Dec07 polB Tsys increases

18dec07: checking the sefd with two sources
07feb08: checking the sefd after adjusting the bias voltages.

18dec07: checking the sefd dec07:

       After the painting upgrade (dec07) the Tsys lbw polB increased. This could be a real increase in Tsys or the cals values could have changed (since the dewar was worked on).
    On 18dec07 two calibration scans were done using lbw to verify the pointing model for lbw.

    The plots show the polA,polB results for the calibration runs (.ps) (.pdf):

    processing: x101/071218/

07feb08 SefdPolA/SefdPolB after adjusting the dewar biases.

    The biases for lbw were readjusted on 06feb07. Data was taken on 07feb08 using the source B1535+139.
The plots show the polA,polB results for the calibration runs (.ps) (.pdf):
processing: x101/080207/
