# # chirp chop for paul. using siggen 1 output with siggen 2 arb from chan 1 # to set: # freq1,2 to sweep between # swptime: # need to setup the arb waveform .. h5msl5ms .. and chirpchop.seq to match swptime + off time: # eg swptime 5ms # h5msl5ms gives sweep 5ms , off 5ms # sg2 triggered by 1 sec tick set srate 10000 set freq1 "5.095e6" set freq2 "5.125e6" set swptime ".005" set outampSin "4.3dbm" set sgSin 1 set sgArb 2 set chnArb 1 log -->start chirpchop arb $sgArb $chnArb clr config $sgSin chirpchop.cfg freq1=$freq1,freq2=$freq2,outamp=$outampSin,swptime=$swptime # xxxxxxxxxxxx arb $sgArb $chnArb load arbstart L40 # 5ms 5ms off arb $sgArb $chnArb load h5msl5ms H50 L50 # send $sgArb SOURCE1:FUNC ARB # arb $sgArb $chnArb seq h3252/chirpchop.seq send $sgArb SOURCE1:FUNC:ARB chirpchop config $sgArb arb1_only.cfg srate=$srate,seqnm=chirpchop # # sequence # startsg $sgSin 1 sine -1 syncsec .9 startsg $sgArb $chnArb seq:chirpchop 1000