      :       if set then interpolate across the dc channel in the middle of the spectra
       istat  int   1: completed ok.
                    0: did not complete
                   -1: error...
         b:    {masget} return (on-off)/off * X here..  
                   hX is: 
                   sclCal true : (kelvins/mascnt)/.. units are then K
                   sclcal false: off                   .. units are TsysOff
     bonrecs[]  {masget} return individual on records. This is an 
                   optional argument. The units will be K (if /sclcal),
                   Jy if /sclJy, else masdevice units.
     boffrecs[] {masget} return individual off records. This is an 
                   optional argument. The units will be K (if /sclcal),
                   Jy if /sclJy, else masdevice units.
  keywords that return info:
     calI[]    {calI} return cal info. see mascalonoff..
   Process a position switch on,off pair. Return a single spectrum
per pol of  (posOn-posOff)/posOff. The units will be:
 Kelvins  if /sclcal is set
 Janskies if /scljy  is set . 
 TsysUnits if none of the above is set.

   The header will be that from the first record of the on with the
following b.h.azimuth, b.h.elevatio set to the average for the on scan

   If bonrecs is specified then the individual on records will also
be returned. If boffrecs is specified then the individual off records 
will be returned. The units for these spectra will be  Kelvins 
if /sclcal, Jy if /scljy is set or masdevice  units (linear in power).

   b - holds the spectral data and headers:

   calI: A structure holding info on the cal,caloff
       calI.CALVAL[2] :  Cal values used for polA,polB
       calI.exposure  :  integration time that cntstok corresponds to.
       calI.NUMPOL    :  number of pols. normally 2. 1--> stokes I
       calI.CNTSTOK[2]:  Conversion factors masDevice cnts to Kelvins
                         For pola, polB.
       calI.npnts     :  number of points in spectra used for averaging.
       calI.flipped   :  1 normal, -1 spectra was flipped
       calI. EDGEFRACT[2]:  edgeFract[0,1] excluded
       calI.USEMASK   :  1--> use mask, 0--> use edge fraction to throw 
                         out outliers.
       calI.INDUSED[calI.npnts]: indices into spectra used to compute

 1. If the individual records are returned and /sclJy is returned then
    the values will be the SEFD (system equivalent flux density). 
    No bandpass correction is done on these individual records.
    values for the ons,offs with be Tsys/gain.
 2. There is a difference between < on/off - 1> and
        / namely the bandpass shape .. let f be the bandpass shape:
        then < f*on/(f*off) -1> does not have the bandpass
        but   / does  the basic problem is that
        / is not equal to 
 3. If the acquired band is larger than the bandwidth of the receiver
    ( eg: 800 Mhz rcvr is about 100 Mhz, and you might use a 172 Mhz
        band to measure it)
     then you should use the edg=keyword to limit the computation to the
     part of the band that has signal.
     example: suppose there are 8192 channels.
     look at where the band rises and falls. Suppose it rises at channel
         1800 and falls at channel 6800.. then


(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masrms - compute rms/Mean  by channel
SYNTAX: brms=masrms(bin,rembase=rembase,nodiv=nodiv)
  bin[] : {masget} array of masget structures
rembase :          If set then remove a linear baseline (by channel) before
                   computing the rms.
nodiv  :           If set then don't divide by the mean values of each chan.
       brms : {masget} where brms.bN.d[] is now the rms/mean by channel.
   The program will compute the rms/mean for each frequency channel. If the
/nodiv keyword is set then the rms is not divided by the channel mean (so
you can then see the size of the rms in spectrometer counts). The rembase
keyword will remove a linear baseline in each channel before computing
the rms.
   The input data (bin) can be a single row element with multiple dumps per
row or it can be an array of row elements (with one or more dumps per row).
There must be at least 5 number per channel for the rms computation.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masstokes - intensity calibrate stokes data.

SYNTAX: istat=masstokes(bdatIn,bcalIn,descDat,descCal,$
                        mask=mask,cmpmask=cmpmask, phase=phase
 bdatIn[n]:{}       data to calibrate.
 bcalIn[2]:{}       cal on,off. Should already be averaged to 1 on rec, 
                     1 off rec.
 descDat  :{}        descriptor for datafile
 descCal  :{}        descriptor for cal file
                     These are needed to check the ashift pdev 
                     parameter for the scaling of the data. It is stored
                     in desc.hsp1.

        avg:         if set then return the averaged data record
        han:         if set then hanning smooth the data.
  edgefract: float   fraction of bandpass on each side to not use during
                     calibration. default .1
mask[nchan]:int      if supplied then mask to use when computing things
                     0--> do not include channel. nchan must match 
                     number of channels in spectra. 
cmpmask    :         if set then compute mask from calon/caloff
                     and ignoring 6% of channels on each edge.
      phase:         if set then phase calibrate the data
      bpc: int       1 band pass correct with cal off
                     2 band pass correct with calon-caloff
                     3 band pass correct with mean(data)
                     4 band pass correct with the median(data)
                     Last two good for time varying measurements:
                     mapping,flares, etc..
   fitbpc:  int      fit a polynomial of order fitbpc  to the masked
                     version of the band pass correction and use the 
                     polynomial rather than the data for the "interior
                     portions of the mask (1 portions of the mask excluding
                     the outside edges where the filter falls off.
                     This is only used if bpc =1,or 2.
   smobpc:  int      smooth the bandpass correction by smobpc channels 
                     It should be an odd number of channels. This is only
                     valid if bpc =1 or 2.
   phsmo:   int      number of channels to smooth the sin,cos of the
                     phase angle before computing the arctan. default 11.
   nochk:            if set then don't bother to check if these are valid
                     cal records. Good to use if data from a non standardprg.
   mmcor:            if set then apply the mueller matrix correction
                     to the data (if it exists for the receiver)
mmret[4,4,nbrds]:    if mmcor set and mmret is provided, return the mueller
                     matrix for this dataset.
bdatOut: {masget} intensity calibrated data spectra
bcalOut: {masget} intensity calibrated cal spectra
 istat: 1 ok
      : 0 hiteof 
      :-1 no cal onoff recs
      :-2 could not get cal value 
      :-3 cal,data scans different configs
      :-4 at least 1 board did not have stokes data
      :-5 sbc length does not match mask length
      :-6 illegal bandpass correction requested
      :-7 desc.ashifts0s1 or ashifts2s3 not equal

   masstokes will intensity calibrate (and optionally phase calibrate) 
stokes data given  data  and a cal on,off. The data is passed in via
bdatInp. The cal is input vis bcalInp. The cal should already be averaged
so there is 1 cal on spectra and 1 cal off spectra.
	The descDat,descCal are the descriptors from masopen() of the data
and the cal file. They are needed to get the pdev scaling done
on the data (desc.hsp1).

	On output bdatOut and bcalOut will be in units of Kelvins. 
The /avg keyword will cause the bdatOut to be averaged to a single

   By default 10% of the bandpass on each edge is not used for the calibration.
You can increase or decrease this with the edgefract keyword. The mask
keyword allows you to create a mask for each sbc. The calibration will only
use the channels within the mask when computing the gain and phase calibration
factors. You can use this to exclude rfi or spectral lines.

   Bandpass correction can be done with the cal off scan or with the 
calon-caloff difference spectrum. Since the integration time for the cal is
usually much less than the data integration time,  you need to do some
type of averaging to the bandpass so the signal to noise does not increase.
The program lets you fit an N order polynomial to the bandpass with the
fitbpc keyword. An alternative would be to use the smobpc= keyword to
smooth the bandpass. 

   Phase calibration can be included by using the /phase keyword. 


   Let X and Y be the two polarizations, Px,Py be the total power, and
 MN be the correlation of M and N. cosft is a cosine transmform and cacf
 is a complex acf from YX and XY. Then the raw data is stored as: 
I (Px*cosft(XX) + Py*cosft(YY))/(Px+Py)
Q (Px*cosft(XX) - Py*cosft(YY))/(Px+Py)
U (real(fft(cacf)*Px*Py)/(Px+Py)
V (-img(fft(cacf)*Px*Py)/(Px+Py)
(the Q,U,V naming assumes linear polariztion).

   The intensity calibration consists of:

1. Scale all of the spectra by (Px+Py) to get unnormalized data.

2. Compute the average <calon>,<calOff> over the specified channels.
   The specified channels are determined by:
   a. The mask from the mask keyword
   b. Use edgefract to throw out this fraction of channels at each edge.
   c. Use an edgefraction of .1 (10%)

4. The conversion factor Tcal/(<calOn> - <calOff>) is computed for
   the two polarizations: scaleXX, scaleYY

5. If band pass correction is done,   multiply 
    bandpassXX can be taken from the calon or  calon-caloff. You can
    smooth the bpc (smobpc=) or you fit a polynomial to it (fitbpc=). If
    fitting is selected then the channels specified in 3. above are used
    for the fit.
    The normalization of the bandpass is also computed over the channels
    selected in 3. above.

6. For the cals and the data compute
I = (XX*scaleXX + YY*scaleYY)
Q = (XX*scaleXX - YY*scaleYY)
U = U*sqrt(scaleXX*scaleYY)
V = V*sqrt(scaleXX*scaleYY)

7. The phase correction will do a linear fit to the phase using the
   channels selected in 3. above.

   When deciding on the mask or edge fraction to use, you should have
a region where the calon-calOff is relatively flat (no filter rolloff and
no rfi).

   Suppose we have the following scans:

 40.42+0.70 210200238     5           on      on 18:02:53  5
 40.42+0.70 210200239     1     calonoff      on 18:07:56  5
 40.42+0.70 210200240     1     calonoff     off 18:08:07  5
To process the first two sets:
 --print,masstokes(lun,bdat,bcal); will process the first set
 --print,masstokes(lun,bdat,bcal,/han); will process the 2nd set with hanning

To process the 2nd set directly with an edgefraction=.12:

To input the data first, interactively create a mask, and then process 
the data with a mask
 --print,corgetm(lun,2 ,bcalinp,/han)  ; reads the next two records
 --cormask,bcalinp,mask                ; interactively creates the mask

Use the same cal for multiple data scans:
 --print,corgetm(lun,2 ,bcalinp,scan=210200236L/han);

Do amplitude and phase calibration. Use the cal off for the bandpass
correction. Use a 3rd order polynomial fit to the cal off for the bandpass
The bandpass correction is a bit tricky and depends on what type of
observations you are doing. The integration time for the off is usually
a lot less than the on positions so you need to use either the bandpass
fit or smoothing. It would probably be a good idea to add an option for
the user to input a bandpass to use for the correction (from an off src

 01dec09 still in progress
        .. mmcor,mmret do not yet work so don't try them

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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masstripch - stripchart recording of total power
SYNTAX:   masstripch,desc,maxpnt=maxpnt,v1=v1,v2=v2,sub=sub,$

  desc:    {}      from masopen()
   polList:int     pols to use. 1,12,-1 (all pols a,b def)
   maxpnt: long    max number of points to display at once. default: 1000
   v1[2] : float   min,max value for top plot
   v2[2] : float   min,max value for bottom plot (polA-polB)
   sub   :         if set then subtract running mean
   scan : long     position to scan before starting. The
                   default is the current position
   rec   : long    record of file to position to before starting.
                   cnt from 1..def: 1
rdDelay: float     number of seconds to wait between reads if no new
                   data available.
pltDelay: float    number of seconds to wait after each plot. Use this
                   to slowly scan a file that already exists.
   rdStep: long    max number of points to try and read at a time. Plot
                   will increment by this amount when you read a file.
   win   : long    window number to plot in. Default is 0
median   :         if set, use the median to compute the power
maskar[nchn]:int   if provided then use to mask off chan
                   with rfi. use chan where maskAr[] > 0
colar[2] :int      color indices to use for plotting polA,B
                   def: 1-white,2-red
   The routine makes a stripchart recording of the total power and power
difference polA-polB. It will step through the data file displaying
up to MAXPNT pnts on the screen. When this value is reached, the plot will
start scolling to the left. When the end of file is hit, the routine
will wait rdDelay seconds (default of 1 second) and then try to read
any new data in the file. This allows you to monitor data as it is 
being taken. If you are scrolling through a file offline, use PLTDELAY
to slow down the plotting rate (if it is too fast). At the end of the file
hit any key and the enter q to quit (see below).

   The top plot is the 0lag total power. The units are linear in power and the
definition is measured/optimum power (for statistics of 3/9level sampling).
You can change the vertical scale with the v1[min,max] keyword or from the
menu displayed you hit any key. The line colors correspond to the 8 
subcorrelators available on the interim correlator.

   The bottom plot is the power difference PolA-PolB for each correlator
board (NOTE: currently this only works if polA,polB are on the same board).
The vertical scale can be changed with the v2=v2[min,max] keyword or from
the menu displayed when you hit any key.

   You can stop the plotting by touching any key on the keyboard.
A menu will be presented that lets you modify some parameters and then
continue. The menu is:

command       function
q             to quit
r             rewind file
v1  min max   new min,max for top    window 
v2  min max   new min,max for bottom window 
blank line ..continue 

   You can quit, rewind the file and continue, change the vertical scale of
the top plot with v1 min max, or change the vertical scale of the bottom
plot. Any other inputline will let you continue from where you are
(unlike cormonall, you have to enter return for the program to read the

1. monitor the online datataking:

2. set fewer points per plot for better resolution. Set the top vertical
   scale to .8,2. and the bottom plot to -.4,.4.

3. If you want to restart from the begining of the file:
   hit any character
   and it will rewind an continue

4. If you want to monitor a file offline, with no wait between
   updates, and 500 points plotted:

5. Do the same thing but wait 1 second between plots and read 200 points at
   a time:

   You can change the size of the plot by expanding or contracting the
plot window. The plot will rescale itself.

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mastdim - decode fits tdim1 keyword
SYNTAX: mastdim,h,nchan=nchan,nra=nra,ndec=ndec,npol=npol,nspc=nspc 
   h{} : struct        fits header (b.h)
   istat: 0 ok
          -1 could not parse tdim1
   nchan: long number of frequency channels
     nra: long number of ra points
    ndec: long number of dec points
    npol: long number of pols 1,2,4
    nspc: long number of specra

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/


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mastsyshwcal - compute tsys from files with hardware winking cal 
SYNTAX: n=mastsyshwcal(fnmAr,tsysI,fnmIAr=fnmIAr,verb=verb,$
 fnmAr[n]: strarr  list of files to process
 fnmIAr[n] :{}       files to input. returned from masfilelist. If
                     present, ignore fnmAr[]
 edgefract[2]:fltarr fraction of bandpass on each edge to ignore when computing
                     tsys. default [.06,.06]. if single value entered then use
                     same fraction on each edge.                     
 verb      : int     if set then output file info as they are processed
 n       : int > 0 number of entries in tsysI[n]. it will skip any files that do not
                   include the winking cal.
             < 0 error
 tsysI[n]:  struct arr  holding tsys info for each file
 rmsdigar[2,2,n]: fltarr   return dig rms [i/q,POlA/B,nfiles]
	Compute tsys from files with hardware winking cal data. Each file
in fnmAr[n] (or fnmIAr[]) is input using masgethwcal(). The
cal value is input and then tsys is computed using the cal off specdtra. Tsys info
is returned in the tsysI[] structure. It contains:
   YYMMDD    LONG      20220711   ; ast date start of file
   SECMID    LONG         84093   ; ast secmid start of file
   SEC1970   DOUBLE   1.6575961e+09 ; secs 1970 start of file
   H         STRUCT -> MASFHDR Array[1]; mas header
   SCAN      LONG     219200151        ; scan number
   BM        LONG             0        ; bm/band 0..6
   CFR       FLOAT       8219.00       ; center freq of band in MHz
   AZ        FLOAT       50.7062       ; az start of file
   EL        FLOAT       53.9142       ; el start of file
   TSYSA     FLOAT       103.902       ; tsys polA deg K avg over band
   TSYSB     FLOAT       97.4181       ; tsys polB deg K (if 2 pol)
   CALI      STRUCT->  Array[1] ; cal info, includes how much of band was used
                                             to compute tsys (edge, rfi ignored).
	1. process tsys for a given day for proj sscontin
 ver, 80,125

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/mas/