Gregorian amp/mot 22 failure jun13
Layout of gregorian
drive system
12jul13 failure, drag link comes off
June13 failures
When the failures occurred
Plots of the system status during the failures.
Damage found after the 18jun13 10am failure
There were a number of motor amplifier
failures in mid June 2013. They mainly involved amplifier 22.
layout of drive system (top)
The Gregorian dome drive system consists of:
- 8 motors drive the dome
- the motors are named : m11,m12,m21,m22,m31,m32,m41,m42
- pairs of motors are mounted together on a drive truck.
- (m11,m12),()m21,m22 are mounted on the uphill half of the
dome (with m11 highest)
- m11,m12 are mounted together in a truck that rides on
the rack gear beam
- m21,m22 are mounted together in a truck that rides on
the rack gear beam
- m11,m12 are connected via a drag link to one side of a
connection bracket
- m21,m22 are connected via a drag link to the other side
of the same connection bracket.
- The dome is then connected to the bottom part of this
connection bracket.
- m31,32,41,42 are mounted similar to the m11 thru 21
about 20 feet downhill
The picture shows how the upper 4 motors are connected to the dome:

- There is 1 amplifier for each motor. These amplifiers are
located in the vertex shelter (on top of the azimuth arm). They
are called ampxx where xx is the motor number (eg
- There are two power supplies that power the 8 amplifiers.
- power supply 1 powers amps 11,12,21,22
- power supply 2 power amps 31,32,41,42
- The dc bus of the amplifier ranges from 250Volts to 360 volts
(regeneration can raise the bus voltage).
- More info on
amps,motors,power supplies
12jul13: drag link comes undone,
connection plate bent.
The drag link for motors 21,22 was disconnect
around 22:00 hours on 12jul13. It appears that the dome was moved
after this occurred. Looking at the pictures (below) it looks like
the motor pig ended up pushing on the hydraulic brake equipment.
plots of
gregorian status for 12jul13 (.ps) (.pdf)
- The plots show 14:00 to 24:00 for 12jul13
- The dashed lines mark the servofail ato 15:30 and 22:00
- page 1 has the positions (az,za)
- pages 2-6 show various status values
- page 7 has the torques for the 8 motors
- the drag link probably came undone a little after 22:00
(although we have no was of actually knowing this).
plots of the damaged connection
- Connection plate bent. view1
, view 2
- Drag link on pig disconnected from motor. view 1
- motor shield hits hydraulic brake mounting
- motor shield and hydraulic brake mounting view 1, view 2
- motor shield (view 1)
- hydraulic brake plate (view
- motor power cables into transition box, connector pulled out
(view 1)
jun13:When the failures occurred (top)
The failures occurred 15,16,17,and 18jun13. The
one second sampling of the drive system status was used to determine
the different failures.
- 15jun13 sat @ 19:11
- motor 22 torque increases 2 seconds between shutdown
- 16jun13 sun @ 21:34
- Failure:
- amp22 not ready
- amp 11,12,22fault (21 remained ok)
- motor 22 torque was oscillating for 6 minutes prior
to failure. changes 3 times larger than other amps.
- 17jun13 mon @ 15:34
- failure:
- amp 22 not ready. everything else remained normal
- Torque for all motors was increasing. mot 22 was the
highest. at value43 ft-lbs.
- .. amp for motor 22 replace
16:00 17jun13
- 18jun13 tues @ 02:18
- Failure:
- amp 22 not ready. All others ok
- Torques
- Torque for all motors was increasing. mot 22 was the
highest. at value 35 ft-lbs
- 18jun13 tues @ 10:14
- maintenance crew driving dome with pcu (in rate mode..
velocity loop only)..
- Failure:
- amp 22 not ready
- amp 11,12,21,22 amp fault
- dcbus1 fault
- power supply 1 drives motors 11,12,21,22.
- ac dc bus fault occurs when the amp dc bus goes above
360 Volts.
- this is probably why all 4 amps had the amp fault.
- Torques:
- motor 22 torque rose 1 or 2 secs before the failure. to
about 33 ft lbs
- motors 31,32,41,42 torques went up to around 32 foot lbs 1
sec after the failure.
- They are on power supply 2. these are probably the
torques used to stop the motion
- the power supply for the other motors had the dc1bus
fault so they couldn't apply any torque.
Plots of the system status during the
failures (top)
The below plots were made using the status
info recorded around the various failures. This status info is
sampled once a second. The pages contain:
- Page 1: status Gregorian status.
- Page 2: control status, power and brake status
- Page 3: Amplifier status
- Page 4: motor torques.
m22 not ready
m22 torque increases 2 secs before failure
(.pdf) |
m22 not ready
m11,12,22 fault. 21 ok
m22 oscillating for 6 minutes prior to failure
(.pdf) |
amp 22 not ready
all torques increasing. m22 highest .. about 43 ft-lbs
(.pdf) |
amp 22 not ready. all others
(.pdf)v |
amp22 torque increased 1-2
secs before failure
dc1 bus fault (pwrsup bus voltage > 360 Volts)
The next set of plots has the
position, velocity, and torques for all 5 failures (.ps) (.pdf):
- The vertical dashed line shows when the failure occurred.
- Page 1: Gregorian zenith angle:
- The failures did not occur at the same zenith angle.
- Page 2: Gregorian velocity.
- 15,16, and 18 2am were moving uphill
- 17 and 18 10am were moving downhill
- The black line is the velocity computed from the encoder
- the red line is the velocity coming from the amplifier
monitor output.
- Page 3: the motor torques for the 5 failures.
- 15 and 18 10am had m22 torque increases prior to the failure
- 17 and 18 2am had all torques increasing prior to the
- 16 had the torque for m22 oscillating for about 6 minutes
prior to the failure.
damage found and corrections after 10am
18jun13 failure (top)
- amp 22 was changed on 17jun13 after the 15:00 failure.
- Maintenance personal reported a large noise at the failure
- The drag links did not look aligned for motor 21,22
- after moving the dome, the drag links realigned themselves.
- the brake on motor 22 was inspected. When applying the brake,
you could still turn the motor with a wrench.
- motor 22 was replaced.
- A pin connects the drag link to the connecting plate and a
second pin connects the other side to the drive truck.
- One of the cotter keys (pins) that keeps this pin from
slipping out was broken.
- When trying to remove the pins for inspection, it was very
difficult to remove them.
- spherical bushing are used where the drag link connects to the
drive truck and the connection plate.
- Some of these spherical bushings were damaged and had to be
- Inspection of the uphill connection plate and dome connection
showed no deformations.
- later tests showed that one of the wheels on a drive truck was
worn down. It was replaced.